Bear in mind, I'm assuming that the election will come down to Obama and Romney, and there isn't enough that separates the two of them for me to feel any sense of urgency to vote. I'm not holding out for the perfect candidate, but I wouldn't feel comfortable voting for someone who's policies and actions go against beliefs that are very important to me. Obama and Romney both fit that bill, unfortunately. Honestly, there isn't a candidate who I agree with on most issues. Ron Paul is probably the one I agree with the most, but I disagree with him vehemently on a number of points as well.
There is no candidate that I could vote for and not hate myself afterwords. Its bullshit. All these candidates suck ass. I can not morally bring myself to support Obama or worse, any of these GOP candidates. I'm not doing it
Trying to over-simplify everything and call Obama and Romney the same guy is complete bull shit. At the very least, they differ completely on social issues. Romney said today that he is for a constitutional amendment stating that marriage is between a male and a female. Are you guys saying you'll just not go vote and risk that guy being president? As for foreign policy, Obama just fucking pulled out of Iraq last time I checked. Romney would have stayed there and "won the war." As for Iran, I think the president should back off on them a little, but at least he's not starting a fucking war like Mitt Romney says he would do. In regard to the economy, Obama may not have kept some of his campaign promises but at least some of the rhetoric (which is better than nothing) from 08 is still with him. Also, Obama has clearly expressed his wishes for millionaires to pay more taxes. Mitt Romney has clearly said the opposite. Whichever side you are on that issue, there's no denying that they're different there as well. But of course, they do have some similarities. They're both moderates in their respective parties, why wouldn't they? Yes, the death of Anwar al-Awlaki along with the signing of the NDAA was terrible. But Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are not the same and deciding to not vote at all is an insult to the democratic system. I'm sorry.
"I'm not going to have dessert because I want two cookies instead of one!" That's exactly how it sounds to me when people say they won't vote because it's pointless.
I never said they were exactly the same. When it comes to the issues that matter to me, though, there isn't enough of a difference to justify voting. I'm not against voting outright, but I am against voting for candidates I sternly disagree with. A vote from me for either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney would be both intellectually dishonest and hypocritical. Voting is important. Honest voting. Voting along party lines or for a lesser of two evils isn't what democracy means to me. It sounds like you guys dig Barack Obama. Fine. I don't, so I'm not going to vote for him. I'm struggling to see how being honest with myself in this instance is an insult to democracy, but some of you seem to love hyperbole.
It's actually more like this: Person 1: 'OH MY GOD, OBAMA IS A DICTATOR AND HE'S GOING TO TURN US INTO A SOCIALIST, MARXIST COMMUNIST NATION WITH HIM THE SUPREME LEADER!' Person 2: "Wow, that's pretty strong wording. Who'd you vote for?" Person 1: "Oh I didn't vote. "
VIDEO: MSNBC slaps AP for false reporting on Ron Paul's first class flights. Just another case of the media slandering Ron Paul. They do everything they can to make this fight as lopsided as possible since they're in bed with this corrupt government. And you guys seriously need to do some more research on what's really up with Obama if you think he isn't the same as Romney or any other of the status-quo GOP candidates. Research everyone, actually. The media doesn't tell you what a candidate is really like. You need to look at their records. You need to look at what they're doing and what they've done that the mainstream media doesn't cover.
I agree with this. It looks like Mitt Romney is going to be against Obama. And Romney is going to make a terrible president. :/
I'm more disappointed in SC than I am in Iowa and I was pretty fucking disappointed in Iowa given that I'm from Iowa.
Honestly, if you don't vote in the election, you're getting the government you deserve. As simple as that.
Meh. I haven't found any stats for SC yet. Though I haven't looked too hard. Here's some overall stats I came across:
Besides the fact that the government isn't directly a democracy, if the election is Douchebag vs Turd Sandwich, would you vote, and do you think that America deserves any of those? North Korea and Somalia also hold elections too. On the other hand, this SC shit is ridiculous!
What the fuck is wrong with the people of South Carolina!? I mean, how can people be so.. well, fucked up.
The US is a representative democracy. And the thing about democracy in general is that you need to keep paying attention for it to work. If you vote for a liberal Democrat President, then blow off the mid terms while hundreds of hardcore Christian conservative vote in batshit doomsday representatives that are a vital part of the entire system, well, you've fucked up. It's not because the systems flawed, it's not because "the 1 percent" cheated you, it's because you only did half of what you needed to do and the lunatics went though all the way. Christian conservatives. They mobilize. Hard.
Yeah, but does USA rig elections and make the citizens believe Obama is some kind of God? You simply can't compare North Korea and Somalia with the States. The government of Somalia barely exists anyways. And in my opinion, everyone should vote. It's a right that doesn't exist in so many other countries. People who don't vote in the elections and then complain about the government get on my nerves.