Paul is gaining too much momentum not to be in the Presidential race this year. Republican, Independent, Occupy party... one way or another, he'll be there. And he'll cause Romney to lose, as if Romney just existing isn't enough reason for him to lose to Obama. Came in 2nd at the New Hampshire primaries, which is pretty good for someone who is/was a niche candidate at best. 2011/2012 is by far his best year.
I'm hoping Paul runs Independent or something. Obama needs a landslide victory to boost people's confidence.
The problem is that even if Paul through a miracle gets the GOP Nomination (which I'm doubting because despite his surprising finish in NH, the media and many GOP candidates have Romney as the potential candidate), he still isn't likely to win the Presidency. Why? Because Obama/the Democrats will use the public's perception of him to their advantage and milk it for all it's worth. Not that I support Paul at all, nor do I want him to be president, but if I was Obama and saw that Paul was my competition, I'd go all out portraying him as an anarchist, and label his ideas as insane/crazy for the country because that is already what most people think of him.
I don't think anyone in here is saying Ron Paul will win the Presidency, Derek. 'Tis a pipe dream. But he'll be in the race.
Paul has actual ammo to use against Obama if they ever went heads up, especially if we keep starting up all these unnecessary wars that are ruining our country. All Obama could do is lie some more to try and get people to vote for him. The majority of America thinks our government is too big and corrupt, so Paul won't have a hard time resonating with the people if they hear his true message. The establishment is scared. With that said, Paul is now polling 2nd nationally in the GOP, even before last night's NH showing. This thing should start becoming a clear two-man battle within a week or two, and then things will get interesting.
Have you guys seen this? [video=youtube;zG7c7m37geI][/video] The republican candidates this year (except ron paul) are a joke. But Ron Paul's views are way too extreme for me.
Ron Paul only seems reasonable because he's placed next to such nuts as these. Put him next to Obama or Colbert, he'll just seem like the crazy neighbor.
Huntsman drops out, endorses Romney. Great, the only candidate that I would have considered voting for other than Obama is out.
Well, that sucks. He was the only one semi sane candidate of the republican party(circus) . Also, Colbert isn't running for President of U.S.A he's running for "President of the United States of South Carolina" and the reason he's running at anything at all is to show how absurd the laws of Super Pacs can be.
To be fair, everyone has agreed with Romney on everything at some point because he flip flops so much In other news, you would think someone so opposed to wasteful government spending wouldn't be flying first class on the taxpayer's dime:
Atta boy! just remember, don't bitch about the outcome of the election after it's all said and done, since you (and me) won't be voting. because, as American citizens, we only have the right to complain about a result if we partake in the voting process! obviously.
Yeah, I think I'll be keeping my ass at the house on election day, too. Let everyone else make that hard choice between War-Mongering Corporate Shill #1 and War-Mongering Corporate Shill #2.
That is so shortsighted. I don't agree with Obama on many things, but I'm not going to abstain from voting because of that. Like I said earlier, the only person I agree with on every issue is myself, and I'm not running for president. He's the person I agree with most. I didn't say all the time, because no candidate meets that criteria. Surely there is some candidate you agree with on most issues even if you disagree with them on others.