How To Use The New LPU

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Dec 10, 2010.

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  1. #21

    Majorfort Active Member

    May 3, 2007
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    ha you were quicker than me !
  2. #22

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I understand the metclub is better, as that's been brought up earlier...but the metclub is a rare type of fan club. Apart from LPU, they are one of the few if not the only (besides the LPU pre LPUX) to offer the things they've done every year. And granted if I was a metallica fan, this would be one hell of a deal.

    But you know, I'm not Adam nor am I an employed staffer of LPU so I really have no business to be talking on their behalf or trying to explain their decisions. I'm just an informed fan who believes in the LPU and still thinks it has some life in it yet, despite people signing it's death certificate.
  3. #23

    Majorfort Active Member

    May 3, 2007
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    @Derek yeah i know your not a staffer of the lpu, but i mean the main grinding point (that everyone) is the still unexplainable price raise. I really hope adam (or any other lpu staffer) could go in the detail of it.
  4. #24

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    The thing is, I believe they've tried several times to explain it and every time they have people have basically fired back at them and not accepted their official explanation. It's kind of a no win situation for them.
  5. #25

    Majorfort Active Member

    May 3, 2007
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    well no wonder, as many explained allready also
    first: no more merch package
    second: raise the price for "just" the lpu-summit? And only if they are on tour!
    what is when they are not touring f.e in 2012? You still have to pay 60$ for it.
    third: no more "really exclusive stuff" the lpu site on is open and everyone can acess it.

    For now i practically don't see a reason for 60$

    40$ to 30$ would be a more reasonable price.

    third :laser show presale only in us,
  6. #26

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Honestly, I'm glad a lot of people aren't joining. More exclusive chats/better odds of a meet and greet for me. And it should be noted that Linkin Park is an American Band. It's awesome that they have a huge international fan base that cares about them, but they can't please everyone. The LPU can't magically give free shipping to countries overseas. It's simply too expensive. Just be glad that the band tours your countries.

    I'm with Derek and I still think there's plenty of potential. I'm sure that Mike will take all of his lp chat/ustream chat energy and go on the LPU chat a lot more. Who knows? Maybe with the expensive prices the band will be more obligated to go on there more often because the number of LPU9 chats was far too low.

    The only weird thing is them having 2 separate pages? One for posting news and one for the rest? That's odd.
  7. #27

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    I know man. It's just very frustrating. Honestly, the fact that you're the only guy who's attempting to give actual answers is one of the most annoying things. It's good of you to do it, but you shouldn't have to. It should be them.

    An email should have been sent out to every member explaining what was going to happen and why.

    But they really didn't do anything to explain the changes even though they've had months to do so. They just dodged the questions with stock answers; "all will be revealed soon" or "Can't say, but it'll be awesome!"

    And now look at it. "Awesome" isn't the word I'd use.

    LPU has no one but themselves to blame if people were/are angry. Really, what did they expect? "Give us twice as much money but we're not going to tell what it's for & if you don't like it go somewhere else."
    Bad attitude. For that alone I probably won't be renewing.

    I'm glad i found this forum.

    Off topic:
    Yeah, the Fan Can is a seperate thing you have to buy. It's limited (by the record company)& is only released every few years, so you have to enter a reservation contest.
    I managed to get my hands on one.

    The DVD's in this one were filmed over 5 nights in Copenhagen (DVD 1 is an entire show, DVD 2 is selected songs from the other 4 nights + backstage footage, rehearsals, pre-show warm ups & interviews, etc).

    They had a competition where Clubbers sent in their amateur concert footage to be judged and the winners were brought backstage & given cameras to film the shows, interview the band. i.e. Everything on the DVDs is filmed by fans. :headbang:
  8. #28

    Majorfort Active Member

    May 3, 2007
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    So you rather pay more to get "less" besides the higher odds for a m&g? Well if you say so. This "but they can't please everyone." is the most (sry for that) laughable excuse everyone (sry again) is using to defend the business sides of thing with lp (lpu price/value, LP ticket price/value and Tour merch/Value).

    There goes my (I know stupid and rare cases, where a fan club can please everyone) Metclub (Metallicas Fanclub) example. Prices have been very stable for the last few years and for the same price 60$ you got much more fan service than lpu.
    -So What! 4 issues per year their offical magazin (not a pdf or a poster flyer thing)
    -Printed Autographed Band Photo
    -A Fan Can a limited edition collector's item containing a CD, a video, a rare t-shirt, and a trinket all packaged in a custom paint can.
    (I'm not sure if you need to buy it at the merch but)
    -Personal Meet and greet (just look at this video)

    and you want to tell me that metallica hasn't got a huge (maybe huger than lp) fanbase internationally?

    Sure you can now say "Well if you like their fanclub so much than join them! Dick leave don't renew to lpu"
    And i say maybe I will, maybe I will...
  9. #29

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    How many times do we have to post the Metallica fan club information? I think we get the picture. And I didn't say I'm paying more to get less benefits, but rather BETTER benefits because there will be LESS people.

    Moridin does bring up a good point. The LPU can only say "info coming soon" for so long. Before Mike's blog post, we had zero information on what the new benefits were besides the summits. Linkin Park is my favorite band, but sometimes their management can be frustrating.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  10. #30

    Majorfort Active Member

    May 3, 2007
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    I FULLY agree with the upper part of your post.
    And to the offtopic thing: wow 2 dvds! One with an entire show and the other with bonus footage thats f***ing awesome!
    How much does the fancan cost? And is the resevation kinda random (you may or may not get it)?
  11. #31

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Seeing as Metallica have been around for over 20 years, have sold considerably more albums than Linkin Park, and are probably more wealthy than Linkin Park, the whole Metclub > LPU argument stands to be invalid, seeing as I am more than certain Metallica can afford to continue offering as much as they do.
  12. #32

    MarcusArelius Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2003
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    Meet and Greets for LPUX

    Not sure if this has been brought up already but check out the PDF file I was given after joining LPUX concerning how meet and greets are going to work for LPUX members:

    One of the major benefits of being an LPU member is the chance to attend LPU Meet & Greets with
    Linkin Park at concerts. For the 2010 World Tour, we are conducting a NEW kind of Meet & Greets. For
    these tour dates, we'll be randomly selecting LPUX members to meet the ENTIRE BAND. We're also
    going to be inviting more members to each Meet & Greet, so more of you have the chance to attend.

    Does any of the wordiing here srike you as odd? "Randomly selecting"...."so more of you have the chance to attend". Does anyone else find that statement to be inconsistent like I see it? In the only M&G I have ever been to there was no question that if you were a LPU member and you went to a concert, you were given the right to attend the M&G. Sounds like thats out the window now and its up to some random system to accept you.
  13. #33

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    With all due respect, what are you talking about? People have been getting turned town from meet and greets all the time. Plenty of people have never met the band despite being LPU members years. LPU members have always been randomly selected. It's never been "you're right" just because you're a member and you're going to that show. Now, 5-6 years ago when the band didn't have as many fans, that's a different story. The new meet and greet format is amazing. The entire band AND a better chance to get picked.
  14. #34

    MarcusArelius Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2003
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    I'm referring to when I saw Linkin Park live in 2004, there was no random selection for those getting to go to the M&G. The concert was full, I don't remember seeing one empty seat either. I always thought that one of the BIG perks of being in the LPU was for the M&G's....I never knew that some still had to fight their way into getting the chance to attend the M&G...Like I said, I sure didn't have to and that was during LPU's prime when they had more activity and members on the boards than I can remember. It's hard to belive the LPU has been turning people down based on the number of LPU members in recent years....hasn't that been declining?

  15. #35

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    At least once more. :rasberry:

    It was $60 + $25 shipping, ironically. Yup, reservation was lottery style. If anyone wins & doesn't buy it then the remaining FC's go to a 2nd round lottery. Any left after that go to the store as first come first served.

    They'll be 30 next year.;)
    Fair point, Metclub has been around about 17 years, and so have more experience. But lack of experience can only be excused for some things. And LPU is 10 now, that's a fair bit of experience.

    But LP are also a headline act now, they could cover LPU costs no problem.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2010
  16. #36

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I still have no idea how to use the site :lol: it's so messy and cluttered up, I also hate this whole "join group" crap lol wtf.
  17. #37

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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  18. #38

    Scube Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2008
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    That's exactly what I feel. Lets see what it turns out to be.
  19. #39

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Mike forgot a little detailed entitled "LPUX isn't actually READY YET" :lol:.
  20. #40

    xmariedetx Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    even though Ive been a fan for 10 years or so, this is my first time joining the LPU.

    Im hoping I get m&g and a summit here in los angeles or near los angeles or cali at least haha.

    I probadly wont even join the chat room since im always at work and now im starting school again soon. So i wont be near a computer 24/7

    hope theres tons more we can do for the LPUX cause that 60 bucks was hard to pull out of my own pocket.
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