During Tokyo's Summer Sonic performance, Linkin Park's constant hinting has led to the live premier of a new song between the band and Steve Aoki called "A Light That Never Comes". Not much is known as of now other than the fact that the song is related to Linkin Park's upcoming game LP Recharge and that fans may get to unlock it after finishing the game. Live snippets are gradually being posted onto social networks so wait here for more exciting news to come! CHECK OUT THE FULL PERFORMANCE BELOW: [video=youtube;VGYe_mwpowk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGYe_mwpowk&feature=player_embedded&t=56[/video] Watch instagram videos of the performance HERE AND ENDING OF SONG HERE LPA member NeoRock_096 has stitched together the music from various videos in order to produce the best full version of the song. This is currently the best preview of A Light That Never Comes! Listen Below: [jump][/jump] [thumb]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm7/zaneroks94/ScreenShot2013-08-10at90800AM.png[/thumb] Source: YouTube via Isadore l SoundCloud via NeoRock_096
I'm right again lol! http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39326&p=1259595&viewfull=1#post1259595 2 out of 2. LT release date and the new song. I'm on a roll.
Summer Sonic* Basically: During Steve Aoki's set Mike and Chester appeared. They sang/rapped and then tweeted about it. Mike retweeted someone asking whether the song was going to be unlockable in LP Recharge. Hint tweets earlier in the day were tagged with #LPRecharge.
Tweets are tagged with #LPRecharge; Mike retweeted someone asking about it being unlockable in LP Recharge. Make your own assumptions. ALSO, I NEED TO BE LISTED AS THE SOURCE. /Pedantic
This is the kind of stuff I've been waiting for so long, Mike going old-school with emotional choruses from Chester
I FUCKING SAID IT FIRST: http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24532&page=372&p=1259509&viewfull=1#post1259509 AWESOME. Burn It Down-ish.
Pretty sure they just finished performing it and uploading to Instagram takes 5 seconds from a mobile device whereas posting videos to Youtube take more time/effort. I'm sure we'll get better videos later on when people get home.