A Moon Shaped Pool has been a real grower for me. God, this album is incredible. Can't wait to get this shit on vinyl. I agree. I thought the reveal trailer got a bit too much crap. And the E3 demo was really fucking great. I was watching the Sony's conference live, so it being revealed as CoD kinda blew my mind. Then again, I haven't played CoD since the first Black Ops. So I wouldn't be feeling the franchise fatigue that people who buy it annualy do.
Yeah I haven't played since MW3 (actually I played ghosts but not that much, let's forget that game). But the E3 demo looked pretty cool, no more dumb movement mechanics, just boots on ground... with spaceships lol. But it looked like you could actually control what missions you choose in the campaign, so that's an improvement.
trying to be a more positive person feels unrealistic because I'm pretending to have positive thoughts. Feels super phony but I guess it takes time. Don't want to turn myself into a delusional person
I want to make music again, although I'm pretty bad at it. I'm really self-conscious about my guitar playing. Should just go for it though. It's just a hobby, don't know why I stress out about it. Thanks, you're always so positive btw
Dude, I get that. I used to be so cynical and I could never do things. Slowly I've been putting in effort and I was so sure that I was failing and that my actions were just meaningless but I've changed. I was so sure I could never ride a bike. And I tried for years and I couldn't, no matter what, I couldn't keep the balance. But recently, I tried with some faith in myself and I did learn to ride it, after just a few tries. Its just that you easily give up when you don't believe in yourself. You be persistent in your work, Tony. You'll see results soon enough. Just don't give up, man. Hope I wasn't too preachy.
There was this speaker I listened to at the Thespians State competition a few months ago. It kind of took me by surprise but he spoke to about 20 of us about basically being creative and not worrying about what you do. The line I remember the most from what he said was "let the words flow out before your mind has the chance to scold them". I don't know if that advice would help you, but it helped me. I started to just write everything and do whatever came to my mind in regards to music. Right after I write/compose whatever it is, I may be luke warm to what I just made, but when I give it time, it can be something I actually like. It doesn't happen often that I like something I make. I stopped worrying about the raw ideas in front of me and it let them grow. It's difficult to do but try it. I love writing when I'm half awake at 2 in the morning. I'm so tired that I don't even care about how I sound in my writing. When I wake up, and it's something good, it's a great feeling. If I wake up and it's shit, I move on. And that's my rant, good bye Random Thoughts thread, I'll be back in another 6 months bc that's basically how often I post here
Thank you Suj and RyRy. Very nice advice indeed. One of my issues is that I compare myself to the musicians I listen to, which is unfair. Everyone starts somewhere and I'm kind of looking at musicians through rose-tinted glasses. Plus, I don't have the experience and gear that they have, so of course I might sound inferior right now. But I also may be overly self-critical. I need to be more reasonable with how I approach and perceive things. RyRy, I like what you said in your post. About just writing without thinking about it. Probably the biggest enemy of creativity is thinking too much. I'll have something in mind and think that it's wrong before I even try. A lot of this kind of comes from other aspects of my life right now. Am going through a lot of shitty things and it's effecting the way I take on everything.
[video=youtube;9Nv0e07PUn4]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nv0e07PUn4[/video] Some of the worst news I've ever heard tbh. I knew his time was coming but it's still sad. I looked up to him a lot as someone who loves fashion. R.I.P. Bill Cunningham
So the past few days I've decided to kinda diet myself and run more to lose fat, so I've been eating less for my main meals and if I eat an actual lunch, I don't have a snack. But oddly enough when dinner comes, I'm full after one helping of everything, when previously when I snacked and ate more throughout the day, I'd be getting seconds and sometimes even thirds. Is this normal that this is happening? Bc at the end of dinner, I'm genuinely full and can't eat any more at all, when I thought I'd be eating away after a day of eating less.