Best: Until It Breaks Runner-up Best: Powerless Worst: Roads Untraveled Runner-up Worst: Lies Greed Misery
Updated a bit... Best: Castle of Glass, Lost in the Echo, Burn It Down Worst: Lies Greed Misery, Tinfoil
Best: Skin To Bone, Castle Of Glass, Roads Untraveled and Lost In The Echo. Worst: I'll Be Gone, Tinfoil.
Best: Until It Breaks, Lost in the Echo, Lies Greed Misery, Burn It Down, Powerless, Roads Untraveled Worst: Tinfoil, Victimized
The best are ROADS UNTRAVELED and IN MY REMAINS. The worst are defenetive UNTIL IT BREAKS and TINFOIL !
Favorite Track: CASTLE OF GLASS I love the lyrics in this song because they relate to me personally, and I love the dark and moody vibe the song has. Reminds me of a MTM track. Least Favorite Track: ROADS UNTRAVELED I think this song would only sound cool during the winter time, it has like a weird Christmas vibe to me at the intro, call me weird. And I don't like the vocals much, I still like the song, but it's my least favorite.
Best - Skin to Bone, Roads Untraveled and Castle of Glass. Worst - Lies Greed Misery (one of the most obnoxiously bad songs LP has ever written imo)
I'm not a fan of a "whoa whoa whoa" chorus, and those chimes/bells are fuckin annoying. Just my opinion.
To be honest, I can't decide what song I like the least at this point. I've been listening to songs that I didn't like at first that are now some of my favorites. They change everyday. I guess it's because the album is still fresh in my mind. My least favorite MAY be Until It Breaks at this point, but it used to be my favorite song from the album. I'm not sure. I like every song, I can't decide.