Got Something You Want To Let Out?

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Mechanical Christ, Aug 25, 2004.

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  1. Friskey™

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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    @Aisha - No worries, you have that sort of feeling the first couple weeks, you just need to spend time with him and get used to the fact that you're together. Happened with me and Ani. But congrats anyways dear :hug:
  2. Joeverflow

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    I like her so much, and she likes me apparantly. So what's wrong?
  3. Testament

    Testament \m/ LPA Super Member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    this may sound stupid, but the next time you see her, "accidentally" trip and fall onto her.

    use your imagination from there....
  4. aki*lp

    aki*lp LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    Haha Testament, exellent idea.

    Thankyou Mali dear. You are the least "jerk"-ish person here, and you are amazingly sweet. :hug:

    Thanks Kev I'll keep that in mind ;).

    Joe-hope you the best.
  5. John

    John LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    I like this girl so much, to think i won't see her again until the end of january it's sad, i don;t want to end this semester.
  6. ...Lauren?

    ...Lauren? Sadist Sagittarius

    Jun 2, 2006
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    Everyone who I've ever cared about has moved away, turned their back on me, betrayed me, or died. It's not fucking fair.
  7. miny_girl_LP

    miny_girl_LP wow the dark side has cookies!I'm there!

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I want to live.....not just to want to live.... i'm sick and tired of my parents' uptight thinking.I'm constantly compared with my sister who grew up in a different time and my mom and dad treat me as they treated my sister.
    I just want alittle bit more freedom!Just alittle bit!Not much cause what i have now is simply awful.They always complain that i don't go out and have no friends, but they never have let me go to a party!Not even once!I'm constantly under their eyes and if i make a false move they nag about it all the time and worst part is that they don't even trust me a little that i'm old enough to take care of myself.
    For God's sake i just wanted this one time to let me without an hour to come back home from a birthday party of my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Friskey™

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Welcome to my world. >_<
  9. Luke

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    Damn...I just realised how overweight I've gotten over the summer and up until now. I need to make a new years resolution to lose it all cos right now I look really bad...
  10. Jennster

    Jennster "That's hot."

    Jul 1, 2004
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    I gained weight as well over the summer. I spent a month in China eating McDonalds and fast food because we didn't want to eat anything that might get us sick. -_- it was so uncool.


    A lot of people in my school are getting into fights.

    Some boys were outside fighting at lunch today, and they spent the rest of the day sitting in the office.

    I don't want to name any names, but let's just put it like this: X-bully. Y-victim.

    Y and her boyfriend snitched and told a teacher. X or.. one of X's friends got into trouble. I saw X's display name yesterday it said : <i>yo fukin ----- and hisz fukin gurl izz goin to get kill fukin lil rat!!!</i>. Andd..yeah, Y got beat up by X and her friends.

    I wasn't there when all of this happened. It's just so sad to see these things happening in our school.

    Another incident that occured about a month ago, when around 4:00p.m. the school had a lockdown. I left the school about 10 minutes ago, so I wasn't there when the lockdown occured. Some guy made some threatening phone calls to our school, and the next day, we had like four giant holes in the windows. Wow, this guy really hates our school.
  11. Branden

    Branden hey! LPA Super Member

    May 2, 2004
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    i've gotten in more trouble in the past two weeks than ever in my life
    -afternoon school for talking in class
    -detention for talking in math class
    -detention for standing and shouting "that's a heck of a deal" in web design
    -detention for kissing my girlfriend in the hallway
    -traffic ticket for right of way in the crosswalk

    its getting kinda ridiculous for me.
    that being said, i'm happier than ever before in my life.
    i'm dating the single most angelic girl in the world.
    i finally have my drivers license (though i assume it'll be gonne on the 27th due to court)
    i'm going to be able to quit these crappy day jobs soon to do video editing
    i accepted christ (whether you believe it or not, it was quite an experience for me and definitely has changed me over the past month)
    and i've finally made everything right with old friends
  12. Matt

    Matt Official Ghost of the LPA LPA Super Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    My school's been like that, too. I've witnessed a pretty bloody fight, and a fight/bottle throwing vendetta...thing. Apparently, there have also been more, so now we're in 'Zero Tolerance' mode. Make any trouble, and basically, you're screwed. For example, I got Saturday school a week ago for not bringing paper to the principle. Fucked up school? Yes, it can be.
  13. Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    I've been thinking about a great many things these past few days. For the past few weeks, months, etc., I've been limiting my thoughts to one issue. It has been a while since I've really taken the time to look through the thoughts that dwell at the sides of my mind, explored but unbothered. Yet, these thoughts are the crowd, the protest in my mind: loud and disturbing.

    They are what criticize me. They are the voices that, despite learning to divert my attention from them, I can still hear them. My ears focus on what is happening now, on the voice that is speaking to me. But my ears are bleeding, still, from their screams and shouts of denial, defiance, betrayal. They are the voice that balance the temperature. The only remnants, despite their want for notability and constant attention, of my bitter self.

    This on-going protest is what I spare you. Perhaps it'd be better in some instances if you could hear their voices. Perhaps it isn't. Thank goodness for the control of my conscience: my mute button on this rather loud television set. I actually have a choice.

    You all know what it's like to be screamed at. You've all been in that situation before. Someone is angered at you and/or a decision of yours, and they decide to let you know by simply screaming at you. They know it'll make you feel bad the slightest bit. It doesn't matter whether you are the most bitter person in the world, or the most sensitive person to have ever existed. You will feel the wrath, and by no means will you cherish it. And it feels like everyday, I am being screamed at by this mob that is my memory, my thoughts.

    But really, it is just me screaming at myself.

    The unhappiness you see is simply the wrath I put upon myself. It is not because my teacher scolded me for saying something that is against their preferences, or because I didn't perform as well on an assignment as I wanted to or should have. I am simply yelling at myself. I am my own marshall, screaming into my face telling myself how ridiculous I really am. How horrible of a person I am. How unhappy I make those who do care about me feel. Because of how unhappy I am and because of how happy I should be.

    But it is only so long before admiration becomes desire, before desire becomes infatuation, before infatuation becomes a desperate want, and before wants become necessities.

    I remember being told that I had been "figured out." I remember it quite well. But to be quite frank, it's not true. One can only be figured out by others after he/she has figured out himself/herself. I am not even close to figuring out the solution to the equation that I am. Unfortunately, despite how odd I am, there are no answers for me to look up in the back of the book. It seems that you all are my calculator. But entering the equation has only resulted in error.

    I want to find myself. I want to know who I am. I can say I do. I can tell you all about me. I can tell you my birth date, and I can tell you where I live. I could tell you about my personality. I could tell you everything I know about myself. But there's a missing piece. And I have to find it. And maybe then, I can figure myself out. I can solve the equation.

    But there are a few things that I have figured out about myself.

    I am a hypocrite. Hypocrisy is listed under Louis Spanias in the thesaurus. The advice I tend to give anyone who seeks my advice, or seeks my opinion, I tend not to follow. The advice I give follows my philosophy about many, many issues. But I seem to be straying away. And people have already started to pinpoint this. Only now have I realized that I truly am a hypocrite.

    I care about everyone and everything. By everyone, I mean everyone. Tell me a name. Whether I know it or not, I care. If that person's a criminal, I feel sorry. Why? Because they were led down a path of crime. Led down a path to the scum of society. Criminals. Was it their fault? Nope. Sometimes, they're born and raised that way. Other times, they fall to it. It's like tripping into Quicksand. And they're slowly sinking. I wish they didn't go this way. I wish they did things for the better. I wish they had better lives to begin with so they didn't have to resort to robbing that bank or murdering that person.

    If it's someone I hate deeply, I still care about them. If they were to die or get hurt, I would still feel bad. Even if they had ruined my life, I would have felt sorry for them. No one deserves to get hurt. No one deserves to die, even though we all do eventually.

    But those I know, I care about very much. Those I love and care about, my family and my friends, are always of my concern. Their problems are always mine. If they need help, I give it to them without second-guessing myself, without considering what could happen to me. If they are in need, then I must do what I can to assist.

    But this seems to be the problem that arises. I don't care for myself. I based my foundation of happiness on the happiness of others. If my friend was happy, so was I. When you tell me you had a good day, I really am glad. I don't just say that. That split second. That moment. Those 5 minutes you take to explain your day, I enjoy those moments as if they were the last moments of my life. Because I love to see you happy. But the fact is, something always seems to happen to someone. And all the time, at least one person is unhappy. It seems to vary from person to person. Which means, all of the time, I am unhappy.

    This incessant concern for all but myself is hurting me. I tried to convince myself that I was fine, but I'm really not. I've been ignoring myself. I'm making myself the old toy put on the shelf that's never touched anymore. I have only realized recently that I'm trying so hard to make everyone happy that I have no time for myself. I have no time to truly do something for myself. I've always told myself that their happiness is mine, but what I have done for myself? Nothing. I've only done things for others. Almost every material I've bought was for someone else. Every assignment I've finished was for my parents' satisfaction. Every time I practice my clarinet and do well for my lesson, it is only for my teacher. I'm not doing anything for myself. And if I am, I'm not satisfied.

    I realize this, yet, I'm finding it rather difficult to change. It's like a boulder. I can only try and push it so much before I give up and let it stay there in front of me, preventing me from moving along. Maybe I'm not strong enough to push that boulder, to change myself. Or maybe I'm just afraid of change. Maybe it's both.

    I want all of you to be happy, and live wonderful lives and experience wonderful experiences and see wonderful things. But I think now it's time for me to ask, "What about me?"

    But nothing is happening. Nothing is changing. If there is any progress at all, I am blind of it.

    One of these days, I am going to buy myself a camera. No, one camera, and one video recorder. Yes. And you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to go around taking pictures of everything that makes me smile. Whether it's a little boy trying to shoot that basketball into the hoop, or a cloud in the sky that looks kind of funky. I'm going to take many, many pictures. I will make a photo album, and every time I am sad, I will look at it.

    And with that video camera, I shall make a video. It'll be a video of hilarious antics and hilarious things. Whether it's a fake lightsaber battle with myself, or simple skits of me acting like some sort of mentally challenged lunatic, I will do it. And I will look back on it and laugh.

    And yet, despite these wonderful drugs I promise to make with this technology to please myself, there are some things left unsolved. Feelings, grudges, etc.

    I thought for a while that I was beginning to let it go. Perhaps, for a bit, I was moving on. Maybe the seperation helped. Maybe that lack of conversation seemed to help me. One word out of the one thing I desire instigated it. The strength it was before doubled.

    That's another thing. I have trouble letting go.

    But, here's the question.

    Is it my want for the continuous company, or is it my want for happiness? Do I really want it, to cherish what it is and gives, or just what it gives and not what it is?


    Whatever happens, I don't want to lose you. And you. And everyone else.

    More importantly, I don't want to lose hope. I can't live without it.

  14. esaul17

    esaul17 antichrist

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I want to die.
  15. Christopher

    Christopher Über Member Über Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    Those things you did shouldn't be "punished". Okay, maybe the traffic ticket but I don't know, that can happen to anyone.

    But all the detention and afternoon school, just for talking in class and kissing your girlfriend? That's something that could never happen over here.

    I go to a fairly tolerant school and some of my classmates have do stuff you wouldn't believe... nothing serious but things that maybe shouldn't happen.
    Nobody has ever even gotten detention or anything for what they did.
    What you did is just stuff that happens everyday over here. :p School can be so annoying.
  16. Tom

    Tom LPA Super VIP LPA Super VIP

    Nov 19, 2004
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    I hate school, i get a week of detension for taking off my shirt in class, it was like 2000C in there and everyone was complaining about it so i took action and i get screwed for it :(
  17. ...Lauren?

    ...Lauren? Sadist Sagittarius

    Jun 2, 2006
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    I used to make out with my ex-boyfriend in class, and no one ever shuts up during class at my school.

    Yesterday, one of the teachers was showing a girl how to do headstands in the classroom...
  18. Tom

    Tom LPA Super VIP LPA Super VIP

    Nov 19, 2004
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    one of my teachers shows us how to throw a ball of paper from the other side of the class into the bin.
  19. Friskey™

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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    My brother's school is going to a phase of that right now. No bottle throwing or shit like that but 3 fights happened last night at the school basketball game (my other brother broke up one of them). It's been happening for awhile now and I hear it's because of racist issues. I expect shit to throw down there Monday.
  20. Jennster

    Jennster "That's hot."

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Yeah, this guy at my school has an older brother, who was going to shoot someone from my school. Scary...

    One of my teachers talks about his cat. This teacher wears short see-through shirts and sometimes forgets to zip up his pants :blink: ..... :lol: .
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