Reading the comments, people haven't really been too impressed with the song. Not a surprise though. Based on the reviews, this was a song that didn't really catch my attention. Maybe I will like it, but the reviews about it haven't been too promising.
Trolls will be trolls. And lol wtf is up with that "Great Divide" review :L The guy wrote like a sentence on Mark the Graves and about a paragraph on ALITS.
i dnt knw i like it pretty much myself and its catchy and totally different sound than all previous songs we heard , paige and chester do pretty well and ofcourse mike
I dont know why you guys read reviews for music. All reviewers use crazy words to describe the music. I have not read one review that describes GATS, UIG and the others "accurately" according to me. It just leads to disappointment. Like that one review that said GATS had a "matt bellamy esq riff", no it does not.
First Impressions: Would've much rather had Chester singing the chorus than Page. I feel any vocalist, when compared to Chester, is so dull. This isn't an exception in my opinion. Chester singing the chorus would've made this a million times better. I really liked the music though. The solo wasn't a shredder, but it was really tasteful and sounded good. Bourdy is still the Christ-Lord of this album, and I thought Mike's raps were good. Not as good as Wastelands, but I still dug them. Way better than most raps on Living Things.
I'll skip this one. Just like GATS I wanna be surprised by the guest appearance when I hear the song. I have no idea how this Paige guy sounds like... One question for the ones who already listened: Who do you guys think will sing the part of Paige live??
LOL @ the great divide review. It's pretty obvious he is an "OLD LP" fan. His distaste for ATS is clearly shown.
Cool man, I didn't call you a troll personally. If you hate the song, keep on hating it. I'm just saying that too much negativity will just ruin it for others that have yet to hear it. I heard it though and I fuckin' loved it. Depends what your tastes are like really. Linkin Park fans are the toughest fanbase to please so it really doesn't surprise me that a lot of people don't like this song.
i really dont get your point,sorry. drapebar clearly said "It's pointless even talking about it because the album will be out one way or another by the end of today anyway" . sorry if dont get you mean,my english is not so good.
Why do I get the feeling that LPA staff know about some kind of official stream today but don't want to specifically say that.... #conspiracy
in my opinion yes,but that may be because my english is not so good well...i will get the album on friday anyway, so i dont care for the leak