This has grown on me a lot since it came out. Initially, when it was described as a "fairly impenetrable" and "unfriendly" record, my expectations got totally fucked. I expected some Broken-type shit. Not the Actual Events is, of course, its own music. I still think that it isn't particularly "impenetrable" compared to a lot of other Nine Inch Nails music, but I understand why the word was used. The droning, distorted music with spoken word mixed really low is a pretty great sound in hindsight. I just needed to re-calibrate my expectations.
New EP, Bad Witch, coming June 22. Appears to be 6 tracks: 01. Shit Mirror 02. Ahead of Ourselves 03. Play The Goddamned Part 04. God Break Down The Door 05. I'm Not From This World 06. Over and Out North American tour announced as well.
Maybe it will meet the requirements to be labelled an album, but I think insistently saying it isn't an EP is more likely just a marketing gimmick. I told you motherfuckers it was just a marketing thing!
This coming from the dude who doesn't make his shit available on all streaming services cause of an Apple contract. Yeah it's classification as an EP that makes me unable to listen to Add Violence. Sure. Even fucking Not the Actual Events which I love I mostly just stream off YouTube.
Also the dude who's always ranting about how the album art form and experience he grew up with is dying, because no-one commits to albums anymore If someone else of his stature had done this, T-Rez would tear into them on Twitter or in the press
Who cares if it's an album or an EP. I'm never going to complain about an active Nine Inch Nails. Trent could release one song every few months and I'd gobble that shit up and pay for it on whatever music platform he tells me to buy it from. Not to mention, we're getting an actual NIN tour for the first time since 2013/2014. I'm not really counting the I Can't Seem To Wake Up 2017 shows since it was only 8 shows in North America and was like a mini tour/test run for this year. We out here eatin' good and people are really complaining about whether this is actually an EP or an album? fuck outta here.
your boy Trent would complain, is what I'm saying -- this is totally the kind of thing he would bitch someone out for However, it technically can be defined as an album, so he has that as an out.
Not sure if anyone here ended up standing in line for the In The Physical World Pre-Sale, but the two tracks they were previewing in the merch area were miles beyond God Break Down The Door. And I LOVE God Break Down The Door.
His stance was more that the release they had planned felt too phoned in and "expected". They threw it out to force themselves to try something new or unexpected, which I totally get with the use of saxophone, heavy dipping into drum and bass, and the new vocal stylings for the songs.
My favorite song from the trilogy is The Lovers. After that is the Idea of You and God Break Down the Door
I think "The Day The World Went Away" might be my favorite song, like... ever. Chills, man. Every time. So simple, yet so clearly captures emotion. Also, "Still" is the most underrated release from any artist, ever.