Like in Australian MasterChef when they're still plating up with 5 seconds to go and when they're finished apparently their benches are tidier and their food is perfect.
Eh. HISHE is good at pointing out flaws in plot, but that doesn't necessarily make the movie it's mocking bad. He pulled up some good points with Inception, for example.
How? He does it all the time. Example: The throw away line about Levitt's character having no imagination in Inception, setting him up to find the imagination to wake everyone up in the elevator. It gave his character some development. The one liner from Joey "Pants" about who Sammy Jenkins really is in Memento. The dialogue in his films have always been about subtext. I don't think this line is a reach, but I'll go ahead and concur that it could've been emphasized better. To desire an explanation is fine and dandy, but to realize whether or not the movie truly needed it is another. After spending two films establishing what the Batman character is capable of I'm perfectly happy with suspending my disbelief for the sake of something greater going on within the film. Perhaps there were some lazy pieces to the film, but it doesn't take away from a larger and, frankly, more important arc.
Just because some can forgive the film for its slew of conveniences and contrivances does not make it a better film. The death scene of Talia is proof enough that Nolan's vision this time around must have been slightly skewed if even something that glaringly bad was kept for the theatrical release. Though the film definitely has plenty of amazing moments, it is ultimately a clunky piece of work that chugs along, desperate to reveal the grand finale.
Yep, these guys are talented mofo's!. Although, as good as this one is, I'm REALLY surprised they didn't touch on the scenes where Bruce climbs out the pit. I was totally expecting them to make Bruce miss the jump & then fall to his death
I have to bump this after seeing this posted in the IMDb Man Of Steel forum: [youtube]WQJuGeqdbn4[/youtube] If Man Of Steel is like this, which it sounds like, I'll be pissed.