Well, having the government have little control over us hasn't worked out so great either when you look back at history. Both extremes have their problems. Either businesses will fuck you or the government will fuck you . The burning question is how to find a happy medium between government control and how much control we have.
The first is a fair point, and the more I think about it, I'm not sure I have an argument to counter or negate that concern. I think I'm going to take a good look through the Patriot Act to see just how much power it actually gives the government, but I see the concern here. I suppose I just don't think the Patriot Act is as bad as everyone is making it out to be, but maybe I don't know as much about it as others do. I still think it's a necessary act in some ways. We are in wartime but it's not nearly the same as was wartime during World War II. Considering we were actually being attacked around then, some sort of response was inevitable, hence the Japanese Internment (again, I will say I disagree with how that was handled). While I want to agree with your last point, I would think there's some reason as to why we're still there. Although, I do agree with the point that we should just stop getting involved in other affairs unless it's some sort of threat to us, which it has never seemed to be in this past decade or so. This.
Worse than the civil war, great depression, and the war of 1812? Also, I can't keep up with the thread anymore *_*
The presidencies of Harding, Coolidge, and Harding. Their laissez faire beliefs brought America into the Great Depression.
Some could argue we're close to surpassing the great depression since we're on the verge of destroying our dollar. Not sure what we'd have to do once our dollar becomes worthless. We're approaching an economic collapse. Edit: Here's a good article article about the Patriot Act that came out today. http://www.southernavenger.com/featured/the-patriot-act-is-not-conservative
On what Trav said, did anyone see that the U.S. but like (don't quote me but) 3.x million dollars into circulation in 2007? Like fn 3 trillion, I've said it before I'm no scientologist, but I don't think that helps the economy.
What does Scientology have to do with economics? One is a bunch of rich people fleecing poor people out of their hard earned money, and the other is economics. Oh, I guess they do have a lot in common.
Cuz scientology is a dumb religion, and people say 'i'm not a rocket scientist, butt'. It's my cheap humor being brought to this angry thread
Be careful with what you say. We may have people on these boards who happen to be believers of scientology, and your comment could be taken as very offensive. You're welcome to disagree with scientology, but not to insult it.
I'm a Scientologist and I'm very very upset now, I'm going to sink into a deep depression and then kill myself because I don't believe in mental illness or therapy.
Scientology was founded in 1953, I think its safe for us to discount a religion that was invented when my grandma was around. Maybe it could be a good 'lifestyle'? But it's a dumb fraudulent religion screwing members out of money. I don't like have anything big against Scientology, just sayin what everyone else is thinkin.
This is probably the first time I've ever stood up for Scientology, but a religion that was only formed last century probably isn't any worse than following something that was established centuries ago, on the values and beliefs people had centuries ago.
All religions exist to screw people out of money, but Scientology takes it to the extreme. I've always been of the belief that religions and cults are the same thing, but if you call Islam, Judaism, Christianity and all the others cults, then what do you call Scientology, because it's so much worse than the others. It shouldn't even be called a religion, it's a corporation. They exist to sell a product and make a profit on a level much greater than other religions. At least with the other religions, you can learn the teachings and be religious without paying a dime. Scientology requires you to pay to keep learning more about it. It's a fucking scam.
Actually you could go to a Christian church your whole life and never pay a dime, but yes, scientology is a scam indeed. BTW OBAMA IS A TERRORIST. Lupe said so. http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/news/...o-calls-president-obama-the-biggest-terrorist