"BURN IT DOWN" Released In Full On Linkin Park's Official Site | Available on iTunes

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Apr 16, 2012.

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  1. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Trent Reznor would like to speak with you. As would John Frusciante. And a ton of other talent artists.

    JESUS PEOPLE. Electronic music does not necessarily mean Garageband. Or computers.
  2. AkirraKrylon

    AkirraKrylon LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jul 8, 2010
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    Thank you. Thank you. And Thank You.

    My point was not that you should go and actually create a song on garage band. The point is that LP has talent and its not just a computer that makes their music. It takes creativity to come up with beats and hooks and melodies, oh and like I stated in my previous point, exceptional VOCAL TALENT TO SING THE DAMN SONG THE WAY CHESTER SANG IT.

    Claiming that there is nothing there but a computer doing all the work is a joke.

    And my last point. Lets say it was a guitar and guitar only - it takes SOO much talent to play a few power chords right? That chorus progression must be SO DIFFICULT that only a guitar god could have nailed it. Right.

    Its a combination of guitar and synth...
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2012
  3. Rohit LP

    Rohit LP The Silent Red

    Jun 26, 2010
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  4. Super Sonic

    Super Sonic The Hedgehog LPA Super VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Wow. Completely taken away by this song, as soon as it kicked in it put a massive smile on my face. Chester is brilliant and Mike is fantastic, wish his part was longer. :lol:
  5. nscoope

    nscoope Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    I like Burn It Down and it's one of those songs that stick in your head. It's extremely catchy. I am worried about what the rest of the album will be like though. No matter how catchy BID is, it still has a very Meteora-ish song structure and, like others have said, it's a very "safe" song. One of my favorite things about ATS was the experimentation and using different song structures. It was unlike any of the albums before it. It felt like Linkin Park had "grown-up" and ATS ended up being my favorite album. I do understand that BID is the first single and meant to build hype for the new album and that could be the reason for it being so "safe" as most of LP's first singles have been pretty "safe" sounding (except for The Catalyst). I just feel like the band made so much progress with ATS and if Living Things ends up being a return to the HT and Meteora styled album, where every song has the same structure, then the band has taken a MAJOR step backwards. Mike Shinoda even said so himself that the songs on Living Things are shorter and more compact than they were on ATS so that has me very concerned that the experimentation just won't be there on this new album and all that progress they made last time around will have gone out the window. Who knows, this album could come out and knock me in the face like ATS did, but that seems unlikely to me at this point based on the limited info we have. I'm just worried that this album is an attempt to go after more sales and radio-play and that the quality will take a hit because of it. If coming out with a new album in less than 2 years does impact the quality of the album then I'd rather them take a little longer and make a kick-ass and unexpected album like ATS. Of course, this is just all my own opinion and many other people could welcome the old basic and safe song structures with open arms but either way, I hope this album doesn't disappoint.
  6. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    hmph. [​IMG]
  7. Vriska

    Vriska Wiki Staff LPA VIP

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Translation: "I have no idea what the hell I am talking about. I have neither played a Linkin Park song on guitar, nor made any song on the computer before. Please hike my pants up to my shoulders."
  8. Malvar

    Malvar Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    LOL, This made me laugh.
  9. $treet$oldier

    $treet$oldier I run untill the silence splits me open

    Mar 1, 2012
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    first of all:
    The more I listen to the song THE MORE I FUCKING LOVE IT <33! Just the same story as that of The Catalyst.

    The song is #11 most downloaded song on iTunes, it was #47 yesterday. If it hits #1 I'm gonna be so fucking happy for the guys! I am happy already but that would give them just another good boost which they really deserve.

    I'm sooo proud <3
  10. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I must be the only person on these forums who is slightly digging the return of the old-school feel on this track. Let me make it clear, I've never been advocating a return to Nu-Metal. That period of the band's career is over and should remain that way and if this track was nu-metal I would've hated it entirely. However; with that aside, it's hard not to notice how underutilized Mike's hip-hop roots have been on the last two albums. On Minutes To Midnight, Mike's raps were pretty much gone nearly entirely, and even on A Thousand Suns he didn't rap much. Sure it allowed the band to go in unexpected directions, but it also strayed away from the original idea of the band...which was to have a seamless blend of hip-hop, rock, electronica and other genres all into one cohesive sound.

    What made Hybrid Theory so great was not it's "metal" sound, but how equally all genres were represented on that album and how Mike and Chester had full reign to showcase their true abilities. Sure this song itself doesn't push any real boundaries, but it's a return to the mixing of genres that made Hybrid Theory great without sounding like Meteora Part 2. It's getting back to the true "spirit" of the band, and this is why I enjoy it. It may not be their strongest track, but what's important is that Mike is finally getting to unleash some of that Fort Minor energy he's pretty much sat on since 2005 and personally I think it's about time. Will this be their best record? Maybe not, but what's special about this album is they appear to be the happiest they've been with themselves since the early days and that can only mean more good things are ahead.
  11. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Everytime Derek opens his mouth is to talk genius. I totally agree with you.

    And I can't believe someone said the entire song was made on computer. :facepalm: .. Oh and their actual guitar songs from HT, Meteora and MTM aren't precisely quantum physics on guitar. They're extremely easy.

    I love this song, and can't wait for the rest of the album.
  12. Arun1910

    Arun1910 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Dereks mouth is awesome. MMM. I agree with him too! Btw if anyones wondering, listening to this song whilst intoxicated is awesome. Listening to it through headphones is different, and listening through 5:1 is different too! To me there are like 3 versions of Burn It Down :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  13. +1
  14. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Arun, your first sentence creeped me out hardcore. :lol:
  15. Ree

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    HAHAHA. :kappa:
  16. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I'm fine with Mike rapping, but he needs to find a more creative way to do it. I've pretty much had enough of the predicable 6 line verses after the second chorus. I've always wanted to see more songs like And One where he comes in and raps for a minute to end a song.
  17. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Think back people. Since when has the first single on a Linkin Park album been a good indicator of the rest of the record?

    One Step Closer: Straightforward rock song, really no evidence of there being rap in Linkin Park apart from the chorus, which isn't even truly "rap".

    Somewhere I Belong: Made you think the entire album would rhyme heal and feel. It did not. It just used the word "lies" 13 times. :kappa:

    What I've Done: Also nothing like the rest of the album, which is expected considering it was written to be a "single", because people had said the album was missing that lead single.

    The Catalyst: Fast paced, frenetic electronics over shouted lyrics. Very close to Burn It Down in style. Rest of the album is slow and more psychadelic rock in comparison (apart from Blackout).

    Point being? BURN IT DOWN will sound absolutely nothing like the rest of LIVING THINGS. I'm calling it now.
  18. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I'm not sure who you're directing this at, because I don't see anybody implying that the rest of the album will sound like Burn it Down. :lol:
  19. AkirraKrylon

    AkirraKrylon LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jul 8, 2010
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    No sir! I am loving it, was the first thought I had! I love how it feels like a HT-ATS love child.

    The rest of your post is made of win. :chuck:
  20. Ant

    Ant Ambient

    Dec 10, 2004
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    I don't even remotely have a problem with there being a better cohesion between the singing and rapping elements of the song. I don't think anyone has a problem with that, based on what I've read. Personally, I just don't like the lyrics going back to the Hybrid Theory-era style, with vague statements that can have universal tones. I think that the band's consistently gotten better about telling a story through their music, and it's disappointing to see the lead single take a step back.

    Again, I still enjoy the song, I just hope the others have better lyrics. But given the information released about the album thus far, I'm slightly concerned we're not going to get that. Didn't stop me from pre-ordering, though.
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