Chester Bennington Support Thread - We're here for you

Discussion in 'Chester Bennington' started by Kevin, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    No need to apologize. Sometimes the best way to get back on track is stepping back and giving yourself a mental break.
    Lynn likes this.
  2. dreamerpoet

    dreamerpoet Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    Yeah....I tend to apologize for EVERYTHING lol not sure why....but stepping back was necessary for my sanity, but I'm doing better today so I'm calling it a win.
    Hybrid likes this.
  3. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    I apologize for the most random things too. :lol: Also, that is really great to hear that you're feeling better. Absolutely refreshing. :)
  4. dreamerpoet

    dreamerpoet Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    The last few days were SUPER rough on me, 10th anniversary of the death of a loved one, my bff, who anchors me when I get out of control in the hospital with complications after surgery, too much time stuck in my head and didn't know how to get out.....but today is a new day and I had to let it go and move forward!! And you? Apologizing for random things?.....never! ;) Seriously I adore your positivity!! I think I said that already though, maybe? lol
    Hybrid likes this.
  5. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Haha! Thank you. :p I think you might have told me that before... ;) Needless to say, with as much as you have going on, I'm happy to see that you're moving forward and getting into a better state mentally. I know it can be hard sometimes, but it makes me happy to see someone get out of a rut. Just remember to keep being awesome and if you need anyone, we/I am here for you.
  6. dreamerpoet

    dreamerpoet Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    And this is why I'm here! It's just...refreshing to see people understand how the world can throw too much at you, but will support you when you pull yourself out of the muck....which is kinda what this feels like. The last few days was like being underwater but today? I'm up and I'm breathing.....but July has always been a rough month for me (I literally have something death related EVERY week of July) but it always seems like once I get past the last one I can start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel again, thank goodness
    Hybrid likes this.
  7. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    I have had such a hard and stressful 6 weeks, I'm surprised that I am able to still give some positive advice. I totaled my car driving to work 6 weeks ago. I then had the displeasure of searching for a replacement vehicle. That in itself is way more stressful, especially with a limited timeframe, than most people care to even think about. I had to find a car before my insurance would stop paying for the rental that I had. After I found a car, then I had to fight with the dealer to keep the car since the finance officer was giving me a hassle about some paperwork. Literally the day that all was resolved, I went to my parent's vacation house with them for a big family vacation. Yeah, those aren't supposed to be stressful, but unimportant things always become a big deal. Then I come home after a week's worth of that and had some huge family issues(Extended family) with my mom and them not getting along and that put me down and in a bad spot. Then after that, last week happened. So it's been an eye-opening and stressful time for me. I'm still taking it one step at a time, trying my best to keep my mind going in a creative way.
  8. dreamerpoet

    dreamerpoet Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    Sometimes that's all you can do.. and as much as you've been here supporting US don't forget to lean on us too. You do you, and do the best you can. Someone said it, not sure who now, but baby steps still move you forward. That's one thing I'm trying to remember.
    Hybrid likes this.
  9. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Thank you so much for being there for me too. I honestly think helping others get through their hard times helps me out too. The advice that I am giving to everyone is a reminder to myself as well. Also, it started with @SashaSkyward saying "It's a baby step. But baby steps are just as important as big ones." I happened to add this:
    SashaSkyward likes this.
  10. dreamerpoet

    dreamerpoet Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    THAT's who it was....I've read so many inspirational posts the last week that I tend to not remember who posts what, but I'm glad you could tell me who posted it originally (and I LOVE your addition) and you're right, in helping others we help ourselves!
    SashaSkyward likes this.
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    You're welcome. :) Also, thank you.
  12. dreamerpoet

    dreamerpoet Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    You're welcome, though I'm not quite sure what for :)
  13. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    For the compliment and for talking. :)
  14. Carla

    Carla Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    @Hybrid your comment really resonated with me and I have heard it over again in my head today and am proud to say that today has been the best day so far. Not easy but way better than previous days. Thank you so much
  15. dreamerpoet

    dreamerpoet Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    Ahh I see. It just felt so......right to do so I wasn't expecting thanks so I was like "whatever for?"
  16. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    You are welcome. That is quite refreshing to hear. I'm really happy that my words were able to help you out. :)
    Haha It's all good. :)
    Carla and dreamerpoet like this.
  17. Carla

    Carla Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    Watched a funny clip of Chester doing his didgeridoo impressions earlier. Creased up laughing for the first time. Got home and had to show my 8 year old daughter it. She was amused too. She even said she was getting used to their music which made me so happy and proud. She is so much more into teeny bop chart stuff so this is good news to me, maybe I can have it on in the car more often now
    Hybrid, dreamerpoet and SashaSkyward like this.
  18. SashaSkyward

    SashaSkyward Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    I'm glad I'm not the only one forgetting who said what inspirational thing. I just know it was said and keep repeating it all in my head. I'm so happy that talking about the baby steps has helped you all. And thank you to anyone who added onto it. Everything that you're all saying is so true. Just one step at a time. Whether it's an inch at a time or a mile. We'll all get there. With a little help we'll all get there.

    I also did what I said I'd do. I actually put two smiley faces on the note I left last night. And I looked at them and actually cracked a smile myself. It's the little things.

    I thought of my old neighbor again last night. I actually thought of him the day it happened. One of my earliest memories (if not the earliest) with this band is one of us. It was maybe 2001? I was probably only 8 years old and he was 10 or 11 and he had this CD. I think it was just a CD with random songs one of his other friends burned for him. But I remember sitting in his room and BEGGING him to play Crawling one more time. Just one more time and I'd stop asking. And he'd smile and roll his eyes (no ill-intentions, he knew I would ask because I always did and spoiler alert I never stopped) and play it again for me. I don't remember ANY other songs that were on that CD. And we listened to it all the time. I only remember Crawling being on it. As we grew older we grew apart, it happens. But it's a memory that pops into my head sometimes and one that I'm gonna cherish forever.

    That didgeridoo video will always make me laugh. Always. No matter what mood I'm in.
    dreamerpoet, Hybrid and Carla like this.
  19. Adam Venedam

    Adam Venedam New Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Hey guys I am new to this fourm, I wanted to reach out to the fans and share a very positive tribute I created for Chester, please watch it I really think it will cheer everyone up it shows all the happy times he had in his life
    Carla likes this.
  20. Carla

    Carla Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    Didgeridoo video. Total side splitting laughter just put it back on, tears of laughter for a change
    dreamerpoet likes this.

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