Highly unlikely. The album is up for pre-order on iTunes and the Heavy you get is from the album at 2:49. That's the album version.
I find it incredible how much this post has grown in the two days since the band released the single and started a new album cycle. I've been a member of this forum for only about 3 years but I've been reading up on the band since ATS in 2010. I'm also not surprised about the amount of hate the single received. Truth be told I went out drinking Wednesday night and came home late so I woke up late to the single release. My first run through listening to it I was...underwhelmed. I've been blown away by every 1st single that LP has released going back to HT, and yes I'm in the minority it seems that seems to enjoy Burn It Down. But listening to all the snippets and previews to Heavy I was expecting something different. I honestly don't like how the song just jumps into the first verse with no build up. I honestly wish they kept the intro from the drum idea snippet. The bridge is also a little bit underwhelming, I felt like there could've been more added there. BUT...the song has grown on me. And I can't help but like the song enough that it's been on repeat the past two days. Truth be told LP is that band I can always relate to via the music in some form or another. Is Heavy their best single to date? Not at all. But it did its job of intriguing me enough to be excited for OML, so much that I preordered the album as soon as possible. I have a feeling this is going to be like ATS, an album that initially i had the hardest time listening to, and had to repeatedly go through again and again before really getting into it. Since we got the track listing, I do hope the album is at least more than 40 minutes, being 2.5 years since THP it would be a little disappointing if the album is short. Lighten up everyone. We should be be happy the band is still giving us new music. Truthfully if they're happy with what they've put out there, then how can I criticize them harshly for that, regardless if it meets my expectations or not. Side note: currently watching the movie Crank as I read this thread, and coincidentally i see Chester pop up in the film. I forgot that he was in it as the tweaker who tells Statham to snort nasal spray.
I'd be really curious to see WB's reaction if LP said "fuck you we are doing our own thing again like ATS".
Im not surprised if they will continue this to LP8 but a bit more experimental. What else they havent done yet? Reggae? Disco?
Likely nothing, Linkin Park really hasn't been the monster act they were in 2003. I've never understood you guys who think Linkin Park really want to be making batshit, balls to the wall experimental masterpieces and they get constant phone calls from Warner demanding they do things a certain way. Look at the people they have on their label, why would they care what Linkin Park did, so long as it wasn't a humiliating bomb? http://imgur.com/a/rDTZU
I agree but LP is still relevant and the fact that they can still create a buzz 16 years into their career is impressive whether heavy becomes a smash hit or not
After some careful thinking, I've finally figured it out. I feel like Scooby Doo right now because this mystery has been solved This may seem crazy but I 100% believe that @Reanimate02 is actually Mike Shinoda just giving us his best troll work yet. What better way to spark debate and conversation about your new material than to play the role of the stereotypical anti-anythingafterMeteora LP fan and play the role to a tee. The character has been portrayed well, spewing nearly imaginable cliche there is. However now is the time to give up act, Michael!
Damn, this thread is insane haha. Some of y'all are giving people like me who don't like the song a bad rep.