Eminem - Shady XV A brand new song from Eminem titled Guts over Fear with artist Sia is dropping on iTunes Monday, August 25th. One could assume that this new song means a new studio album is incoming. [THUMB]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/p720x720/10629879_10152262607000079_6323172736969023611_n.jpg[/THUMB] Thoughts? Concerns? What would you want from a new potential Eminem album? (Source)
Yep. And it sounds good so far. But yeah this song was most likely recorded when he did Beautiful Pain with Sia as well. Probs a MMLP2 cut he wanted us to hear. I am super excited!
Heard this in the trailer for "The Equalizer". Eminem doesn't sound too good when he sings, not sure about Sia's performance in the track either but maybe I'll change my mind when the full song is released. Man he just released an album last year, I doubt he would have that much material prepared for another record this fast lol
A double album titled Shady XV, one disc containing new music and the other being a greatest hits CD. Everything should be confirmed tomorrow. [video=youtube;C2pYNk-Gxxk]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2pYNk-Gxxk[/video] And there's more shit to never hear again.
If this new song is anything to go by, it looks like another album where I'll listen to it for a few days and never play it again. Maybe I'll find one song to like if I'm lucky.
http://www.fuse.tv/2014/08/eminem-new-album-shady-xv?campaign=scl|fbk|fsc Eminem Confirms New Album 'Shady XV', releasing Black Friday