Synopsis of the story: girl doesn't like Bush, girl posts a very threatening picture of Bush on her Myspace page, feds find said page, girl gets a tongue lashing by the Secret Service (in class, no less), girl cries, parents outraged, Secret Service have nothing better to do with their time. Still a case of extreme stupidity though... Link Just another case of something utterly stupid coming out of Myspace
What's worst is that the parents weren't present or even informed when the girl was interrogated. That's just a lawsuit waiting to happen.
That's fucking disgraceful. If the secret service want to shout at all the people that want Bush to die then they'd have a fuck load of time on their hands, why single out a 14 year old girl? It's abuse of power if you ask me, what in the constitution gives them the right do do that especialy without supervision from her parents, she's 14 for christ sake.
God, that's just unbelievable. Can they even to do ? Interrogate a 14 year old without the parents knowing about it. It's like they want to cause traumas...
No, what's worst is that the secret service thought a 14 year old girl posting crap on her myspace would actually be a threat
Or that, but they can't confirm who's myspace is it really. Are they really 14 years old, or it some 43 year old terrorist behind the identity of a 14-year old. I'll give them credit for investigating into it, but as soon as they found it was some kid, then they should have dropped the case, nuff said. You know, the guys in the SS probably think that their job is pretty stupid, having to interogate a 14-year old, but it's their job, and they get paid good, so no way in hell they'll drop that, even if they have to do some pretty stupid shit, right?
dont we have an amendment that states free speech? I totally agree with Grandmaster Hellflame. if they want to find everyone who talks about bush, theres a sh** load of people to interrogate. i hate the fact that she was 14 and has a myspace. seriously, i blame the parents for not checking on their daughters activities on the internet. i feel sorry for her though. she shouldnt have been singled out like that.
I personally think this is ridiculous. I see people everyday making hate comments about Bush, and making threats and such and such. It's nothing new, and it's not going to disappear until after Bush is out of office. As Luke said, if the Secret Service were to interrogate every person who deep inside wanted to murder Bush, they'd have to interrogate many, many, many people. To single out one girl simply stating her feelings against Bush and the War, it's ridiculous. Although it could have been possible that this account could have just been someone posing as an innocent 14 year old girl, they went too far after they realized it was actually an innocent 14 year old girl. And the fact that they reduced her to tears is horrible. You ask the girl a few questions, and if necessary put her on a lie detector. Hell, you don't make a girl cry, and also not let her parents know about such an interrogation. It's absurd. It's not logical. The fact that it's even legal to do so bothers me. It's good though that it's all over with. I can't imagine how much further this would have gone.
That is why I've lost respect and faith in the US gov't. The Constitution? Oh, that's just a silly old paper. They're just "guidelines", we don't care about the Constitution, fuck it. We'll do whatever we want to these sheep, and they have to follow us, otherwise we'll just throw their asses into jail for some bullshit reason, and best of all, it's all legal. *throws Constitution into fire* /Bush