I love all the fans pestering the two actors on Twitter as if they're going to tell them what the video is about etc. They're not allowed to discuss it and the images they tweeted earlier have also been removed from their accounts. Anyone doing this should just leave them alone and wait for more official details to come out. They were cool enough to share what they did, but now it's just a case of waiting for more official details.
honestly i think any song off of this album would work as a single. except TINFOIL of course. i particularly want SKIN TO BONE to be one. just to see the video. mmph.
Hop on a plane to Detroit. Drive around. You'll see this. This is what people who live there see. This is what people like Eminem, Kid Rock, Alice Cooper, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, etc have been trying to bring to the attention of America for years. Great cities like Detroit and Toledo have turned into historic wastelands. There's beauty in the destruction though.
I won't say this song sucks, but I just think its way too hyped which is probably the only reason why I hate it so much. Better off making a single of I'LL BE GONE or SKIN TO BONE.
yep. i drive through there all the time. i live 20 minutes away, if that. its breathtaking, really. eerie, yet gorgeous.
Oh, fuck. One of the most disappointing songs on the album to become a single? By the look of all their promo it sure as hell looks like the case they didn't make Hybrid Theory part 3 is failing. Two mediocre, if not outright bad songs in a row as singles. I know I may be in the minority here, not really digging LITE and BID, hell I just might be the only one but what the actual fuck? After the brilliant singles from ATS this is just sad. Warner is at fault no doubt but Linkin Park are a little bit too for releasing such mediocre songs to a follow up to such an amazing previous album. LITE should have been a B-side IMHO. Now I'm probably going to receive abit of flack.
Wow, well obviously it's not ideal for a big city to grow into a "wasteland", but what you say is true, and actually I've been trying to look for a place around here with debris and stuff like that to take pictures, or an abandoned building and can't find a proper place yet, there are some places around here but the one that caught my attention is probably very unsafe to be in Soon we will probably have some official teaser pics, but so far the place is looking good.
Majority rules my friend. LP would be downright insane to not release this song as a single due to all the positive feedback it's getting.
CASTLE OF GLASS seems a likely choice to me. Although I wouldn't be surprised about ROADS UNTRAVELED either. Radio loves a good power ballad.
Actually Burn It Down is currently no.3 behind the Black Keys and Grouplove on the alternative charts so it's a huge hit. Lost In The Echo is much more rock and hard-hitting and so I think it's a sure thing to be Linkin Park's 11th no.1 on the alternative charts. It definitely isn't nu-metal though, because the guitars are in the background and barely noticeable. Heavy =/= nu-metal. LP hasn't made a nu-metal song since Meteora. Given Up, No More Sorrow, and QWERTY are alternative metal, not nu-metal. Victimized is electro-rapcore. You need a large hip hop influence to be nu-metal. I'd call LITE electro-rap-rock. Edit: I just recently saw the debate between LPHybridSoldier and the rest of you, if he likes Hybrid Theory the best why can't you let him. He even likes the new albums, he's not one of those who thinks LP sold out. My favorite album of all time is Hybrid Theory and it's frustrating to be on an LP fansite and have it be dismissed. Him loving HT is just the same as you guys loving ATS. We all have different opinions, so can we stop attacking certain albums from our favorite band. (Most likely)
I'll go ahead and merge them for you. But just for future reference, the multi-quote button is on the bottom right of each post. Just click on that for each post you want to quote, then click on the Reply With Quote button.
General rule: the less impressed you are with a pop song, the more appealing it will be to radio listeners. Besides, do you even listen to the radio? Or watch music channels on TV?
Why would anyone listen to or watch music videos from this era. Except for teens, Today's music is garbage