Official Diet & Exercise Tips Thread

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Casual D, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Join the wrestling team next year. Playing around with other dudes is a small sacrifice for a straight man to make to get in really good shape. Although most of my friends seemed to complain how unhealthy their training was.
  2. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I still need to lose about 70 lbs. X_X
  3. Snail

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Cool thread!

    ^ Jeff, A few pointers.
    - eat less, but more often. 5 - 6 SMALL meals. Your metabolism will be spiked in the process.
    - Mix cardio with weight training.

    I'm 21, 5'11, 175 lbs.

    (re)start date - Feb 1 2011 - 154 lbs
    Currently - June 2 2011 - 176 lbs

    I've started lifting heavy again since February. I began at 154 lbs, and I've made gains up to 174 lbs. I do an assortment of exercises, switching it up every 3 - 4 weeks but always making sure to stay true to compound exercises. Optimum nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein is the only supplement I've been using thus far.

    Achievements thus far - 225 lb lift on Deadlifts, and Benching.

    Failures - Went down on squats from 225 lb lifts down to 160 lb lifts. (work got in the way - overtime shifts - terrible lifts for 2 weeks straight on legs )

    Goals: 180 lbs as lean as possible by the end of the summer. I want to reach an all time high of weighing 190 - 200 lbs one day.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2011
  4. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Damn. Nice gains, dude. 225 on bench is impressive.
  5. Snail

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    ^Thanks! I may be able to bench 225, but I'm still working on being able to bang out a full 12 reps as opposed to 6 - 8 for that particular weight.

    I'm no expert, but perhaps some of my tips can help you out.

    Figure out a meal plan.

    Aim for a 3000 - 3500 calorie intake diet plan. Do not purchase frozen lunches, TV dinners, or anything of that sort. Concentrate on purchasing fresh ingredients. I recommend Chicken breasts, tuna, tenderized beef eye round, lean ground beef, spinach, and asparagus as your protein and fibre. As for your carbs, brown rice is great, but white rice provides for a quick release of energy. These are just my personal preferences, and I suggest you find out what works best for you as an alternative. Also, make sure to check out and compare prices at your local supermakets, shops, etc for the best values. In addition, make sure to cook your meals ahead of schedule (enough for the next 2 - 3 days).

    Do not rely on 'Weight-Gain' supplements.

    This is just my personal opinion. The consumption of 'real food' is much more beneficial.

    Compound exercises!

    Benching, Deadlifts, and Squats are key! Trust me! I used to ignore doing squats and deadlifts. I started with 95 lbs in deadlifting, and 135 lbs in squats. Over the course of 4 months I've reached 225 lb lifts on each exercise. This sounds cliche, but if I can do it... you sure as hell can.

    Set a goal, not a limit
  6. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Thanks for the advice/info.

    As for how much I eat now, it's probably around 3000 calories already, and I'm not doing anything near what I usually do for workouts/activities. I swear I might need to eat like 4500 calories if I ever start working out seriously. The problem with eating that healthily is that I'd never get enough calories in my system. I'd get too full before I'd get the right amount of calories in me. But I just bought a lot of tuna for protein and noodles for carbs for the impeding hardcore workouts. I also have some whey protein that I'd probably get 30g of protein out of after a workout. I would also try to drink a lot of milk for another ~40g of protein a day. After that I pretty much try to eat as much calorie dense foods as possible to fuel up. Pizza and baked Ruffles chips is usually my go-to meal at night after I'm done with everything.

    One of the big things that I think allows me to do this is that I never consume any pop and I drink around a gallon of water a day. Keeps the pipes clean and metabolism high as hell.

    I will be doing everything at my house. I bought some Bowflex Selecttech dumbbells about a year ago that are really slick. 52.5 lbs is as heavy as each one can go, which is good enough. I've been doing 105 lb deadlifts this last week just to see if it's something I'd like to start doing, and I really like them. I guess I would need quite a bit more weight for chest and back exercises. I can do 14 underhand pullups before fail and the 52.5 lbs dumbbell isn't enough to stay in the 6 rep range, so it'll take a little longer to build those muscles. Chest will have the same problem. It'd be nice to be able to do 4-6 reps of heavy stuff for those muscles, but at least I can do that for all the other ones.

    And I've never been good about keeping goals of any kind. I've always been a pretty gifted kid who would never need goals to get out of a rut or something. Even right now when I feel like I'm in my worst shape in the last year I don't feel like I really need to do anything drastic. I'm a good weight, I still have decent tone to my body, and I still feel healthy and energetic. But gaining 15-20 lbs of muscle is something I really want to do. I do have the perfectionist gene, but it really only applies to sports. I need to find a way to apply that to other aspects of life, because I'm really laid back in pretty much every other aspect. Just like The Dude. Maybe I need to really dig deep to find that desire to reach my goals.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2011
  7. Tim

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Nuts and olive oil are a great way to up your calories and keep your diet clean. They're both easy to incorporate into your meals, too. Vegetables sauteed in olive oil can be really tasty if done right, and you can do a million different things with nuts.
  8. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Mmmmm. That's what she said.
  9. tROCKS24

    tROCKS24 Banned

    Jan 17, 2011
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    i dont do diets at all, i suck so bad at them :lol:!!
    i think of many different exercise routines. and i play my favorite songs to make exercising fun.
    also, i dance as well. i call them: exercise dancing
    have fun**
    i made up some new exercising movements, i havent thought of what to call them but they are like stomach crunches. one day ill have to show you all, its better to show
    there is about 4 of the new exercises i made up :) and the area burns quickly** i lost a few inches within 2 weeks, man i wish i had a scale!!! :lol:
    and i dont count caleries bc i dont know how to :) to keep track of it its way to confusing
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2011
  10. Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    Drinking lots of water is good. Actually, speaking of which, for anyone who is looking to lose some weight, here's exactly what I did to lose weight:

    - First, I installed an application on my iPod Touch called "Lose It." It's an application that helps you keep track of your caloric intake (and even your nutrient intake if you'd like it to). They use some sort of formula that requires input of your height, weight, goal in regards to how many pounds you want to lose per week, and how many pounds you'd like to be. It also gives you the options to gain a certain amount of weight or maintain weight. With that said, it'll give you the number of calories you're allowed per day, and so long as you don't exceed it, it works out fairly well. It allows you to record food and exercise, which is very convenient. It's free, but really only for people who are super committed.
    - I drank close to 12-15 cups a day. Doctors recommend that you drink 8-10, but the more water, the better. The first couple of days you will have to go the bathroom frequently, but your body will get used to it. You will also drop pounds instantly because it essentially flushes some water weight out of your system, and it can be quite visible too. It's simply good for you because you need to stay hydrated, and the tip is this: if your urine is not clear or close to it, you're not hydrated. It's as simple as that.
    - For lent I gave up refined sugars (basically any obvious sweets), and I think I'm going to get back on that soon. It helped a lot with losing weight and it made me feel tons better. The only exception I allowed myself in terms of refined sugars were nutri-grain bars and FiberOne Bars, since I needed more fiber in my diet. Avoiding sweets is surprisingly more helpful than you'd think.
    - I never ate after 8:00 PM. If you don't eat after eight, it's actually really good for you. Your metabolism obviously slows down a fair amount when you go to bed because your body is using far less energy, and so the excess energy you get from what you eat before you go to bed will basically be converted to fat.
    - I ate more often but with smaller portions. Healthy snacks throughout the day keep your metabolism going, which is the obvious of what three big meals will do. 6 small meals is ideal, and keeps you satisfied longer.
    - I exercised, but I did nothing too intense. Walking to classes in Berkeley helped tremendously since it's one giant hill, and I played basketball with friends a few times a week.
    - I got my 8 hours of sleep each night. It's good for you, and they say that fewer hours of sleep is correlated with weight gain (I might be wrong).

    If you can do those things, you will be a-okay. It worked for me!
  11. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Well, fuck. I drink too much pop in general....and it's past 9:00 and I just ordered Pizza. :lol:

    I really gotta get better with the pop thing especially.
  12. gambir

    gambir Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    I do walking, running, jogging, swimming, situps and push ups...
    I eat the natural organic one foods and have the best one body figure....
    I also drink fresh fruit juices and got the much energy after the workout.....
  13. jedibeaner

    jedibeaner Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    I used to skip breakfast when I was young, but since I started college I started to eat breakfast. I realized that it makes me really hungry. could've of gone without food until 2pm in the afternoon in my younger days. Now, I have to have 2 meals (breakfast & lunch) by 3pm.

    I try to watch what I eat. I mostly buy organics and I don't eat pork or beef. I also run 3-5 miles a day and try to do weights at least 2 times a week.
  14. laurahill

    laurahill New Member

    Jul 18, 2011
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    I lose almost 10 pounds weight in this year...Swimming and aerobic exercise works great..I am taking 3-4 month acomplia medicine with proper medical consultation.And It works great.
  15. Gloomy Mushroom

    Gloomy Mushroom Absolute Zero LPA Super VIP

    May 13, 2008
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    Can I ask a question in here? I want fo lose my post pregnancy body as I have all this ugly loose fat around my stomach. What exercises can I do to tighten and tone my stomach? Also, do those meal replacement plans work with the protein shakes etc.?
  16. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Unfortunately you can't target what fat you lose. Like if you have extra belly flab and do a lot of situps, the fat can come off of your ass instead. Our bodies suck in that regard. All you can do is burn more calories than you consume so you know you'll be losing fat some place on your body.

    Now, if you want to tighten and tone your stomach muscles, there are lots of different exercises out there for that. Toning your muscles gives them a more slender look to them. And while you're burning fat off you'll see nicely toned muscle underneath.

    Diet is still a really wishy washy thing and is being researched quite a bit now. Basically all you need to worry about is eating less calories than you're burning, but the healthier you eat, the more energy you'll have and the better you'll feel. You can't really go wrong with chicken, eggs, low fat cheese and milk for poultry and dairy protein. Noodles are great for grains. And pretty much any vegetable or fruit. The only shitty thing is eating healthy costs a lot more than eating unhealthily.

    But I recommend googling a lot of this stuff. There's probably quite a few videos on YouTube about this very topic.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
  17. GekiLPL

    GekiLPL Guest

    I figured I would post this here...I need some a serious way. I am a 20 year old male, I am 6'2, and I weight a whopping 235 pounds as of right now. I need to lose 70 pounds in order to be what would be considered average from my height and gender. Can somebody help me with this??? I have been trying the past few days to drink water, but I've stupidly been drinking diet coke and the 0 calorie monster energy drink. It's stupid because I know diet drinks are actually worse for you and make you gain more weight. So first off, I'm going to start drinking ONLY water for a beverage, nothing else ever. And my other problem is that all my life I have ate junk food, and I am an extremely picky eater. I need to stop eating fast food, first off. But idk what to make at home or buy at stores? I love plain turkey sandwiches, which are not bad for me because I don't eat red meat at all so that's my source of protein. I should probably start exercising 30 minutes a day to start? I live down the street from a track, maybe I'll start going up and walking everyday or jogging. If I wasn't serious about this, I would NOT have posted this, it took a lot for me to throw this out on here. Somebody, please help me with suggestions?
  18. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Keep track of how many calories you eat during the day, just so you know your average amount. Then you can either increase your physical activity (exercise) and keep that calorie count the same, or you can decrease your calorie count and keep the same physical activity you have now. Both options should theoretically result in weight loss. That's a very simplistic way of putting it, but it should work.

    I'm not sure if reducing your caloric intake and increasing physical activity all at once at first would be great, but I'm not an expert. I'd try it and see how you feel. Don't overdo things. As for what exercises, it depends on what kind of shape you're in now and what kind of intensity you can handle.

    And diet is another topic we could go on and on about, but basically just keep your caloric intake in check and eat as healthy as you want. Quantity is more important that quality.
  19. Dean

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    Diet coke in and of itself doesn't make you gain more weight.

    What it can do is trick your body into expecting actual sugar and spreading insulin, and when it doesn't get it this can make you hungrier.

    Not that it's 100% healthy itself, and if you're ok with drinking only water just do that. But it's not the worst thing you can do either as long as you have the self control to either a) not drink loads or b) not eat too much if the above ever takes place.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
  20. GekiLPL

    GekiLPL Guest

    How long do you think it will take me to actually lose 70 pounds? Should I just stop eating alltogether?

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