Will LIVING THINGS Debut at no.1 This time?

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by dontFindOutMe, Jun 11, 2012.

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  1. dontFindOutMe

    dontFindOutMe Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Your words are truly inspiring but you are simply being too optimistic.Bieber is getting very good reviews(70 on metacritic) and is headed for 4ook sales this week. Maroon 5 is not such a big threat but bieber is such a..............
  2. Hans Muster

    Hans Muster Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    It has been in the top 10 a few days after BURN IT DOWN was released. And why would ppl pre-order on iTunes a two days before the release? I'm very optimistic about it, because in almost every country, where it has been released yet, it is on #1.
  3. Nish

    Nish Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Out of the countries where it's been released, it's on number 1 on 8 iTunes charts: Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand. It's number 2 in Switzerland and Finland (where it actually isn't released til the 27th), number 3 in Ireland and number 6 in Norway. And considering this doesn't account for most European countries, UK, US and Canada, I'd say it has a good chance.

    P.S. - Plus in the places where it has been released, it's been out for 3-4 days tops.

    P.P.S - These are just a small sample of iTunes charts that don't reflect on how well it's doing in other countries as well.

    P.P.P.S - Everyone relax, Linkin Park's got this.

    Edit: LT goes to No. 1 in UK on release
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  4. OmarAbaza999

    OmarAbaza999 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    nice, its gr8 to know and iam very optimistic
    but just for a moment, imagine beiber pulling a stunt like lady gaga and decides to sell his album at 1$ to get a second week at no. 1 :dafuq:
    that requires a BAZINGA!!! :sheldon:
  5. Hans Muster

    Hans Muster Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Germany made it better. Not the sales but the profit counts there for the charts.
  6. OmarAbaza999

    OmarAbaza999 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    beiber's album is getting slammed by his fans, i read lots of forums dealing with music and every1 is saying beiber's album sucks (people who actually listen to him) and most people are saying its a battle between lp and m5 according to early reports. my prediction for ranking will be like this

    1. linkin park
    2. maroon 5
    3. justin beiber
  7. Calvin

    Calvin The rhythm projects 'round the next sound... LPA VIP

    Apr 8, 2012
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    This news pleases me greatly.
  8. Narc85

    Narc85 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    I posted this in one of the other threads:

    Everyone assumed Maroon 5's album would be a huge threat (including in Australia - see where the song 'Payphone' is located on the singles charts here - it's doing very well). It turned out to be a non-issue.

    As for the holdovers - Bieber's album is currently struggling to stay in the top 10 on iTunes Australia (and it is only in its second week). This *could* be attributed to the fact that his core fan-base are primarily not the kind of people who pay for music

    Usher isn't even in the top 50 on iTunes (Australia) as we speak. His album dropped from a debut of 3rd place to 7th place in the official Australian charts this week. Expect an even bigger drop next week.

    LP's biggest threat in Australia right now? The winner of The Voice - Karise Eden. She currently has EIGHT songs in the singles charts, so expect her album release this week to dethrone LIVING THINGS. I'm hopeful that the 4 day head-start will be enough for the boys to secure a #1 debut when the official charts are updated on Sunday.

    PS. Local retailing giant JB Hi Fi are doing a special promotion on LIVING THINGS at the moment - the in-store and on-line price is only $14.99AUD (compared to the $16.99 it is selling for on iTunes). At such a low price point, I'm going to assume that a fair few copies have been sold at JB Hi Fi too :)
  9. dontFindOutMe

    dontFindOutMe Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    This post is about LT managing to debut at no.1 in US(not in Aus).... Please keep discussion within this circle
  10. I Like Cheese

    I Like Cheese Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    From the point of view of a guy in the states:

    As many above have stated, Maroon 5's album is being ripped apart by the critics. Furthermore, as many have stated, they're more of a 'singles' band. This, along with the fact that they have about 3.5 times fewer fans than LP on Facebook, would contribute to them not being 'a threat'.

    Now we got to Jbebz. Unlike Maroon 5, people will actually buy his albums versus just the singles. I have noticed that based on reviews this album is only for JBebz's 'purists', as some fans are giving the album some very negative responses. Example: reviews say that the album will turn 'haters into fans'; on the contrary reviews say that it has not done so.

    With this in mind, Living Things is sort of doing the opposites; it's bringing ALL the LP fans together and satisfying them in a way. For the Nu-metalz people there's LITE. For the MTM guys there's I'll Be Gone and IMR. Finally, for the ATS fans there's COG. The album will cater to everyone's tastes and not have a similar 'disappointing' and 'overhyping' effect that is occurring with the Justin Bieber album. Had the Jbebz album debuted the same week as Living Things, it might have given it a run for it's money. However, using the aforementioned logic and the fact that sales for JB might drop by about to 50% during week too, we may assume that LT should debut at number one.

    So let's do the actual math. The Justin Bieber was projected to have about 350-400k sales (originally 400k but I'm factoring in the 'disappointment' that is present). A Thousand Suns moved about 200k sales its first week, and that was mainly because of fan disappointment with experimentation etc. We'll assume that Living Things will sell about 300-350k copies, it might have a bit more, it might have a bit less, but this is the number I'm projecting. Now, if Jbebz we'll say Justin Bieber has a 25-50% (I'd think probably like 40%?) decline second week. This means that during that week he will sell about 175-300k albums the week LT comes out.

    Okay. So now we have numbers. I predict that next week, in the US, Living Things will sell 300-350k units. Jbebz's 'Believe' will sell about 175-300k units. In conclusion, using my predictions and logic, Living Things will debut at the #1 spot on the Billboard 100.

    I could be horribly wrong, but I think the above logic is fairly realistic and provides an accurate picture of what might happen. We'll just have to see what happens, though.

    ~Sincerely, 'I Like Cheese'
  11. crazygolfer

    crazygolfer Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2008
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    Despite all of the positive-ness LT has been getting, both it and Maroon 5's "Overexposed" are projected to sell around 200k. Hopefully the final sales will be higher than this because if not, it's a bit disappointing. We have to push everyone! This can be accomplished.

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  12. dhishqu

    dhishqu tring tring..... Boom.

    Jun 18, 2012
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    not a fresh news.. jus a copy of the one quoted earlier.
  13. crazygolfer

    crazygolfer Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2008
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    I reposted it for people to see incase someone missed it.
  14. dontFindOutMe

    dontFindOutMe Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Well,your logic is pretty much spot on but 300-350k figure is overexageeration of album sales.They will be lucky if they even hit 250k
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  15. Narc85

    Narc85 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you were moderating these forums.

    If you read my post CORRECTLY, you will see that I'm merely discussing the album's performance in other territories to give you an indication as to how well it will perform in the US.

    I really shouldn't have had to explain that, but there you go.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  16. dontFindOutMe

    dontFindOutMe Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Don't go serious. You still provided a hell lot of information about LT performance in Australia and thanks for that
  17. I Like Cheese

    I Like Cheese Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Well ATS sold almost 250k,and I assumed LT would sell more, so that was what I assumed.
  18. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I like your thinking and hope you are right but the people who thought it was disappointed prolly bought the album first. JB fans will buy his music before they hear it in a lot of cases, so they will buy it and then be disappointed. Also if JB debuted same week as LT, Linkin Park would be doomed
  19. dontFindOutMe

    dontFindOutMe Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Well ,people probably bought the album before they got alienated from their new sound.So from this concept,LT should sell even lower than ATS
  20. NateXY

    NateXY I was by your side, powerless.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Projected sales are around 200k... I have a feeling that it will be a lot more.
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