Well I was surfing in the net about LinkinPark and found out this great site.And here i am.So let me introduce myself.I am 16 years old and I live in Bulgaria.My name is Martin and i am a lp fan about nine years.I hope that we all get along. Sorry for my bad English.
dude, you're 16 years old and you listen Linkin Park since HT ?!* you were 5 years old when was release Hybrid Theory. Whom are you trying to fool ? hmm
Tnx to all of you guys and Sucre06 I am not fooling anybody.When I was in third grade I listened to my first LP song and it was By Myself .HT was released in 2003 right?So why 5 years old .
I made a quick research and found like you said that HT was released in 2000 and Meteora was released in 2003.In a Bulgarian music magazine that i bought last year says that HT was released in 2003.But everyone makes mistakes even the magazine writers ,so excuse me for the wrong information i will edit my post.
And for the record, how is it impossible for someone who was 5 to listen to Linkin Park? Didn't anybody think his parents couldve played LP around him as he was growing up? Seriously. Anyways, welcome to the both of you . Glad to have you two be a part of our forums!
The people who apologize for bad English often speak better than a good number English-speaking people Welcome to the Jungle, we got fun n' games here.
You've been called Infamous for a reason? =p hehhe. You are wished welcome from another newcommer. This place is great! Let's hold hands, play together in the sandbox, and ride the slide. There is lots of fun here
Let me paint a picture for you: Meet and greet with Linkin Park: :derek:Hi Mike. You're Derek? :derek:Yeah. The Infamous! :derek:Hahahahah Okay, I'm done painting. Watch: [youtube]jzWXFE_gpYA&[/youtube]