Yes, because saying multiple times that the image is trash and is just a shitty instagram photo really makes it seem like you're kidding. And if you are and you're just trolling, then why are you even here??? Trolls belong to the youtube comment section.
No you're not. But shhh… you be careful, you can't have that opinion here. I was kidding when I said that the cover doesn't have title because you can't add it on Instagram. I was NOT kidding when I gave my OPINION that the cover, TO ME, is garbage. Sorry if only the ones that share a positive opinion are welcome here.
See, I don't have a problem with that guy, bc he just doesn't dig the feel of it. And that's fine. Its just stupid like "looks like a shitty instagram photo with a filter on it" that really grinds my gears as someone who takes an interest and studies photography.
There is a lot of ways for you to say you disliked something without being rude. There were people who said they didn't like it and that's fine, but don't expect people to be chill about your opinion if you say stuff like "oh my god, this is so trash, the worst thing I've ever seen". It's just rude. Everyone is having a nice discussion about the cover and the album.
Who cares if it was taken by a $200 phone with free filters, it looks good.. and it could be the most meaningful artwork they've done. LP got their kids to go down the beach to do this and people still complain.
It is lovely. I'm really digging it. Really refreshing, and with some extra colors for once! Getting tired of that B&W stuff
I think I never felt the other covers until this one. It's not that I dislike them, I just don't care that much.
I'm expecting it to drop within a month, almost Beyonce - Lemonade style.. 2-3 weeks from announcement to release.
Sometimes it may seem that way, yes. However, if you phrase your opinion and responses in a dickish, childish manner, is it really that much of a shock that no one cares for it?