Patriots by 30 Nick Foles Eagles fans, I'm currently 8-2 in playoff predictions this post season. Both games I got wrong? The Eagles two games. So please prove me wrong again and beat the Patriots!
Thanks . While I can appreciate what Bill Bellichick and Tom Brady have done in the last 20 years, I think it would be nice to see bandwagon Patriots fans brought down to Earth.
Just carrying over a gimmick from another website because I'm trying to use it to propel the Eagles to victory! I legit did pick the Pats but I'm rooting for the Eagles!
Eagles all the way! Can't stand the Patriots. American Football isn't the most popular sport in Germany tbh, but the NFL gets actually fairly decent TV coverage (and is starting to become more popular over here in Europe) I'm a LA Rams fan
Either way, I'm not looking forward to the aftermath in my city Already lost to the Patriots before and my city is still mad about it, will never hear the end of it if they lose again. Will probably have years of "We could've won if we had Carson Wentz!". I'm not really a big sports fan, but it'd be great for my city to finally get a win (even though the fans here are notorious assholes), still I can't hate on the Patriots.
Forgive me for straying from the purpose of the thread, but..... a Super Bowl halftime show featuring Linkin Park will be a thing in my head from now on.