If that was the case they probably would have just changed the date. Unless they wasn't sure what the new one was going to be but that's unlikely at this point. Also from what I understand about WB, they don't really care about speculation regarding release dates despite them being quick to make websites dispel the February 14th date that the radio dude tweeted. Honestly, fuck knows. At this point there's been so many rumoured dates that anything is possible.
Mike put up on his SnapChat apologizing something about the dates and how he doesn't come up with them. It just seems like now the date is a moving target.
What I'm saying is that we still don't know what exactly is going on with this album, and we are really far into the production cycle itself. Since the band has been so hush-hush with how the overall album will sound, I'm expressing possible concerns. That's why I said in my previous post that we may still hear the technical improvements in THP in future songs, but there has been nothing to suggest that at this point. Believe me when I say that I hope LP7 will be the most fleshed-out, perhaps musically complex album the band has ever written, especially with the "lyrics and melody first" approach. Consider me a huge fan of the instrumental direction of THP, even if songwriting and lyrics were hit or miss at times. I know there isn't any direct evidence showing how the instrumentals and songwriting will turn out. I'm just concerned with how quiet LP has been about all of this, knowing how enthusiastic and forthcoming with key information they are when it comes to promoting a new album months before it drops.
I'll agree that it does seem (seem being the key word here ) like they are going in a mellower direction this album, but that may not necessarily be a bad thing. If the instrumentals are great, perhaps a 'chill' LP record is what we need at this point. THP is a good album, and one where I stick by my review...but the style of it got grating after repeated listens. Maybe I'm just drifting towards poppier music. Who knows.
Not sure when it happened but Warner Music Thailand deleted both Facebook and Twitter posts saying that we will hear new music on the 17th.