Got Something You Want To Let Out?

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Mechanical Christ, Aug 25, 2004.

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  1. Joeykat

    Joeykat Forever watching...

    Aug 28, 2006
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    why are most men perves.. and why can;t they just respect a womans wishes... jeezus
  2. the_king_of_all

    the_king_of_all LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    I'm fed up with rememberance day. It's a day that's REALLY close to my heart, but it's a day where i have to suffer endless 'Why are you wearing a poppy?' and 'I couldn't be assed to buy one.' No offence, but they shouldn't have to remember buy a poppy. They should have one anyway. People faught for the right for them to say, do, and go where they want. Is wearing a little paper flower and taking a minute out of a year to stop and remember and respect them so hard? It shouldn't be. But no one cares anymore, and that pisses me off. If it wasn't for them, we'd be speaking a whole different language here, and hell, half of us wouldn't even be here. People give their lives so you can be free. If people don't want to remember and respect, it's up to them, but where do they get the idea to moan about it? It's depressing because war isn't happy. I just wish people would be thankful such people lived and did, and do, what they do. Give a little thought, and only a little money, just for one moment. It's the very.. very least they deserve.
  3. Chris

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    There's not much I can do about it :lol: She's at my place now, taking a shower. She stays for another 4 days and we'll talk about it later. I thought she broke up, but its an almost, thank god :lol: you'll hear the rest on monday :lol:
  4. John

    John LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Hey idk what the hell is wrong with me, i don't feel motivated for anything at all
    i don't want to study, i don't want to do anything i just want to watch NBA and listen to music all day long, what should i do? i'm a A student and i got some bad grades this semester (i can still fix it though).

    I've been thinking a lot lately about how much i miss my dad (died 11 years ago)
    and i've been very sad lately, also i'm tired of being alone dammit
    yeah i need a gf badly, i'm also tired of helping everyone and being nice to everyone and not getting the same results back, why do 99% of the peoples are a-holes!??! and it sucks that i can't have anything and worse people than me can hace everything it freaking sucks life isn't fair by any means of the imagination.

    FUCK i have this huge test on wednesday i have to know 2 chapters and i don't know anything, the test it's so damn long that i don't want to even begin to study
    and i can't have a bad grade on this class because i still need to work on upgrading my grades on the 2 classes that i;m sucking at, oh well.
  5. Evan™

    Evan™ HI! I'm Randy, I'm a Bandicoot Über Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    man...i dont want to turn up for school tommorrow since im feeling unwell, but i know my parents are gonna make me go anyway...
  6. Christopher

    Christopher Über Member Über Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    I know what you're going through.

    Especially about the fact that you help people and try to be nice to everyone all the time but they just don't care about others. I feel like that too.
    It's like people think it's good when you only care about yourself and I hate it.

    I'm not a straight A student and I normally don't worry about my grades too much. And I think that saves me from a lot of stress.
    I understand it's hard when your parents want you to get straight A's but maybe you should try not to worry about them and concentrate on other stuff...

    I don't think there's anything wrong with you. There's something wrong with the way most people thing out there. :D
  7. Janie Jones

    Janie Jones Meghna is a Headcase

    Mar 6, 2006
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    I'm scared. I've known my home-friends for 7 years, and even with them I feel lonely sometimes, and I have no real friends at school, imo. If I move away from here, then I shudder to thing how depressed I'll feel. No one knows me (except my parents) better than them, and no one is less petty, or mean, or as fun as them. I'm praying we find a house here, last time we were lucky, I'd give ANYTHING to not move away...:(
  8. aki*lp

    aki*lp LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    She should get expelled.

    On this friday, this friend of mine 'Aneela' put a very concentrated dose of drugs in her brownies and gave it to her tution teacher (Nasir Ghani) and class mates. NG had like seven or eight of those. Musa had three and the others had about one one each. Everyone had to go to the hospital and NG was going to collasp, because he was vomiting so much but the second years were around (thankgod) and looked at his state and drove him to a hospital and later to his own place. He was going to die.
    Musa was in the hospital too, now he's okay but he still has some drugs in his bloodstream.
    So today we all went to Aneela in the break and confronted her. She had absolutely no remorse about the situation, admitted that she did it (despite lying to her best friend Sila a day before and telling her that Ammar did it). We told her that we'd her expelled but that had little affect on her too. She abused Sila and told her that she got enough of the talk from her mom and she didn't need it. And told us that her parents/ex-parents/new parents knew. Bullshit.
    So now we're not talking to her. But the shittiest thing is that Musa not pressing anything againts her, saying that she has probably learnt her lesson. Bullshit.
    She did the smart thing by fleeing from our site, we were totally ready to kill. Man she's not even feeling bad for what she did! And Saeeda told me that Aneela told S's boyfriend, Ammar (who she accused) that:
    " Watching people go high is entertaining".

    Fuck it aint. I'm just really pissed off at her, and what she did can not justify her actions. And because of Musa not doing anything she's not going to stop.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2006
  9. Linja

    Linja Good. Be magnanimous. Über Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    Aishalove, she appears to be a completely psychotic bitch, and you're all better off staying as far away from her as is humanly possible. If Musa doesn't want to press charges, it's his decision really, but it doesn't seem that she's 'learnt her lesson'. That's really all I can say, but still; :hug:

    And Meghnadear!:hug:
  10. Friskey™

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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    What the fucking hell? I swear, people can be so god damn stupid it's not even funny. But yeah, what Mali said...just stay as far away as you can from her...apparently she's not your "friend" if she's off doing shit like that. And trust me, it sucks when your friend is not who they think they are...I know from experience, and I had the scars to prove it.

    But yeah...:hug:
  11. Chris

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    Well, we broke up. She couldnt handle the distance anymore. I was pretty emo :lol:
  12. Linja

    Linja Good. Be magnanimous. Über Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    :hug: for you and your ..emoness?
  13. Chris

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    thanks :)
  14. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    I...can't even begin to describe the way I'm feeling right now.

    A month ago, my great grandma passed away from cancer and she was about 70 years old and now, My grandpa lies in a nursing home, dying from the same thing. Not the same cancer, mind you, but it's still cancer.

    I got to visit him last night and the hardest part was seeing him unable to move when he was such a great inspiration to me. He's owned a few businesses and hit it pretty big, becoming a Millionaire. He was featured on the Today Show back in 1988 and a few other shows for a car business he started called Nostalgia Car Rental which rented out classic cars. That fell through a few years later when car rental companies learned about it and pretty much stole his idea and had a much wider availability because of location.

    More recently, he had helped start a business called Dantom Systems that prints and mails collection letters for the collection agency and the company sold last year, which led him into his retirement. The business has been highly successful and he was a brilliant man.

    On top of all of that, he was a kind man with a gentle heart and he didn't deserve the death he's received. I hate seeing him not able to do anything. I can't stand seeing people so ungrateful for their lives anymore when I sit here and watch my grandfather die. I can't picture wasting anything anymore. Each moment is precious and I hope all of you that are reading this realize that. Make everything of your life while you can because no matter what, there are diseases that you have no way of recovering from and you will regret not living your life to the fullest and making the most of the time you have.

    RIP Grandpa. I love you.
  15. Friskey™

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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    That really really sucks man. Same thing basically happened to my aunt. Sucks I know.
  16. John

    John LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    i'll never get to know her *sighs*

    if only i had the courage to say something when i see her, but what?
  17. Theazninvasion68

    Theazninvasion68 It's like blood to a vampire, our tragic desire. LPA Super VIP

    Nov 9, 2004
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    May he Bid Fare times in the after.

    =) im glad you learned from him, even though he didnt deserve this, ya know?
  18. Janie Jones

    Janie Jones Meghna is a Headcase

    Mar 6, 2006
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    Malithanks. :hug:

    Aishalove, this girl seems completely cuckoo, and what the hell can you do anyway when the person doesnt even bloody CARE thats she's done something so disgusting?! Ugh. I hope everyone gives her the cold shoulder, and I really hope Musa and your teacher recover really soon. :hug:

    BuriedxTragedy: I love my grandparents alot and I'm scared of anything hapenning to them, and I can imagine how bad it is. You're grandad seemed like an amazing guy. I hope he rests in peace. :hug:
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2006
  19. aki*lp

    aki*lp LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    I totally know how you feel. My grandfather (papa) had a threeway by pass and he looked so weak and helpless that I wanted to cry.

    What type of cancer does he have?

    Thanks for the reply guys. She's not coming to school anymore. Pft. She's probably going to get expelled because the Admins of our school have ears everywhere. Seriously.
    I don't know what's going to happen, but in my opinion she's hiding.

    And we gave her a second chance. Talk about betrayal of trust. And Sila asked her how the hell she could do such a thing and she said that she owed none of us any explainations and said that "I don't need to explain myself to a frigging midget like you. Leave me alone!"

    We did. We only did that for good.
  20. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    I'm not sure what kind of cancer it was, but when they found it, he had three spots in his brain and the only reason they found it was because he was having trouble moving his leg. They told him that most people don't get signs from this cancer and he was one of the lucky ones that did. They gave him a year and a half and its been almost 2 years. Unfortunately, he passed away yesterday morning at 11:20.

    and Thank All of You.
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