I voted "It's okay" only because I was looking at this is hind-sight. I don't think it's a terrible album. For me, I might not be as big of a fan if it weren't for Meteora, who knows? However, after seeing releases since then and especially demos from that era we heard on LPU9, it's safe to say that this was not the band's best work.
I have to say it is a great album. Meteora was the first LP album I heard and it was with Meteora that I became a fan in 2004! So I don't have that "hate" against Meteora being so similar to HT because I heard it before I heard HT. Hybrid is better than Meteora, and so is ATS, but I like Meteora more than I like MTM which is for me their worst album to date. Numb is the song of my life and probably will always be. You can hate it, it's ok, but it was the first song I heard and I love it SO MUCH I listened to it again and again and again, day after day, so I will always love it. I don't like Somewhere I Belong nor Hit The Floor, but the rest of the album is great to me. I love Faint, Lying From you, Don't Stay, From The Inside, BTH, etc, and Session is by far their best instrumental song.
It makes sense now.... I'll ask you how you feel about Somewhere I Belong and Meteora in a few years.
Aggressively frustrating. Glimmers of inspiration buried under the dirt of their downtuned guitars and repetitive electronic drums. Some of the most childish popular lyrics put to paper. "Breaking the Habit" and "Easier to Run" have a pleasant Depeche Mode quality to their soundscapes, but the album is otherwise a depressing collection of meaningless anger directed at whatever "you" the listener currently wants to loathe. That malleability of purpose leaves the album anonymous and rote. Hybrid Theory gets a pass on some of this because of its relative freshness, but, truth be told, I barely listen to either record anymore. I prefer the more experimental instrumentation and inventive (if misfirey) lyrics of Minutes and especially A Thousand Suns. And Pink Floyd is better than Linkin Park by an enormous margin. Anyone who disagrees is opinioning wrong.
noooooooooooooooooo, you just either 1. don't value lyrics 2. have confidence/personal relationship issues 3. don't listen to a lot of other music ???
Please try and avoid using the word retard on the forums as it could be offensive to some people here. Thanks!
Aw....Sorry! This word is way less agressive in French I guess. I didn't want to offense anyone, will be careful in the future. 1) Might be true, since the general vibe I get from a song and the way it sounds is generally more important than the lyrics to me.... BUT 2) Don't have any relationship issues or particular problems at the moment 3) Well, NIN, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Arcade Fire, U2, Deftones, Massive Attack + 200 other artists in my collection.... But if I like Meteora, I probably still don't listen to enough music . Lol you're been such very stereotypical.
I get why some people think it's bad, it's a HT twin, but I don't really care as I like the songs However it's probely my least favorite LP studio album.