Linkin Park and Friends Celebrate Life in Honor of Chester Bennington - Stream Details + Discussion

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. #41

    Vinifeijo i'm dancing with matt damons

    Apr 10, 2012
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    What did you guys thought about Talinda mentioning Mercedes AMG during her speech? I cringed. Unnecessary sponsoring. But it doesn't hurt the concert in any means.
  2. #42

    mainap Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    That really was an emotional rollercoster
    Like 2min after the start, when I realized that Mike was singing the Messengers lyrics, the words that supposed to sang by Chester it hit me so hard, I started to cry. than when they played Numb and the lights were only on where Chester shouldve stand, that was hard to watch.
    The following songs were ok, then when they messed up Battle Symphony I laughed so hard, man this always happens to them :)
    Then a cried on One More Light again, it trully broke me down, listening the song in Mikes performance knowing to whom he sangs it.
    Looking For An Answer was perfect, I wanted to wrote a song a few weeks ago but I couldnt find the words, and once again LP found it for me, thank you for this
    The next section was kick ass especially Papercut, cause its one of my favorite and we know that it was Chesters favorite as well
    then In The End, it was the worst, I felt that emptiess through the whole song like it lost its essence or soul
    The other songs were like okay they played it with guests they were nice but not that good as when Chester sang them(no offense to the guest)
    But watching them performing without him that iconic song, it was the worst, I was heartbroken again.
    my other favorite ALTNC was fun, it sounded like they were on an award show or sg imo
    The rest of the encore was great again and it was energetic.
    As others said me before in the forum, but that was my thought also after the concert, the show really showed everybody how unique was Chesters voice and performance and also as a person
    thank you Chaz for everything I will miss you every day
    Thanks guys for let me share my thoughts
    One more thing, Mike is a boss, how he handled and coordinated this whole thing, respect and thank you
    lpfaneki likes this.
  3. #43

    SuperDude526 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    P.O.D. was supposed to be there but they never showed. What's up with that?
  4. #44
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    That’s what a lot of us are wondering
  5. #45

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    That Bring Me the Horizon kid was fucking miming. SMH.
  6. #46
    Schen The Genius

    Schen The Genius Former LPU Mod LPA VIP

    Aug 22, 2010
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    FWIW, I'm friends with alot of guys on one of the race teams (#33 Riley Motorsports Mercedes AMG GT3) and the partnership with the band is pretty close, after Chester passed I assume Mercedes asked them if they were interested in doing something so they did a tribute design on the #75 AMG GT3 at Road Atlanta for Petit LeMans, Mike and Joe attended the race. I got pics of the car the day before qualifying and was pretty surprised. In motorsports, that's a pretty rare thing to happen when a major sponsor will offer the entire car as a canvas. Chester was also grand Marshall for the Long Beach race and they previously did a design on a SLS AMG GT3 in one of the European series. I'm sure there's alot more to it than that at this point but I wasn't bothered by it by any means, Mercedes did assist with last night's show and had a location just outside the bowl themselves.

    Abel, Vinifeijo, Sasuke and 1 other person like this.
  7. #47

    Wizardofozil Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    I was wondering this
    Vinifeijo and Modern Guitar God like this.
  8. #48

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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  9. #49


    May 5, 2014
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    The show was absolutely beautiful. Such a great mixture of emotional, beautiful and fun moments.

    I thought It was so brave of Mike to sing the song he wrote after Chester passed. He must have felt very vulnerable debuting a song in front of 17.000 people that isn't even finished yet and that has such a heavy, emotional subject. Hats off to you, Mike. I cried my freaking eyes out. Also, so awesome to see U2, Metallica, Paul Mccartney and Dave Gahan salute Chester.

    Hearing Papercut and In The End wihtout Chester was fucking painful btw.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2017
  10. #50
    Mercedes AMG

    Mercedes AMG Vrooom vroooom!!

    Nov 4, 2013
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    Abel, Vinifeijo, Deliveranze and 6 others like this.
  11. #51
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    It’s good to see you again, m8
    Mercedes AMG likes this.
  12. #52

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    They clarified a while ago that POD was just attending, not performing. Only announced guest that didn't show was John from SOAD.

    His vocal track from rehearsals was mistakenly broadcast on the webcast with his live vocals nearly muted. Watch any audience video, sounded completely different.
  13. #53

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I'm really happy with how the guests turned out. Most of they sounded fantastic.

    My favorites were definitely:
    -Ryan Key
    -Deryck Whibley (Spelling?)
    -Jeremy McKinnon
    -Oli Sykes
    -Jonathon Davis
    -Steven McKellar

    All these guys are singers I grew up on and I still listen to all of them today so to see them on stage with Linkin Park was a dream!
    Sasuke and KonKeR-182 like this.
  14. #54
    The Free Element

    The Free Element Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    The show has been amazing and it's going down as one of my favourite music show ever with LP's Live in Madrid '10 (which is the first ever show that I ever watched) and the Live in Monza where I was in the crowd). I loved the emotions that the band brought to the stage, the pain and the passion, the fun, the fury. It was perfect. The guests where incredible. My favourites were Ryan Key, Deryck Whibley (he's incredible at engaging the crowd with his energy, I attended a Sum 41 show this summer and it was sooo much fun), Oliver Sykes and Steven McKellar. The performance of Nobody Can Save Me, One More Light, Looking For An Answer and Waiting For The End are absolute highlights. Here's hoping for future LP show to be this fun, this astonishing.
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  15. #55
    Mercedes AMG

    Mercedes AMG Vrooom vroooom!!

    Nov 4, 2013
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    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  16. #56

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    I was mostly impressed by Ilsey Juber who performed SE & TTM, she was amazing and surprisingly she don't even have own songs wtf?
    Rocky and Modern Guitar God like this.
  17. #57

    SuperDude526 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    I forget her name, but the girl who did Sharp Edges was great too!
    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  18. #58

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    The sharp edges performance was fresh as hell. I would love if they work with more vocalists like her. Castle of glass was awesome too. The female vocalists made the folk influence of the songs really shine through. It's crazy that they can have tracks like that in the same show as OSC and Rebellion haha.
    Modern Guitar God and Sasuke like this.
  19. #59

    Ben Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    166 a lot of you have already said, last night was an emotional roller coaster. Seeing the five of them on stage at the beginning pretty maxed out my emotional capacities lol. I was so happy to see how strong they were to be back on stage, but at the same time it was like a stack of bricks dropped on my heart when you just keep expecting Chester to triumphantly walk out, but never does. This was especially true during Numb. I don't think his absence hit harder for me than when they shone that stupid fucking light on the microphone where he should've been, and played the entire song with the fans singing. That was tough.

    Mike singing One More Light and Looking for an Answer was another emotional toll. That song was beautiful. I can still picture the two of them way back in the day when Mike had crazy spiky hair and Chester had the short bleached look. The two of them together just had this stage presence that was captivating. Chester is so lucky to have been in a band that cared about him as deeply as they do.

    Papercut was also a tough watch. That was one of my favorite songs to see live, even to this day. That was the song that emphasized how dynamic Chester and Mike were on stage together. Seeing Mike up there with whoever that guy was (I can't remember his name) was almost painful. I didn't even want to watch. It was missing so much of what Chester brought every damn night.

    Finally...the hardest part for me was actually New Divide of all things. The way they did that wrecked me lol. I was wondering if they would have Chester's vocals as a prerecorded track. Probably good they only did it for one song. But man was that intense. And when the camera zooms on Mike as he harmonizes and does backing vocals for Chester, I was pretty much done.

    I know there were so many uplifting parts to last night. So many vocalists and people that came out to show their love, but man do I still intensely and genuinely miss this man. It's still so hard on the heart to know that he's gone.

    All I know is that, whatever these five decide to do, I will support them. Always.
    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  20. #60

    SmallCapybara Member

    Oct 27, 2017
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    Thank you for the live feed last night - it was good to be able to communicate with other fans whilst it was happening.

    I don't tend to use superfluous language as a rule, but I felt that this gig was one of the most impressive feats I've seen. All of Linkin Park performing 3 months after Chester passed away, after 17 years performing with him. From my perspective Mike drew everything together throughout the show (obviously there was a lot of stuff behind the scenes too), and I'm in awe of what he accomplished. Normally in an LP gig Mike plays instruments, raps and sings. This gig he did all that, as well as co-ordinating everyone, and singing many of the parts of one of the best vocalists of the 21st century. I knew Mike could sing but I didn't know he could sing Chester's parts. And he sung them even with the huge emotional strain of them being Chester's parts inside the first gig without Chester! And he did it for 3 hours. I also appreciated him sharing very personal things with the fans, such as how he felt when he found out about Chester.

    Also as other people have said, this gig showed me what an impressive performer Chester truly was - for example one of the guest artists did the screams but didn't scream in tune with the music, something that I hadn't even realised Chester was doing(!) He was very talented and I miss him very much.

    I can't thank Linkin Park enough for being so strong and putting together such an incredible show. I haven't cried so much since the day Chester died, but I felt like I was witnessing musical history. They were an inspiration.
    Avo, RiderSSPU, KYLE! and 2 others like this.

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