I like 'Soldier'! A great throwback to Hybrid Theory's album cover and kind of fitting with LP's music and all.
As an "old school" member of the Street Team, and as a self-promoter of the band way before I officially joined in 2003, I take the label as a "Soldier" with great pride. Also, I am "old school" and was a new metal fan. I just evolved. Soldiers do that too... They adapt.
Did anyone post in the official Linkin Park forum back in 2001 to 2007(?). The titles under every username started with "Soldier" until you turned "General" after like 500 or more posts. So I always thought we were called soldiers.
lol. The "Linkin Park" section was filled with tons of Teenie Boppers while the "Barracks" (aka non-LP sub-forum) were filled with former fans who troll and dislike anything related to LP. hahaha. I revisited the forum after they purged the entire website for A Thousand Suns, and it's pretty much empty. They deleted all the threads and probably my 10 year old username. Mike frequently visited and actually responded to two or three of my posts. It's like the equivalent of getting a retweet on twitter nowadays.
I was always under the impression that LP fans were called soldiers, at least people used to say that ALL the time back in the day. And it's not outdated. I still consider LP to live up to it. Mike said the soldier represented the heavy side of LP (the soldier) and the wings represented the soft side of LP. That is still very true today, they both make hard songs and soft songs. I like it.