I still stay they're functionally weird EPs that shouldn't be included, and that Willoughby's Beach is more like an album, but for your ease of mind I'll add them in. But I'm keeping Willoughby Here's a new ranking for Haken since Fauna is out: The Mountain Fauna Affinity Vector Virus Aquarius Visions Everything is super solid except Visions
Fauna is great, but I'm still only ranking it in the middle: Vector The Mountain Virus Aquarius Fauna Visions Affinity Periphery Periphery IV Periphery V Juggernaut: Omega Periphery III Juggernaut: Alpha Periphery II Periphery I Ne Obliviscaris Citadel Urn Portal of I Exul
Damn that's some Affinity erasure bro I take that personally Ok now I'll rate Native Construct Quiet World
Haken: The Mountain Fauna Vector Affinity Aquarius Virus Visions Ne Obliviscaris: Citadel Portal of I Exul Urn ... how DARE you
A Day to Remember: Homesick Common Courtesy For Those Who Have Heart You're Welcome What Separates Me from You Bad Vibrations And Their Name Was Treason
No idea what I was smoking here. Hybrid Theory A Thousand Suns Minutes to Midnight Meteora One More Ligbt Living Things The Hunting Party
Yeah wtf Gibs Apparently I've never ranked LP in this thread? That's wild I swore I had. A Thousand Suns Meteora Hybrid Theory Minutes to Midnight One More Light Living Things The Hunting Party Yes, it's true. I like Meteora more than Hybrid Theory. It's probably nostalgia since it was the first album I ever owned.
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory A Thousand Suns Minutes to Midnight Meteora The Hunting Party Living Things One More Light At this point, their first 4 albums are all classic to me. The next 3 somehow feel less timeless. OML is the only one I wouldn't really care for if it wasn't a LP record. Deftones Ohms Gore Koi No Yokan Diamond Eyes Deftones White Pony Around The Fur Saturday Night Wrist Adrenaline Fully aware this is a very controversial Deftones ranking, that 99% people 'd strongly disagree with. I guess I ended up prefering "Sergio Deftones" over "Chi Deftones". And apparently, I think "Sergio Deftones" got better with each release "Gore" is generally at the bottom of most Deftones rankings, but I dunno, I really enjoy the vibe and songwriting on that record a whole lot.
Lil Uzi Vert (Before Pink Tape arrives this week) 1. Lil Uzi Vs. The World 2. Eternal Atake 3. LUV Is Rage 4. LUV Is Rage 2 5. The Perfect LUV Tape 6. The Real Uzi
I hadn't realized I had done another ranking pretty recently. Switch Hybrid Theory and A Thousand Suns and that'd be my current list.
A Thousand Suns Hybrid Theory Meteora Minutes to Midnight Living Things The Hunting Party One More Light Ez. No clue what that older ranking was about.
Leprous (since the new one just came out) The Congregation Coal Pitfalls Bilateral Malina Melodies of Atonement Aphelion Tall Poppy Syndrome
Guess I'll redo King Gizzard since they've had multiple releases since my last ranking (just King Gizz things lol): Paper Mâché Dream Balloon PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms and Lava Flying Microtonal Banana Omnium Gatherum Butterfly 3000 Float Along – Fill Your Lungs I'm in Your Mind Fuzz Changes Infest the Rats' Nest Fishing for Fishies Nonagon Infinity The Silver Cord Polygondwanaland Murder of the Universe Eyes Like the Sky Flight b741 Quarters! Sketches of Brunswick East Gumboot Soup K.G. 12 Bar Bruise Laminated Dream Willoughby's Beach L.W. Made in Timeland Oddments
Wintersun Wintersun Time I Time II The Forest Seasons I’m not sure if Time II was worth the 12 year wait to “properly” mix it, but it’s a pretty great record. “Storm” and “Silver Leaves” are SO good.
Since a Missio thread was started, this is how their discography sits with me. Can You Feel The Sun Loner The Darker the Weather // The Better the Man I Am Cinco Villain The first 3 are hard to sort for me but ultimately I connected with “Can You Feel the Sun” the most and it’s hard to knock anything off “Loner”. Side note, there’s a standalone track they did for Death Stranding that I love so much that it deserves mentioning, called “Sing to Me.” Their stripped down “Skeletons” EPs are great, too.
I will be the first to step out and give my new ranking on LP... Linkin Park A Thousand Suns Hybrid Theory Minutes to Midnight (Reanimation) Meteora From Zero The Hunting Party One More Light Living Things (Recharged) Solidly middle of the pack for From Zero!
I promised myself I'd give each album a focus listen again before ranking FZ, so that each one gets a rediscovery boost. I'll try to go through it in the near future That said, I think mine could end up looking very similar to yours, but to confirm!
Just doing the main 8, my ranking (which isn't biased towards heavier albums at all) would be 8. One More Light 7. A Thousand Suns 6. Living Things 5. Minutes to Midnight 4. From Zero 3. The Hunting Party 2. Hybrid Theory 1. Meteora