Watched it yesterday. The beginning 30/40 mins I was sat there thinking "this is ridiculous". There was like a 25 min period were I was finally relieved that they'd ditched the silliness, and the moment I said that to myself, sharks appeared. I unfortunately think I mentally checked out from there, which is a real shame
idk sharks and navy battles & rhinos in the colleseium fucking rules. Not a classic film like the original, but I think it’s a pretty great sequel (that I think will be improved by an extended cut).
This is objectively correct, but a lot of people (myself included) loved the first one for the serious classic it was and the change of tone was just...not great Yes, I also understand the irony of making that above statement on a Linkin Park forum
I listened to Blackout yesterday while being high with friends, and I have to admit, it was incredible, especially the last part where Mike sings over the dance beat. My respect for Blackout has grown so much after that experience lol
Why does the chipper delivery driver still struggle to mind my house despite ordering from there for fucking years, every single time he goes to every neighbours house first
I'm trying to get my sister who's a pop/pop rock fan into heavier music and showed her Meteora earlier when he were working on chores. She liked every song and said her favorite was Numb, then Breaking the Habit, Hit the Floor, and Don't Stay. Not surprised at her top 2 since they're closer to what she usually likes. Was kind of surprised she liked Hit the Floor so much as, while I love that song, I rank it a little lower than most on the album because it feels like more about heaviness than melody, but I guess she liked the rythm of the riff and verses. And I'm happy about her fourth choice since Don't Stay is my #1 favorite LP song
2024 went in the blink of an eye. One day, I heard younger-than-me people discuss how a show from 2011-2012 had aged a lot, and they couldn't get into it because of it. Now, 2012? Aged a lot? Dang. I suppose time is not stopping anytime soon.