I agree with Derek. But I don't think Kevin and Filip are trying to say that LP are greedy when they said they were doing it for the $$$?
They have every right to upload their music. I'm just saying, they probably wouldn't have done it if it wasn't profitable.
I am actually glad that we are getting more streaming services. So far Spotify has had a monopoly on that front, and as everyone knows, musicians don't get paid very well through their stream. With more streaming services coming, artists will eventually get paid more because the different companies will try to make their service more attractive than the others. Basically how the free market works.
Not saying they're greedy, they should get paid for their work and this is just another way to do so.
I'm sure that Spotify doesn't pay the artists very well, but as someone who has come directly from pirating practically all of their music to now using a streaming service like Spotify now for practically all of my music, it's definitely an upgrade.
Is it? Having a huge library on demand is fantastic, but unless you're paying for Premium, you're not getting songs at 320kbps, whereas you can with pirated music. Still, nothing beats buying an album from one of your favourite artists and ripping it to your computer.
I do pay for premium, I played around for free for a while and decided it was worth it, and indeed it has been more than worth it for me. That side, I *do* purchase physical copies of albums I love, not even to rip, just simply to enjoy having it, putting it on my shelf, I'm weird like that.