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Go to 2:25 in the RTP music video. Does any of that mean anything? I tried it on both log-ins but nothing!
So everyone, whats your favorite song on the album so far? My favorite is probably If We Only, but its tough competition with Love Will Leave a Mark and As You Go. Many people don't like As You Go, but I love it.
I don't know, I love them all so much it's hard to pick a favorite! But I guess I have to say Die For You, Hold Me Now, and Glass House. I also LOVE the remixes, especially the one for Hymn For The Missing. I thought I'd hate it, cuz Hymn For The Missing + Dubstep didn't work in my brain, but after listening to it I must say Red put it together beautifully. You can dance to it, cry to it, or both! It's perfect! And has anyone else noticed how beautifully Hold Me Now and Not Alone fit together? Hold Me Now: "These tired wings are falling, I need you to catch me." Not Alone: "I won't leave you, I will catch you."
Mine are Hold Me Now, So Far Away, and Love Will Leave A Mark. I like most of the CD honestly, but those stand out the most to me.
I'm liking As You Go, Damage, Love Will Leave a Mark, Same Disease, Perfect Life, and... well... Ah, heck, I like 'em all. Can't find anymore clues or figure anything out, but let's all keep looking and thinking. It's kinda odd that the RTP music video isn't linked to on releasethepanic.com
Die For You, Hold Me Now, If We Only, So Far Away and Glass Houses are my top 5. Was really disappointed with the Hymn For The Missing remix, the 30 second preview sounded like a trance remix, but then it turned into mild dubstep. The only song I'm not really a fan of is Perfect Life, and I think that's because the "(yeah yeah)" in the background makes it sound too pop and not enough rock.
I Agree with overlysarcastic on "perfect Life" the Yeah yeah part isn't working for me either. I still think "if we only" & "glass house" are the best songs on this record, with close follow ups: "Damage" & "release the panic". This record is good, but can't hit me like the previous records did. But that shouldn't be a problem, it's straight forward rock music and it will kick ass live.
Die For You, Same Disease, Hold Me Now, and If We Only (in that order)are the best of the standard 10. Of the bonus tracks I was only impressed by As You Go. Had such a crazy ambiance about it, seriously great.
i'm not sure what else there is to find but I don't understand why there is a page dedicated to some technical jargon: redmusiconline.com/accedia why would they just have that, you know?
My thoughts on the dubstep remixes: They're cool, and I will probably listen to them more, but separately from the album. I can't stand rock music and dubstep on the SAME album. I made a separate playlist on my Kindle fire discluding the dubstep remixes and that is what I always listen to. I like them, but not WITH the album.
I guess I can see your point. As for me, I'm very flexible when it comes to music styles. I'll go from listening to RED to listening to Taylor Swift and back again just whatever I feel like listening to at any moment. RED is by far my favorite, but I like variety.
And to anyone who thinks it's weird for a RED fanatic to listen to Taylor Swift music... RED themselves said in the Release The Panic booklet that Taylor Swift is awesome, so I'm justified.
When I saw that they did that I tried to look on her facebook page to see if anyone said anything about it in the comments, I saw that her new cd is named RED. lol I wonder if thats why red did that.
It's very possible. Her CD came out before RED had released the name for the album, and they were joking on twitter about calling it Taylor Swift.
Thanks. This search is proving frustrating! I feel like there should be something big at the end but so far it doesn't seem like there is any payoff. Hmph.
Yeah, this doesn't feel at all like the I&I one, there haven't really been any clues in this one and there's only a few websites. This feels more like an online story or something lol