Considering that Chester said that some of the songs are written more towards about a 'frame of mind' rather than an emotional narrative, it's somewhat easier to get into the mood/vibe than THP, which mostly projects a single emotion. And while I still think some of the songs are badly written, I say that the band has achieved in that aspect. Also enjoyed reading the review. I don't think I will hate OML the most after going through the hype and controversy, but it might not be an album I'll rank it high or listen to it(full album) constantly and numerous, with the exception of a few that I like.
No surprise Kendrick feature. Sorry to disappoint haha. Not all of LPA . But yes this album will split fans quite violently I feel haha.
Yeah I'm definitely excited to hear these last 4 songs, as well as the studio composition for TTM and OML. I'm sure they won't be TOO different from the live versions, but Invisible had a different vibe so I guess I'll just wait and see.
TTM actually sounds very close to it's live version. LP did an incredible job of recreating the studio version live.
Well, that's good to hear. I really enjoyed the live version, and was a bit afraid to be disappointed by the final product.
Does it come with the bleeps and bloops that Fireflies is so full of? LP don't have enough bleeps and bloops.
While I think the album has a chance to be a good album, I already know this will be my second to least favorite Linkin Park album. It might be good but not great like their 5 albums. And that has nothing to do with it being Pop. So I can definitely see people disliking it even if they are okay with them going pop.
If it has nothing to do with pop, then what are you basing this off of? How could you possibly rank this album before it comes out lol?
Uhh I don't heavy's lyrics are that much of an opinion. You can like the song but it still lacks depth and creativity. It's just bad lyrics. They put more effort into ATS. That's clear. Fact
It's a fact that Mike Shinoda needs to learn some rap skills from my man Fred Durst if he think he can rock a rhyme like this.