Music Various Linkin Park Mashups

Discussion in 'Your Projects' started by Music Of Resist, Oct 6, 2018.

  1. #1
    Music Of Resist

    Music Of Resist New Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    Short Version: HI! I've made a lot of Mashups of Linkin Park songs and wanted to share them, as well as ask for any critiques or suggestions.

    Hello all,
    I'm quite new to this forum though I've been listening for Linkin Park's music for more than 10 years. What initially hooked me in were the albums Hybrid Theory and Meteora, though if I had to pick a favorite, it would probably be Minutes to Midnight. Nonetheless, I'm one of the people who have enjoyed everything they produced, From One Step Closer to One More Light, going further and listening to their demos like I Have Not Begun and various Fort Minor songs like Believe me. When They Come For Me is probably my favorite song, due to it's pure awesome lyrics.

    But enough about me, every person has their own history with LP's music anyway. What I'm here for is to present different Mash-Ups I've created using their amazing vocals and music. By doing so I hope to contribute something to the LP community, and surprise people as to how well LP can sound when combined with different elements.

    Below is my Youtube Channel and a couple of my videos. I won't ask you to subscribe, (I think making this post is intrusive enough) but I would definitely appreciate you having a look at what I've done. (pun intended) All of this is copyright-free, and completely made for the enjoyment of creation and listening.
    Bleed it Out/ Catalyst Mashup :

    Somewhere I Belong / Can't Hurt Me (Demo) :

    Linkin Park - Forgotten/ Proleter - Red Soap:

    This is the one and only thread I'll make for my mash-ups, anything else I'll just put below here.
  2. #2

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Do you know anything about key signatures, by any chance? :)
  3. #3
    Music Of Resist

    Music Of Resist New Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    I do, but I haven't really relied on them for any of the mashups I've created.

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