I imagine I wake up and the world is happy, the people is smiling and laughing and when I turn on the TV I hear a man saying: "And the new president of the world is!... Mi Mi Mi Miiikeee shinodaaaa!". XD
Saw this earlier today on 2+2. So funny. What's funnier is how horribly his ad is rated on youtube. [youtube]0PAJNntoRgA[/youtube]
If we're going to get into Rick Perry jokes, this one is really funny, mainly because it seems like he would really say these ridiculous things during a debate: [video=youtube;BhDhDRvHaGs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhDhDRvHaGs[/video]
Not a Rick Perry fan, but what a Man. A capitol M man. Liberals gonna hate on this all day, but I'm glad he could man up and speak his mind. Respect. Trying to take Christ out of America and people wonder why America is going down the crapper...
This isn't a Christian country. People trying to turn it into one is the reason this country is going in the crapper. This country was founded on religious freedom and the Constitution expressly forbids the establishment of a state sponsored religion. Anyone who tries to establish Christianity as this country's official religion are un-American. Fuck Christ and fuck people like Rick Perry who are trying to impose their religion on others. By the way, someone should remind Rick Perry that children can pray in public schools all they want. They can pray to themselves, they can pray with their friends. There is just no school sponsored prayer in public schools, and that's how it should be. If you want your kid to pray to an invisible man in the sky all day in school, send them to a private school where they can get all the religious brainwashing they want. Don't pray in my public schools and I won't do any logical thinking in your church. Deal?
Freedom of Religion means that people can practice any religion they want and the separation of church and state means that religion has to stay out of government. Why the fuck is that not common knowledge? Also, I loved watching a well known Bishop in Texas disagreeing with Perry on this issue a few days ago on CNN.
Thank you. I'm not against Christianity in the slightest, but I do not believe people who do not wish to identify themselves as Christians should be forced to follow the ideals and laws of Christians. America is not a Christian country, and was never founded as such.
Kids should be able to privately pray in public schools. The government shouldn't be able to restrict our religious beliefs (our rights). They also shouldn't force kids to do anything religious against their will. If kids want to be religious in school, they can be. If they don't, they don't have to be. It all comes down to not infringing on a person's rights. Banning prayer or forcing prayer is violating those rights, and government shouldn't be in the business of doing that.
If you want to pray to the Christian God, go to a Christian school. If you want to pray to the Jewish God, go to a Jewish school. Otherwise, go to a public school.
What an incredibly closed minded and nearly communist post^ But that's more or less what I expect in the years to come. And while I disagree with Benjamin and Derek's post to a degree, I can respect their posts. As usual there's nothing to say to Todd's ignorance and lack of respect.
My ignorance? Hey, I'm not the one advocating flushing what's left of the Bill of Rights down the toilet. This entire argument is stupid because kids can pray in public schools. Rick Perry is wrong. If a student wants to pray to god before a big test, he can. If the star quarterback wants to pray before the big game, he can. He can drop down to one knee and Tebow for all I care. Of course when the quarterback on the opposing team also prays, which one is god going to help?
1) I don't think you know what Communism is. 2) Are you seriously disagreeing with my definitions of freedom of religion and the separation of church and state?
And if you're so concerned about Christ being taken out of America and America being a Christian nation, I have a question. Do you think the numerous Jews in the congress and senate should be allowed to hold office? How about Keith Ellison and Andre Carson, the two Muslim members of Congress? Or Pete Stark, the lone Atheist congressman? I'm not asking if you think they should be re-elected, I know your answer to that, I'm asking if you think they should be allowed to hold office, and be honest. I'm just curious to see what your true colors are.
Typical Christian. Someone advocates that we should follow the CONSTITUTION which are the FOUNDING LAWS/IDEALS/POLICIES of this country, and you throw around words you don't even know the true meaning of and accuse Todd of having a lack of respect. Funny, when you're the close-minded person who demands this country be a Christian nation, and feel that schools should force-feed prayer to children who are impressionable, and can't even make decisions for themselves at that age. You wish to brainwash children into following YOUR faith because you think it's right. How about letting kids grow up and follow what they want to believe instead of demanding this country runs on a religion that not everyone wants to follow? Separation of church and state buddy. There since this country created the consitution. Todd's not the ignorant and close minded one, you are. It's Christians like you that made me denounce my faith and become agnostic years ago.