[AUDIO] Until It's Gone - Listen to Linkin Park's New Single from The Hunting Party

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, May 5, 2014.

  1. thor

    thor Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2010
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    i love this song more than GATS. the only complaint I have is that Id wish the guitar solo, if that's what it is, was longer.
  2. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    I LOVE this song too, Martin. *high-five*
  3. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Yeah! You're right.. The track is great but there are some interesting elements buried in the mix.. It's a solid song for me.
  4. rcm034

    rcm034 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    I find it humorous that this song is most definitely not written to be analyzed at this level by any means. It's just a fun song for people to jam out to in the car and think about buying the new album. It's like studying a Katy Perry song like it's a beethoven concerto haha. LP really does probably have the most brutal fan base of any band out there when it comes to judging their creative talent.

    And I am an electrical / audio engineer by the way haha. Well, I haven't taken my FE exam yet, but I do sound / mixing gigs fairly regularly
  5. Arun1910

    Arun1910 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    What if LP deliberately tried to make a simplistic lyrical song?
  6. LPGuy

    LPGuy Banned

    May 6, 2014
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    Edited due to mind changing on the song.
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  7. Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    So I just heard the iTunes version of the song.

    The extra 13 seconds has made me more excited for the album than either song released so far.
  8. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    LP needs a big break after this cycle... Making album every 18 months is not the best idea...
  9. Richoguy13

    Richoguy13 Then it slipped away...

    Sep 29, 2010
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    Haven't seen buzzkills of this size for a long while now...
  10. SigmaZero

    SigmaZero Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    In my experience, just about any heavy album, is going to have at least one or two softer songs. Usually one of them will end up a single. So, even though I would prefer they used another heavy song, before the "soft" one, it doesn't really bother me. I enjoy this song. It doesn't lower my expectations of the album. Besides, we all know that the singles, are not always the strongest tracks on an album.
  11. Nicholas

    Nicholas Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Strangely enough that made me really excited too. That beat was cool, sounds like the type of song to hear Mike rapping on. Now I'm really curious as to what the track after UIG will sound like.
  12. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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  13. Jack_Farrell

    Jack_Farrell KTTK is Chester suicide-diving off a cliff naked

    May 1, 2008
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    Definitely, sounds like the stuff from I Have Not Begun, that's the crazy I'm pushing for, the synths in this song are crazy good too, their electronic element lately is where they shine and they actually create "quality" so to speak, whereas I don't find these guitars that compelling or creative.

    Also someone else pointed out that these lyrics lack substance which is EXACTLY what is wrong, way beyond the absolute fuck-up that is for a band of almost 2 decades of song-writing to still be using overused, cliche phrases. They're words that happen to rhyme but they don't convey any feelings, they're not heartfelt at all, like you could feel with stuff like Breaking the Habit for example. And it's logical since their life is no longer in shambles and we get to see how they no longer live like typical teenagers, instead they go to the Alps for vacations or go windsurfing, they're successful adults and they no longer experience the hardships they used to sing about, in a "true" way. They don't even live a "rockstar" lifestyle, they're just regular people that happen to be in the greatest rock band right now.

    I'm beginning to think that we won't even hear lyrics like those in In Pieces again, for example, but instead we'll get substance-less lyrics like the ones in GATS or here. It's a shame because Mike envisioned a great idea that isn't living up to the standards lyrically.
  14. Mayank

    Mayank New Member

    Sep 11, 2010
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    Just another song, off the tracklist into the dump.

    It's the most critical review from me, don't expect me to be soft on it for being a fan of LP for past 6 years. (Contrary its my first post on LPA)

    Those who feel offended and wage a war against me, I can only laugh at you.

    This song is one of the most unconvincing, uninspired and unmapped track when you have put so much hype on it. I am not even gonna try to listen it again and/or suggest it to anyone. It lost its tune to me in the second listen. Either they should have not hyped about this song or made it better. I have been listening to them since MTM and after ATS they have only degraded especially in lyrics. It has very mediocre lyrics (even GATS is, except Rakim's part), mixing : just say it HORRIBLE (at least didn't expect it from Andy), instruments seem to be catchy in the first listen but monotonous nature of synth makes its replay ability very less. It has been released for promotion of the album and it might make them gain some attention but mainstream music is to tough for this to survive against those big names on people's mind as it is too blant and repetitive.

    I am really expecting the rest of the songs from the album to be really something different and daring as GATS was I really liked that. ATS is best album to me till date because it had some dare to do and achieve something what rarely anyone does.

    I am really obsessed with music these days, turn it on and EDM starts to 'duck' my ears and so I have started to live in an age of music when I was not even born. There true music, soul of rock exists now a days as well I would like something daring than bring the corpses alive.

    UIG : 5/10
    GATS : 7.8/10

    On another note, can you suggest me some really daring and good albums/ songs? I am fed up of all these EDM and Disco shits!
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  15. Arun1910

    Arun1910 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    After a few more listens, its not as bad as I thought if I just disregard my hope for some deeper lyrics. The instrumentals and atmosphere are really good.
  16. danielpsoad-09

    danielpsoad-09 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    After listening to the song several times, I think it has grown on me. I'd say I like it even if it's not the greatest thing in the world. I don't think it's better than GATS, but if this is the softest song we'll hear on the album, then I think I'll be satisfied. The song has a lot of interesting things going on, musically. I'm still not completely happy with the mix (of both UIG and GATS), especially with how the drums sound.
    I honestly don't care about lyrics in general. I've never understood why a lot of people care so much about the lyrics (of any song/band). If I want to read deep stuff, I guess I'd simply read poetry. As long as the words make sense, flow well and have nice melodies, that's fine with me. If LP wants to use the words "lies" and "pain" in every song from now on, I honestly don't care as long as the music is good.
    Oh, and the outro bit is interesting and I can't wait how it connects to Rebellion which is probably the song I'm looking forward the most.
  17. Xero-G

    Xero-G Reborn LP Fan, and plan to stay that way.

    Dec 21, 2013
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    First, to comment on the reception of this song: Wow. Talk about the hype train derailing, crashing, imploding and then continuing to burn.

    On the new song itself: After the second full listen, I can definitely say that I really enjoy this song. While it may be a bit repetitive, the message behind the lyrics really sink in and give the song more depth. I also dig the dramatic tension and how it builds throughout the song. I honestly do not understand how people think this is "poppy" or "mainstream" by today's standards. I was exposed to a lot of poppy music on a mainstream radio station at school while in the dining halls and I can say with confidence that there was never a song played in there that sounded close to anything like UIG. Lastly, on the already "infamous" lyrics, I actually like them the way they are. The song could have benefited a bit more from variation in lyrics towards the end but Chester's awesome delivery saves it, IMO.

    P. S. Don't let this song cause you to lose faith in the album. We knew from the start that this would be quite a bit softer than the others, so we can expect more rocking, in-your-face tracks when the album drops.
  18. ryyyylp

    ryyyylp Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    You guys are the worst.
  19. deftonesfan867

    deftonesfan867 976-EVIL

    Apr 5, 2010
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    What I can bet on is a bunch of guys and gals saying it sounds like everything else on the radio spend a lot of time listening to that same radio you claim to despise.
  20. AkirraKrylon

    AkirraKrylon LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jul 8, 2010
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    Yea...not sure how this is considered poppy. You'd be hard pressed to listen to main stream radio and find anything that sounds like UIG.

    Considering this is a mid tempo track, I think THP is gonna be a really good album. I enjoy the louder more epic side of LP so bring it on!

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