Someone over at LPLive says he found a countdown timer and coming soon message in the page's source code.
We found those a while ago in the shoutbox but determined both to be irrelevant. The countdown timer is missing something that sets it to a definable date, which means it's likely just going to be updated down the line and is pointless to look at now. The coming soon is both obvious and superfluous.
Is this really something they'd update over night, as LP's timezone (generally) is PST? Updating overnight while everyone is sleeping.
I wonder why they designed it so the mouse disappears upon crossing into the artwork. Makes me think there'll be some type of game to be played on-screen
Should be an exciting week. I doubt this is for a collaboration song with Aoki especially given how Mike gave us the update on the album few weeks back and then showed us the picture of Andy Wallace mixing. They know that everyone is thinking "LP6" in their minds. An Aoki song will be extremely underwhelming right now. Unless that collaboration is for a song on Transformers which would also be there on LP6. Don't think that would be relevant since LP has a huge fanbase all over the world. Yeah. I've been clicking the hell out of that page just to make sure I ain't missing a secret link somewhere.
Hey Lorenzo. For anyone that may not realize, this is the same Lorenzo who works for the LPU and replaced Adam!
thanks for the shout out, hey everyone! I am honored to be here and super thankful to work at LPU HQ. feel free to say hello anytime @lorenzoerr.
Hey there! Welcome to the LPA. If I'm allowed to ask a question, is there anything we need to do at this stage other than wait out the storm?
So, the agony begins. I was thinking about "The Puzzlenger" just last week. Wonder if it's still on YouTube
Seems like there's a lightning storm starting through the clouds now. Or maybe it's my imagination. Also I keep seeing lines on the top right of my screen. Is that just the edges of the moving cloud pictures or...