Everyone and their mother has downloaded this game, and the potato servers have been struggling to keep up. What do you think of the game? Which Pokémon did you start with? Which gym / team are you a member of? Rarest Pokémon you have seen so far? How many have you caught so far? Is this all an elaborate plan to get the youth outside for some exercise? I thought this could be a good forum to talk strategy among other game topics. I started with Bulbasaur and my most rare at this point is probably Dragonite. I found him near the river. I'm still level 4, so I can't join a gym yet, but my friends are all apart of the Yellow team / Instinct, so I'll be joining them. Good luck on your journey, heroes!
Lol Team Instinct... scrub Anyways, the rarest I've seen is a Pinsir (sucks, I know), but I've been out of town since the game came out and will be grouping up with my friends to go out when I get home. I think the game is good, but there is room for improvement: 1. Servers need fixing (obviously) 2. Trading needs to be a thing. 3. Having a 'friends' list is a must. 4. Statistics on what team has the most gyms in the world, your area, etc. 5. It'd be nice to see other trainers on screen. Hopefully these features, especially trading and a friends list, come out sooner rather than later. I have a 650 Vaporeon, 480 Pidgeot, and 380 Dodrio. My friend has a 990 Vaporeon All of my friends are on Team Valor, and I would recommend that everyone join us, lest they wish to lose I'm just kinda putting my thoughts in this post right now. The game has massive potential.
The rarest I have seen is a goddamn Pidgey ffs. I don't have the data plan to play this game outside of wifi hotspots...ugh. Probably just gonna delete it and forget about it.
So I played a baseball tournament in Oklahoma City and at OU this week. I swear I saw hundreds of people playing
Because I have my phone running the app right now and don't want to switch over for a screenshot, here is what I've got so far: Name: minusxero Team: Mystic Level: 11 Pokémon: Pidgeot | CP613 | P. Idiot Dodrio | CP522 | Threebird Flareon | CP508 | Solar Flare Golbat | CP489 | Cave Herpes Pidgeot | CP454 | Biggest Bird Raticate | CP377 | DeathOfRats Raticate | CP338 | Deadmau5 Tauros | CP325 | Bullshit Bellsprout | CP294 | Ball Spout Venemoth | CP290 | Bug-Eye Eggsecute | CP262 | Order 66 Pidgeot | CP255 | P Diddy Staryu | CP241 | Pentagram Pinsir | CP241 | A Pin, Sir Tangela | CP215 | Spaghetti Horsea | CP209 | Seahorse Krabby | CP192 | Patty Poliwag | CP182 | Water Sperm Goldeen | CP177 | Phish Grimer | CP158 | Rick Grimer Bulbasaur | CP148 | Cabbage Frog Meowth | CP145 | Pizza Cat Slowpoke | CP144 | Derp Eevee | CP134 | Stone Slut Tentacool | CP119 | Surf Ninja Oddish | CP104 | Onion Metapod | CP94 | Podrick Geodude | CP88 | Dudebro Gastly | CP82 | Rick Psyduck | CP82 | GangnamStyle Squirtle | CP61 | Ninjasquirtl Charmander | CP52 | Drogon Kabuto | CP45 | Headcrab Kakuna | CP43 | O Kakuna Magikarp | CP31 | Hufflepuff Ekans | CP31 | Slytherin Spearow | CP26 | Britney Paras | CP10 | France
I spent more time looking for pokemon then I did riding rides at Universal which is not as bad as it sounds since I live near Universal but still. Also, I think half the people there were playing Pokemon Go.
Would be much more enjoyable if not for the absolute game-breaker of a glitch that causes the last Pokemon you fight in a Gym to get down to 1 HP but never faint. Literally happens 90+% of the time. Glitch has apparently been around since beta and was widely reported by play testers, and Niantic never bothered to fix it. Bravo. Oh, having your Pokemon completely fucking disappear if the servers go down while it's in the middle of an evolution is wonderful too...
I dunno. Playing this will probably kill me since I live in a rural area, am half black and people are quick on the trigger...
Evolved my second Eevee and a Psyduck today. Yielded a 717CP Jolteon and an 814CP Golduck. Also went up two levels today chilling at the mall.
I've successfully fought a gym exactly once. Far from the only person who seems to be dealing with it this frequently, either... https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/4rlvlp/wow_niantic_really_fucked_up_with_the_1hp_glitch/
But 90% seems to be much, which was my original point. I've been embroiled in turf wars all weekend with no mention of the issue you've encountered.
My girlfriend and I got the game yesterday and walked on the trail near our houses and then into downtown where there were a shit ton of pokespots. Then we just happened to run into my brother coming home from work collecting pokestops so we got a ride home with him. Pretty fun first day
Couldn't get past making my own username. It kept saying the name isn't available no matter what I typed in. Even the most random combination of words.
My youngest sister went out in the woods looking for Pokemon, and found not 'a one. Spoiler: Context We were at my second eldest sisters house, visiting for her birthday. My mother wanted me to supervise my younger sister. My current phone is too shitty to play PoGo, myself. :L