Hello fellows, idk really where this topic fits in so im sorry if Im wrong here. http://www.bild.de/unterhaltung/leu...siebericht-veroeffentlicht-54094490.bild.html The german newspaper "Bild" released news about his death... Little Piece of alcohol what we already knew about, also Ecstatsy was found. Really sad as no one gets his problems and depression.
Yeah the Bild does really suck. When they report about something, they exaggerate about it to the point of ridiculousness or they report about celebrity bullshit where they also exaggerate about it. The Bild is a very hated journal in German, but the public still buy it for some reason. If you hate something, then stop supporting it! I'm looking at you, the one who has a phone and internet contract with Verizon. You hate on Verizon and Ashit Pie because they want to kill Net Neutrality, but you still have a contract with Verizon.
I knew it was bullshit cause if you've ever done MDMA you know damn well the last thing you want to do is die.
The alcohol was supposedly true though, and again supposedly when Chester would drink it would give him bad thoughts. Again, I don't trust a single word TMZ prints anymore, but that was apparently part of the statement that was released.
The genuine autopsy report is freely available to read if you want to find it.living in the UK I find it odd that this can happen and be reported as I'd assume a post mortem report is a private matter.
It's not just tmz it's all over the net on tons of sites. ..why isn't it private for families only? I don't get it....
Here's the damage of them misreporting about drugs being in his system. Our local newspaper talked about the autopsy report and mentioned that Chester had ecstasy in his system. And there won't be a follow up correction bc there are other things they will deem better to talk about the next day, so now every one who reads this article and does no further research will believe this fallacy. Sure TMZ posted a correction, but their initial misreport that they jumped onto to get the most clicks will be the more read of the two, damaging his image. That's bullshit.
So am I "gutter trash" for being supportive of the idea that autopsy reports should be public record because being able to access them was the only way I ever got closure as to what even happened to a good friend of mine, thanks to his estranged family refusing to talk to anyone about the circumstances surrounding his death? There are a multitude of very good reasons why autopsy reports historically have been and should continue to be publicly available. Yes, TMZ's snooping to find out the story behind the redacted portions crossed a line. But this whole "Chester's Law" movement trying to keep autopsy records sealed is asinine, I'm sorry.
Dude, stop trying to pick an argument where there is none. I feel like you do it constantly and I'm not going to feed into your thirst to be super edgy and confrontational all the time, because I really feel that's what you try to be sometimes on the internet. I'm frustrated with you because I know you know good and damn well I meant TMZ and not you, because TMZ is filth and I think everyone can agree on that here. So therefore I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't deliberately twist my words to suit your narrative. As for whether or not I feel autopsy records being public should be the choice of the family, even if said family is estranged from the person? I do feel that way. I'm sorry. Let me clarify that I do feel sorry for the painful circumstances you went through with your friend and I am glad you got closure. But Chester's autopsy report, as well as the now public info about his two previous attempts, DID NOT help people get closure. It greatly hurt his family and many fans, and triggered them back to that tragic day in July. Regardless of someone's personal connection to the victim, it should be the FAMILY'S choice to make (yes, even in your case) because it. is. not. your. choice. to. make. since you are not blood relation.
You don't have a right to, nor are you entitled to, Chester's autopsy reports. Chester's family has the right to disclose or not disclose. Simple as that. Why is it so hard to respect that?
That also applies to any family that has in hands an autopsy report of a relative, no matter if the person who passed away was famous or not. The family having the right to decide whether or not to bring the report to the public eye is a matter of respect which should happen every time, but it was clearly not what TMZ thought. They just want to sell news no matter if they are being disrespectful or not and that is blameworthy. The hunger for commercialy viable news doesn't affect only news websites, unfortunately it's a deeper problem in TV, newspapers, everywhere.
Especially when certain parts of it are redacted, but yeah sure, just release that shit too, bc fuck journalistic integrity or any sort of moral standards, am I right?
Sorry about your friend, but those reports should not be public in any way, shape or form. The families have to decide if they want to share the information or not.. TMZ wanted the report to make money and be 'relevant'. How is that justifiable?
I'm with Astat in that there are valid reason for autopsy reports being public record, however some things (the previous attempt last year) seems strange to include on a cause of death report, so I'm in agreement nothing like that is the publics business.