I hate Henry Rollins. I don't really have anything else to say to the thread. EMI sold out. Actually Henry Rollins tot4lly s0ld out. doesn't he have a tv show now? Fugazi wasn't really punx either.
Henry Rollins wasn't even in fugazi lol i'm an idiot. Ian Mackaye was the guy who sold out hardcore, is he even straight edge anymore? Black Flag is a brand now so yeah Henry Rollins sold out as well.
To be fair, Black Flag is pretty much Greg Ginn's band. I'm not sure if Henry ever really claimed to be punk-as-fuck in the first place, but I don't pay close attention to that shit. I jus' like the tunes, man. Anyway, the whole notion of selling out is silly to me. Most of the time it's just something for pretentious teenagers to argue over. "Hey, you don't believe in the same thing you believed in when you were 22!"
Lol, not to be negative, but we could do the same with Burn It Down / NBA or Powerless/ Vampire... or COG / Medal Of Honor. So if Green Day is a sell out, I know an other band which is too.
Yet that "other band" never claimed to be an anti-establishment punk band... Just throwing that out there.
True. But in that case, it's more of hypocrisy than "selling out" to me. I just wanted to point out that making advertisment for big film/shows/... doesn't make you automaticaly a sell out. In fact, I agree with who said selling out is a silly concept.
I'm confused here. Which band did claim to be anti-establishment punk? Green Day was heavily influenced by punk but always claimed to be rock'n'roll. I stand by the fact that Green Day have never sold out i.e. made poppier music for the sake of getting greater commercial attainment, but the selling of their brand is another matter.
Funny because in this interview, Billie Joe Armstrong says this: "Punk is not just the sound, the music. Punk is a life-style. There are a lot of bands around who claim to be punk and they only play the music, they have no clue what it's all about. It's a life-style I chose for myself. It's not about popularity and all that crap. When we started out as a band, we played punk rock, the music. [Then] we changed our sound, but we didn't change. We're just as much punk as we used to be. We got a lot of shit, and we're still getting it, for being signed with a major label. So what? We didn't start the band to cash in a lot of money. When we started out, punk was probably the most unpopular music around."
BEP after The E.N.D (which I actually liked.) Korn I agree on, but I'm biased as I don't like them anyway... Green Day haven't sold out, they do what they want I think. deadmau5 really sold out on 4X4=12 but has kind of redeemed himself with his latest effort. I'll think of some more soon.
Yeah I agree with this. I'm guessing from your tone that you got that I was joking, but yeah if it needs to be said, I care very little about whether punk dudes are still punx or not. Actually reflects good life decisions on their part.
Funny thing is, I've been saying the same thing in this thread that you provided an example of, that they're selling off their music at every opportunity they can get and money seems to be the motivation. And that quotation you linked still does not have Billie Joe claiming they're "anti-establishment punk rock", only that their ideals haven't changed since they started. He's basically saying that just because they changed their sound from straight punk rock doesn't mean they did it for the money, which is pretty obvious given Warning was the result of that particular change in sound.
I don't know whether to be appalled, or concede defeat and admit that if they can get away with it, they deserve it.