THIS.. I'm with you, brother.. I like the flow of theme that Paramore applied to their latest record. It has interludes, longer songs, has variety of genres incorporated just like A THOUSAND SUNS of LP. but what i like about Paramore's 4th album is that though it has electronic influences yet the organic feel of the record is still there.. One thing i would like to hear from LP again is the organic feel, guitar-oriented & live strings flow record...
+100.000!! Now really grows on me and really liked still into you. Listening to the album right now but I am not liking the first track, but cant wait for part II haha!
I don't think this album is that great. I'll listen to it again just to make sure later but currently the best songs are the interludes.
So after all the nifty things that have been said I decided to give the album an impulse buy. Digging it so far.
Wow... I never expected the reviews of the album to be this positive. 82/100 in Metacritic for an album is impressive already.
I took a risk and got this, even though I hated Now when I first heard it. Alone it doesn't do the album any justice. The album is fucking awesome. It has so many different sounds, and goes so far to make it concept album like, except it has no concept. I was completely suprised and just listened to it all the way through. The first half is catchy, poppy and ocasionally angsty, just like the older stuff, but with a happier, punchier sound. The rest is like nothing they've ever done. The last song is almost 8 minutes, and absolutely perfect. I didn't think i'd like this album, I was wrong. I love it, it's awesome. Even if you don't like Now, give it a listen. (Now also grew on me in the context of the album, it's catchy as hell!) I advise you to give it a listen, it's awesome.
The video for Still into You has been up for the past couple of days. [video=youtube;OblL026SvD4][/video] I wish Hayley could calm herself down with the make up and the clothes.
She looks schoolgirly as shit, and this video does NOT do the album justice, at all. Why doesn't she go for the style on the album cover, she looks okay there. And they played safe putting this out as a single, will get loads of attention from people who don't know Paramore, it's really poppy and will become a big hit.. But it does not sound like anything else from the album, the video makes them look like something 12 year old girls would listen to and well, like I said, it paints a bad image for what is actually a really good and decent album. Ugh. [/rantover]
I don't see what the big deal is. It sounds like a fun, light-hearted song, and the video complements it well.
The first thing I think of when I see the video is "Katy Perry". It kind of puts Paramore in a category that they don't belong in, at all. Anyways, I just finished the album a few minutes ago. Overall it's a pretty good album. I'll need to listen to it a few more times to form a real opinion, but so far it's good.
The only thing painting an image for the album is the album. I couldn't give a smaller shit about what people think of the image of the band, it's the music speaks for itself.
Indeed. The video is not bad at all, but it's not what Paramore is to me. Now and its video were so different that I was afraid for the album, but the album turned out to be pretty good, and not such a big departure from their sound. But they've just continued this "different" again with this video. Yes, this is a pop song, but Paramore aren't a pop band. These two videos are the worst Paramore has ever released.
Bonus tracks: