Scott Weiland Issues Statement On New STP, STP Sue Weiland For Use of Stone Temple Pilots Name [UPDA

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, May 26, 2013.

  1. brady

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Welcome to the Lpassociation forums! I do agree with you though, we shouldn't start a war between STP and LP, we should learn to accept and respect both bands, and maybe even learn to like them.
  2. dontFindOutMe

    dontFindOutMe Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    'It always rains the hardest on people who deserve the sun'
    Really sad for Chester..There is absolutely no reason why he is getting so much hate for fronting his all time favourite band.
  3. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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  4. Vdalem

    Vdalem Purrfect! LPA Super VIP

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Some people handle what is going on like kids. We have to accept what is going on and to give support to them all.

    This is sounds like such a messy divorce.
  5. laura

    laura Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    this is not a divorce stop .
  6. Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    It's called an analogy.
  7. Dismantle

    Dismantle First person to create a 'Robot Boy' Remix

    Jul 13, 2010
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    A few things, some will agree, most will probably rage and say something I couldn't care less about. But this whole situation as it stands right now is just pointless for Chester. I understand he's been a huge fan of STP and to be part of it now is an honor. But the way STP (Not inc Chester) is acting - Seeking legal rights to stop Scott from even saying he USED to be part of STP - is absolutely rediculous. I don't care if your a STP & / OR a Linkin Park fan, the fact is STP are totally not helping themselves here. Another thing, I don't really like how (Derek - I think) you're saying you're going to be posting news about STP just because Chester is the singer...STP is a particular sound that in normal sircumstances, most fans here wouldn't listen to them. And the fact is - I don't mean this disrespectfully - but I find their music outdated and although alot of people may like that sound, I don't see what relevance it has being posted on the LPA forums. I understand the recent news including this news should be posted, but after a month or two I really don't see why we need to read STP news on a Linkin Park fan page. At the end of the day, I think Chester should just get out while he still can avoiding any bad publicity. He's had his show with them now, I think making music with them will be totally stupid, considering he could put that into Linkin Park or Dead By Sunrise. I'm totally fine with STP fans coming here and checking out LP for the first time, but As much as I think that's awesome, I really really think STP's stuff sucks - Most probably just because I'm not fond of that style of music -. What STP need to realize is just because you get Chester Bennington in your band, doesn't make you a good band. Yes, I've heard they were relatively big back in the day, but Chester Bennington isn't going to bring anything STP fans want to hear, so why did they ask Chester to do it? Just because he's in a massive rock band. No other reason. Without Chester, STP wouldn't be here at this very time with a new single, and that's the scary thing. That the singer in my favorite band is now a singer for another band JUST because it's him, They need Chester alot more than he needs them. Hate it or Love it, that's my view on it all.
  8. laura

    laura Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    first ok then derek is only doing his job if public news about the stp and Chester is just to update us, I understand that you are arabbiato and if I can afford Chester is the best singer that exists in the world we should not be greedy or arabbiati with him is his dream but it will not affect with linkin park, I understand what you mean but it is his dream if you believe that one day they told me we give you the opportunity go to work or go to a concert what I always do if the person who tells me it is my brother tell him I'm going to the concert and recovery realizing a dream of mine when I get back is the same for chester is just a dream which is building
  9. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    So we are the Linkin Park Association. We bring you news about what's going on with Linkin Park. Fort Minor stuff? Check. Collaborations wtih Jay-Z? Check. Dead By Sunrise? Check. Art Show gatherings? Check. SURU Store information? Check. Movies that are directed by or include music from the band? Check. Video Games featuring music from the band? Check. Other collaborations including fashion, toys and other cross-promotions? Check. Check. Check.

    Like it or not, news about STP is relevent information to a member of the band Linkin Park. As long as Chester is collaborating with the band, There will be news here. The same can be said with any other member of the band doing any other kind of collaborations with any other musicians and artists. There will be news here. We pride ourselves on making factual and relevant news backed with concrete sources to bring up-to-date breaking news to fans of Linkin Park, like you. If you don't like the news that we post, then don't read it.
  10. laura

    laura Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    true story :-D i think if you are a linkin park fan you need to know all about all the member for the band
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    If we completely ignore a project that one member of the band is doing because some people don't agree with or particularly like said project, then we as Team Members, Staff and Contributors have failed you.
  12. Dismantle

    Dismantle First person to create a 'Robot Boy' Remix

    Jul 13, 2010
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    Stop making it up lol..You don't have to tell us everything about the band member individually. Yes, it's good that you write about DBS or fort minor, and art projects and stuff. But it's a LINKIN PARK fan page, not an individual like Chester or Mike fan page, if they don't mention Linkin Park, I really don't see the point. It's an entirely new band altogether and yes so is DBS and Fort Minor, but put it this way, I sure as hell hope Brad doesn't join One Direction, for the sake of this page lol.
  13. lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    This. I personally would be pissed if I found out about Chester joining Stone Temple Pilots a couple months from now. I'd be like, WTF, why wasn't this posted on the LPA?!
  14. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    We have reported news about individual band members in the past and we will continue to do so in the future. The goal of our news section is to be that one-stop-shop for ANY news related to the band. This includes side projects. If something that comes up for ANY band member that falls into the criteria of news, you can rest assured that we will post it to our website. Yes, Stone Temple Pilots were an established band before Chester, however any news that they make with Chester will be posted to our web page. The same goes with Fort Minor, Dead By Sunrise or any other side projects and collaborations that the band members participate in. If there is a particular news story that you don't want to read about, you don't have read it.
  15. laura

    laura Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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  16. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    This. Hybrid just said exactly what I was going to say except in a much shorter post.

    LPA covers band members AND the band. That means any side projects even if they have no connection to LP except for the band member will be reported on. And like it not, that will include updates on this lawsuit, tour dates, album news and single news. It's not just the way we do things, it's a smart thing to do. Covering just Linkin Park (and no side projects) limits our outreach. Expanding it to cover STP and ALL projects by band members means we get more visibility and more google hits. Exposure is everything.
  17. wolflink

    wolflink I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Wow, very good sentenses.
    my favorites:
    They need Chester a lot more than he needs them.
    Of course i can´t believe chester hasn´t realised that he is beig used as a marketing strategy.
    STP´s stuff sucks.
    And very hard.
    I think Chester should just get out while he still can avoiding any bad publicity.
    Of course we dont need a new depresed, chester.
    What STP need to realize is just because you get Chester Bennington in your band, doesn't make you a good band. Amen to that.
    I think making music with them will be totally stupid, considering he could put that into Linkin Park.
    some people will say, "it´s not the kind of music that lp does" but remember LP has its own genre the LP genre, no rules, no formulations.

    This band was almost dead, now they need someone to help them to bring back the STP brand. (in the case sometime had existed)
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  18. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Not necessarily. But one of the best things about LPA is how thorough it is when it comes to covering Linkin Park and Linkin Park-related news. All band members' creative endeavours get covered. So, if you want to know more about what the individual band members might be up to outside of the band or something, this place can inform you. Maybe some people don't notice how convenient that is, or take it for granted (until we fail to report something - then, they raise hell), but it's an important aspect of what we do here.

    What's happening with Stone Temple Pilots heavily involves Chester and, furthermore, may affect the progress on Linkin Park's sixth studio album. So STP+Chester and LP's sixth album are happening alongside each other and both are things that, for our intents and purposes on this website (which, again, covers Linkin Park and Linkin Park-related news), are happening in the world of Linkin Park.
  19. Star Scream

    Star Scream Does A Machine Like You Ever Experience Fear

    Oct 18, 2011
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    whatever scott.. you just know chester's a 100 times better singer than you :lol:
  20. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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