I don't know who I'm more annoyed by at this point, the "America Fuck Yeah-ers" or the Downers that have nothing better to do than try and put a negative spin on everything Anyway, Bin Laden is dead. Cheers!
How sick and disturbed do you have to be to go out on the streets and celebrate somebody's death, whoever he is..
I find this more interesting than the death of Osama. The Guantanamo Bay files leak: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_files_leak#.22Nuclear_hellstorm.22 Another element from the documents cited Khalid Sheikh Mohammed saying that, if Osama Bin Laden was captured or killed by U.S. allies, an Al-Qaeda sleeper cell would detonate a "weapon of mass destruction" in a "secret location" in Europe, and promised it would be "a nuclear hellstorm".[4][17][3] By March 2003, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had been waterboarded at least 183 times by the CIA.[18] It also reveals how the US forces captured over 150 innocent civilians, including Al Jazeera journalist Sami al-Hajj and detained them for years at Guantanamo Bay.
Guantanamo Bay is a trailer park compared to some of the undocumented prisons the CIA runs across the globe. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/01/AR2005110101644.html A Washington Post article on CIA rendition.
It's a shame we never got to see a dossier with United States of America vs. Usama bin Laden. His body has already been...disposed of, in the traditional Islamic way. Very respectful, although I can't say I'm surprised. Obama made a point to stress that this isn't a war on Islam or the Muslim people. Islamic law states you must be buried as soon as possible after death. Do believe they've already gotten their proof and post-BOOM HEADSHOT pictures, though. It's already floating out there if you're like me and morbidly curious. Ultimately, yeah, this won't change much. I keep hearing people on TV spouting off the phrase, the only way to kill a snake is to chop off the head. I don't think that applies to terrorist organizations. I think they have plans installed for this. It's curious that everyone is ignoring the fact that a recent WikiLeaks cable (Monday, infact) spoke of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed claiming there was a bomb in Europe that would unleash "nuclear hellstorm" if Osama was ever captured or killed. All I know for sure is... SECOND TERM. EDIT: Agent O already pointed it out, but it bears repeating. I'm sure it's just an idle threat, in response to water boarding and other forms of torture... but what if it isn't? 10 years, 2 wars, 919,967 deaths & $1,188,263,000,000 later, we managed to kill one person. I hope it was worth it. Oh, and on an amusing side-note... You'll never guess who was one of the first people to know about this. No, not this guy unknowingly tweeting about the assault on bin Laden's compound. THE ROCK.
I can't find those morbid pictures you speak of. All I find is a fake one on 5 million fucking different sites.
I saw ABC Australia's tweet about John Howard's press conference streaming live. I seriously thought it was a joke until LPA made it serious.
Somebody should explain why Muammar Gaddafi (who actually does have oil and lots of it) totally needs to be killed right this second because he bombs rebels that nobody really know much of anything about in his own country, but raping Bin Laden is just DUR HUR U KILL ONE MAN IN CAVE BUT JUS WANT DAT OIL. Because it sounds like people who have no idea what they're talking about needing to be contrary just to be contrary. The whole "You just killed one person though" shit is pretty funny though.
Especially when a good number of those rebels are Al-Qaeda operatives themselves. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...aeda-among-Libya-rebels-Nato-chief-fears.html Al-Qaeda is a CIA concoction, an excuse to invade other countries and a useful pawn for fulfilling imperialist agendas.