Ultimate Playlist

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Sønic, May 24, 2017.

  1. #1

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    A while ago, or maybe after every album comes out, people seem to create a playlist of their favorite/best LP tracks. I figure we could do this again now that One More Light is out.

    Try to keep it at 20 tracks. Interludes don't count, so you could attach them however you like. Only use the 7 studio albums, no demos and things like that. Reanimation and Recharched can be included if you want. And, as much as you may distaste a certain record, try to use at least 1 song from ever one of them, if possible.

    Mine comes to 27 separate tracks, but I combined some to make it 20. I'll see how this flows one day.


    01. Opening/With You
    02. Empty Spaces/When They Come for Me
    03. P5hng Me A*wy
    04. Hands Held High
    05. Invisible
    06. Robot Boy/Jornada del Muerto
    07. Skin to Bone
    08. Frgt/10
    09. In My Remains
    10. Ntr
    \Mssion/Valentine's Day
    11. Wretches and Kings
    12. The Summoning/Rebellion
    13. Castle of Glass
    14. Breaking the Habit
    15. In Pieces
    16. Sorry for Now
    17. Blackout
    18. Mark the Graves/Drawbar
    19. One More Light
    20. Fallout/The Catalyst

    Songs From:
    Hybrid Theory: 1
    Reanimation: 4
    Meteora: 1
    Minutes to Midnight: 3
    A Thousand Suns: 8
    Living Things: 3
    The Hunting Party: 4
    One More Light: 3

    Looking at how many songs I used from each album, it's pretty much on par with how I feel about their discography.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  2. #2

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Here's my list bit they aren't numerated from my favourite to least favourite because that'd be impossible. I wrote them from HT to OML:
    With You
    Pushing Me Away
    Don't Stay
    Easier to Run
    Breaking the Habit
    Given Up
    Leave Out All the Rest
    Bleed it Out
    No More Sorrow
    Wretches and Kings
    The Catalyst
    Burning in the Skies
    When They Come For Me
    Lost in the Echo
    Guilty All the Same
    Burn it Down
    Halfway Right
    Sharp Edges
    wattmatters likes this.
  3. #3

    wattmatters Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Presenting Mellow Park

    I have arranged the mellow songs in a compatible order such that songs from all albums gel together really well. Sounds really good imo.

    Do check out :lol:


    1. The Requiem / The Radiance / The Burning in the Skies
    2. Krwlng
    3. Jornada del Muerto / Battle Symphony
    4. Not Alone
    5. Hands Held High
    6. Castle of Glass
    7. Nobody Can Save Me
    8. Leave Out All The Rest
    9. Skin To Bone
    10. Halfway Right
    11. Drawbar / Shadow of the Day
    12. Breaking the Habit
    13. Heavy
    14. My December
    15. Roads Untraveled
    16. Waiting For The End
    17. In Between
    18. Tinfoil / Powerless
    19. Wisdom, Justice and Love / Invisible
    20. Robot Boy
    21. One More Light
    22. Iridescent
    23. The Little Things Give You Away
    24. The Messenger
    25. Sharp Edges

    HT - 1
    Reanimation - 1
    Meteora - 1
    MTM - 5
    ATS - 5
    DTD : Haiti - 1
    LT - 4
    HP - Drawbar
    OML - 7
    Last edited: May 26, 2017
  4. #4
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    1. Castle of Glass
    2. In Pieces
    3. Lost in the Echo
    4. Final Masquerade
    5. Burning in the Skies
    6. One More Light
    7. Jornada del Muerto/Waiting for the End
    8. Breaking the Habit
    9. Keys to the Kingdom
    10. With You
    11. Powerless
    12. Skin to Bone
    13. Valentine's Day
    14. No More Sorrow
    15. Leave Out All the Rest
    16. Lockjaw
    17. Pretend to Be
    18. Nobody Can Save Me
    19. The Little Things Give You Away
    20. In My Remains
    HT - 1
    Meteora - 1
    MTM - 5
    ATS - 2
    LT - 5
    THP - 2
    OML - 2
    B-Side - 2
  5. #5
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    1.The Requiem / The Radiance / Breaking The Habit
    3.In My Remains
    4.Jornada Del Muerto / Waiting For The End
    5.Shadow Of The Day
    6.One More Light
    7.Wisdom, Justice, And Love / Iridescent
    8.The Catalyst
    9.Bleed It Out
    11.One Step Closer
    12.Wake/Guilty All The Same
    13.No More Sorrow
    15.Lost In The Echo
    16.Good Goodbye
    17.Talking To Myself
    18.What I've Done
    19.In The End
    20.A Line In The Sand

    Hybrid Theory 2
    Meteora 3
    Minutes To Midnight 5
    A Thousand Suns 7
    Living Things 2
    The Huntin Party 3
    One More Light 3
  6. #6

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Not sure how well it all ebbs and flows, but here's my 20. Sorry no Hybrid Theory or Meteora on here. I'd probably make a double album with the break between The Little Things and Burning In The Skies.
    1. Guilty All The Same
    2. When They Come For Me
    3. Lost In The Echo
    4. Sorry For Now
    5. Across The Line
    6. Jornada Del Muerto/Waiting For The End
    7. Blackout
    8. In Pieces
    9. Tinfoil/Powerless
    10. The Little Things Give You Away
    11. The Requiem/The Radiance/Burning In The Skies
    12. Rebellion
    13. No More Sorrow
    14. Keys To The Kingdom
    15. Until It Breaks
    16. Iridescent
    17. Mark The Graves
    18. Fallout/The Catalyst
    19. One More Light
    20. Drawbar/A Line In The Sand
    I'm interested in tackling a few "genre" specific sets some point when I have the time.
  7. #7

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Here are a couple playlists I made in the past. (one was burned onto a blank CD, one a phone playlist, one was made to a Spotify playlist, one is a SBS playlist). EDIT: I just read OP in more detail after doing this. Sorry for including non-album songs :D. To be fair though, these playlists were already pre-made.

    Heavy Linkin Park:
    1. Lost In th Echo

    2. White Noise
    3. Faint
    4. Runaway
    5. Rebellion
    6. Lying From You
    7. A Place For My Head
    8. Lies Greed Misery
    9. Wretches and Kings
    10. Given Up
    11. Mark The Graves
    12. Blackout
    13. Don't Stay
    14. One Step Closer
    15. From The Inside
    16. With You
    17. Victimized
    18. By Myself
    19. QWERTY
    20. Forgotten
    21. Guilty All the Same
    22. A Line In the Sand

    HT- 6
    M- 4
    MTM- 1
    ATS- 2
    LT- 3
    THP- 4
    Other- 2

    Linkin Park Song By Song Playlist [If you don't know what a SbS playlist is it basically compares all track 1s, track 2s, track 3s ect. against each other from all the albums with a couple bonus tracks.] [I Will update this for OML as I type this]

    1. Lost In the Echo
    2. One Step Closer
    3. Leave Out All the Rest
    4. Lies Greed Misery
    5. Crawling
    6. Castle of Glass
    7. Sorry For Now
    8. Rebellion
    9. Mark the Graves
    10. Wretches and Kings
    11. Final Masquerade
    12. Powerless
    13. The Catalyst [Because ATS is only album that goes over 12 "songs", TC is #13]
    14. What We Don't Know [Best Non-Album LP song]
    15. Breaking the Habit [Three Best Songs Left Out]
    16. Waiting For The End [Three Best Songs Left Out]
    17. One More Light [Thee Best Songs Left Out]

    HT- 2
    M- 1
    MTM- 1
    ATS- 3
    LT- 4
    THP- 3
    OML- 2
    Other- 1

    Linkin Park "Mixtape" [This Playlist was made on the day of BS single release]
    1. Battle Symphony
    2. Final Masquerade
    3. Mark The Graves
    4. In The End
    5. Pushing Me Away
    6. Lost In The Echo
    7. Castle of Glass
    8. Don't Stay
    9. Figure.09
    10. Hands Held High
    11. In Between
    12. Burning In the Skies
    13. Waiting For the End
    14. Across the Line
    15. What We Don't Know
    16. Blackbirds
    17. Dedicated
    18. Points of Authority
    19. Roads Untraveled
    20. Blackout
    21. In Pieces

    HT- 3
    M- 2
    MTM- 3
    ATS- 3
    LT- 3
    THP- 2
    OML- 1
    Other- 4
    Linkin Park Created Setlist
    Because My post is so long here is the playlist:

    Or you can view it in this thread here: http://www.lpassociation.com/forum/threads/youve-been-put-in-charge-of-lps-setlists.42803/
  8. #8

    Disturbedthoughts *Twitch*

    Mar 27, 2009
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    01 - With You
    02 - Lies Greed Misery
    03 - Good Goodbye
    04 - Guilty All The Same
    05 - Until It Breaks
    06 - Robot Boy
    07 - Jornada Del Muerto/Waiting For The End
    08 - Leave Out All The Rest
    09 - A Line In The Sand
    10 - Papercut
    11 - Roads Untraveled
    12 - Rebellion
    13 - Session
    14 - The Catalyst
    15 - In Pieces
    16 - The Little Things Give You Away
    17 - Skin To Bone
    18 - A Place For My Head
    19 - Mark The Graves
    20 - The Messenger

    HT - 3
    M - 1
    MTM - 3
    ATS - 5
    LT - 4
    THP - 4
    OML - 1

    Using only the 7 main albums, that is a surprisingly balanced list. Only kind of indicative of how I would rate the albums. Would be a VERY different list with outtakes and demos included.
  9. #9

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    If anyone is interested in my playlist, here it is:


    I mean, I guess you could just use your own tracks, but I made some of them bleed into one another so that some tracks just don't awkwardly start and stop.
  10. #10

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    I have a top 20 playlist, though there are a few that I feel really bad about leaving out so I've included a bonus 5 :lol:
    1. Empty Spaces/When They Come for Me
    2. Robot Boy
    3. Jornada del Muerto/Waiting for the End
    4. My December
    5. Sorry for Now
    6. Papercut
    7. Blackout
    8. Easier to Run
    9. Breaking the Habit
    10. One More Light
    11. The Little Things Give You Away
    12. In Between
    13. Nobody Can Save Me
    14. Valentine's Day
    15. In My Remains
    16. Invisible
    17. All for Nothing
    18. Wretches and Kings
    19. In Pieces
    20. Sharp Edges
    21. Keys to the Kingdom
    22. With You
    23. Leave Out All the Rest
    24. Until It Breaks
    25. Tinfoil/Powerless
    Final Count (excluding interludes):
    3 songs from Hybrid Theory
    2 songs from Meteora
    5 songs from Minutes to Midnight
    5 songs from A Thousand Suns
    3 songs from Living Things
    2 songs from The Hunting Party
    5 songs from One More Light
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  11. #11

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I was supportive of your Top 25 until I saw Keys to the Kingdom :halfkappa:
  12. #12

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    I honestly don't understand people's issue with the song. I thought the general vibe during the album cycle for THP was that people liked it. All of a sudden during this cycle I'm seeing the complete opposite. :lol:
    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  13. #13

    Iopia Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Yeah same. I'm still sorta on the fence about it, but I definitely remember a lot of people loving the track a few years ago (although I think Blake's always hated it :lol:).
    Christøffer likes this.
  14. #14

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Don't make a mistake: I have hated that song from the day it came out. I'm sure some might have changed their opinions though as I have changed my opinions on UIG, Wastelands, and AFN. But your top 25 is overall great. There are 3 songs I don't like on it but I can't hate on your love for Robot Boy or All For Nothing.

    You actually made me very tempted to try creating my top 25. Currently I only have a top 9 because I have way to hard of a time ordering it so if I tried to create a top 25 without ordering it, I might be able to do it :D
  15. #15

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Oh believe me, it fluctuates constantly. I just have a document with my top 20 for each artist that I update regularly.

    Yeah, I'm a nerd.
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  16. #16

    Bennington_Hahn This goes out to everybody still hatin' LPA VIP

    Apr 6, 2007
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    Mine isn't a playlist as such, but one which I consider my "Best of LP". Includes a few deep cuts as well as staples from the main albums. all in chronological order. You can really heard the evolution of their sound with this...
    1. And one
    2. Part of Me
    3. Dedicated
    4. Papercut
    5. A Place for My Head
    6. P5hng Me A*wy
    7. 1Stp Klosr
    8. Krwlng
    9. Breaking the habit
    10. Announcement Service Public
    11. Pretend to Be
    12. No Roads left
    13. In Pieces
    14. The Little Things Give You Away
    15. (Empty spaces) When they come for Me
    16. Robot Boy
    17. (Jornado del muerto) Waiting for The End
    18. Blackout
    19. (Wisdom justice & love) Iridescent
    20. (fallout) The Catalyst
    21. Castle of Glass
    22. Mark the Graves
    23. Drawbar
    24. Final Masquerade (Acoustic)
    25. A Line in the Sand
    26. Devil's Drop
  17. #17

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    S/o @Captain-EO for this idea. I have updated this playlist to a top 30 since Linkin Park has so many songs. Wasn't hard updating it until I had to choose song #30.
    Top 30 Linkin Park (No Order, Organized like a Concert Setlist)
    1. Lost In the Echo

    2. Given Up
    3. Rebellion
    4. Crawling
    5. Leave Out All the Rest
    6. In My Remains
    7. Nobody Can Save Me
    8. Final Masquerade
    9. Castle of Glass
    10. Mark The Graves
    11. From The Inside
    12. Lies Greed Misery
    13. Breaking The Habit
    14. Iridescent
    15. Skin To Bone
    16. In Between
    17. Sorry For Now
    18. Roads Untraveled
    19. In Pieces
    20. Somewhere I Belong
    21. Wretches and Kings
    22. In The End
    23. Waiting For The End
    24. One More Light
    25. Powerless
    (Encore would start here in the case of the setlist)
    26. The Catalyst
    27. Victimized
    28. A Place For My Head
    29. Faint
    30. One Step Closer

    HT- 4
    Meteora- 4
    MTM- 4
    ATS- 4
    LT- 8
    THP- 3
    OML- 3

    Pretty evenly spread out (outside of lots from LT). Also pretty indicative of my album rankings with LT being #1 and OML and THP being #6 and #7 respectively.
    Christøffer likes this.
  18. #18

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Rebellion #3 - out :kappa:
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  19. #19

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Even though this list isn't in order Rebellion is my 2nd or 3rd favorite Linkin Park song :lol:
    Christøffer likes this.
  20. #20

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Somehow I managed to miss the giant, blue, underlined text saying "no order" :lol:

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