^ Yeah I posted that on the last page. The internet is pretty much panning the album... I hope he can get out of his contract with Atlantic and go indie asap! Right now he's in a sticky ass situation :/
Okay. the album is kinda "meh" WTF lupe? You could have just made some dope tracks and released it as Japanese Cartoon!
Haven't downloaded it yet. I'm buying this shit on Tuesday. And for those of you who are hating on Lasers, just wait on F&L2. If 'Go To Sleep' is any indication of how the album is going to be, it's going to be great. Besides, it obvious Atlantic had a huge hand in Lasers judging from what I've heard so far.
Exactly. F&L2 will be full of gems like Go To Sleep. First though, Lupe needs to get off that wretched label.
I'm surprised how highly Rolling Stone rated it http://www.lupefiasco.com/photo/31af47-rolling-stone-review/
Still waiting. Can't wait! Although if the album sucks, at least Lupe's with me on that. GET OUT OF ATLANTIC LU!
I think at this point, instead of the protesting for LASERS to be released, we need shirts that say "Free Lupe"
I don't get why he didn't just ignore them and did what he wanted. If the label would have refused to sell it, he could have just found another label. I dunno, maybe there's something I don't get here.
He's legally obligated to release (before Lasers was released I mean) 3 more albums before he can leave the label. If they refuse to greenlight the album, he doesn't get to leave. Most contracts to this effect also have a time limit, similar to 30 Seconds To Mars' whole fiasco concerning not releasing enough albums in the years allotted. Basically, if the stalemate continued, Lupe would ultimately be charged with violating his contract and be in much deeper shit than he's in now.
Makes sense I guess. I didn't know anything about the contract specifications. It seems weird that they were fine with Food & Liquor and The Cool and all the sudden want a heavy mainstream album.
With that argument, The Show Goes on could have been "the hit" and the rest could have been up to Lupe, which wasn't the case in Lasers.
The show goes on was a great song, I'm not sure why it wasn't a hit. Besides the fact that the video sucked the largest of saggy brown donkey balls.
Laser's tomorrow! But Lu is already half done with Food & Liquor II? http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/news/id.14317/title.lupe-fiasco-says-food-liquor-2-is-half-done