Has Linkin Park lost fans???

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by thesungoesdown, Mar 12, 2006.

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  1. Joeykat

    Joeykat Forever watching...

    Aug 28, 2006
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    I was 12 when LP first hit the shores of the UK, I am 18 now and each and every song they put out I can still relate to and I don't get tired of listening to them even if it is for the billionth time.

    I wasn't sure on Collision Course at first, but I've looked past the fact that it was with JayZ and heck, even some of Jay's song I don't get tired of listening to.

    It feels as if I've grown up with the music of the band, like it has formed who I am each and every day. I like the fact that anyone can listen to their music and go 'o yeah, I can totally relate to a situation like that'... But to call Meteora and Hybrid Theory childish and angsty just isn't right.. Look at all the 'emo' music out there, that could also be classified as childish and angst aswell if you look deep down into the lyrics.

    And for the person who said that them taking a break was selfish, how would you feel working your butt off on tour, recording and performing day in day out for ages, you would want a well deserved break wouldn't you? And that is exactly what they took; a well deserved break.

    I am just waiting patiently for the latest release, Qwerty for now as quenched my thirst for more..

    That is my opinion anyways...
  2. erasethepain

    erasethepain Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2003
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    You guys should be more worried about having a life than being a true fan.
  3. erasethepain

    erasethepain Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2003
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    Use it to your advantage. Look at how LP were marketed with Hybrid Theory and compare it to now. The first album, the image they carried, was genuis.
  4. Chris Luke

    Chris Luke LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 15, 2004
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  5. hybridtheory_gc

    hybridtheory_gc Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    This new album will probably attract older fans since its influences are older bands and according to them, it is more classic rock oriented.
  6. Vdalem

    Vdalem Purrfect! LPA Super VIP

    Dec 17, 2006
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    People fail to realize that most bands, great bands, have about 3 or 4 year inbetween albums. To me, only boy bands have albums out every year! I don't hear anyone complaining about bands like Good Charlotte and Maroon 5 or Green Day having no new album out yet.
  7. [LP]Ori*[LP]

    [LP]Ori*[LP] Guest

    I agree with you.. c'mon guys Linkin Park is just taking their time to do the new album because they want it to be EXCELLENT, an "5 THUMBS UP ALBUM"..
    I really have a good feeling about this third album..
    Fans are really desperate and excited too.. everyone is watching them, and trying to get a "taste" of the new album..
    They just have to pick the perfect first single for this album and I bet it is going to shake up the top charts at its first minute on sale and make the #1 spot on sales and favorites, and most played, etc..
    Just give them time..:D
  8. lparks41

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    Ummm Wouldn't you say that most good bands take about 2 years on average? To say the best bands take 3-4 years is pushing it a little bit. The only bands that take this long to make a new cd are like Metallica and Tool, it's not that common really.
  9. lparks41

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    I think the die core fanbase of linkin park will always be with them to support them, such as the lpunderground and lpstreetteam, but this is a very narrow audience compared to the crowds their up against when the curtains fall in the spring...

    A lot of the casual listeners of the band were very turned off by Collision Course and the extremely unnecessarily long era of time after Meteora was released with no new album to listen to. I'll admit, at times it was devestating even for me to wait such a long period of time wondering when they would ever put the third album out...

    I am a fan of all of linkin park's albums, but in general I'd have to say they've taken a huge plunge over the years by their seeming absence from the spotlight. Linkin Park have dived off the deep end of thier commercial success to fall into becoming a behind the scenes band through time...

    Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily, no. It just means that a lot of the once casual listeners of the band are now turned of by their sound. If you take a poll of any large group of casual listeners of linkin park, you'll find that the majority of them just don't care about the band anymore or have lost interest. How do I know this? Because I've seen it happen and know what people out there really think. But who can blame them? Linkin Park has been gone for way too long. The last time they were popular I was a senior in high school...haha

    So what does Linkin Park do? They make a comeback with this next album. They have a chance to redeem themselves, but it's not going to be easy.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2006
  10. [LP]Ori*[LP]

    [LP]Ori*[LP] Guest

    Just like I said, they need a really good single to shake things up again..
    Talking about the album.. I watched a show in Fuse ((Cannot remember well)), where the cast was talking about artirts that were going to be back at 2007.
    The show was called "2007 Surprises",
    well the thing is that the ones that were hosting the show talked about Justin Timberlake, Avril Lavigne, Green Day, Fall out boy, Christina Aguilera and, of course, Linkin Park.

    They talked about Linkin Park for a while and said that the band is "well-in under pressure", such a band that has selled over 33 million copies of album (without including LPU and DVDs) and is still the best selling band in USA, can be a brast again in 2007, depending on their fans.

    One of the hoster said:
    "What is it gonna be like?, the band has been out for so long, and yet there are many fans that are waiting for them. Another plot point in here is that Linkin Park has selled so many copies worldwide that everybody hopes that the band is gonna shake charts, but since illegal share files programs has been downloaded in almost every single computer, this could mean that the sales for Linkin Park could be dissapointed."

    They also said:
    "Such people as Beyonce, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake has selled not even over 3 million copies and still their songs are everywhere, so is
    Linkin Park going to be another member in the crew "Not selling albums like before"??, nobody knows for sure."
    - I found that last critic kinda isulting for the band.. I mean, first of all, they are not the same genre and people right now are more into rock-nunmetal-alternative, which gives a really good opportunity for the band. But what they said is true, the sellings have dropped down really impressive...

    So, what do you guys think about Linkin Park's fans and sellings for their third album??
  11. lparks41

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    It will defenetly sell well over two million copies worldwide, but it may not compare to the successes of Hybrid Theory or Meteora...

    The more touring Linkin Park does on the thrid album, the more copies it will sell in my opinion. It also somewhat depends on how decent the sound of the album is as well, and how well it is marketed. It all depends on so many things that we can't base a judgment off of yet, not for how many copies it will sell anyway.

    One thing I found that was disapointing that Linkin Park did recentlly, was how they all of a sudden changed their minds to release their catalog of albums out on i-tunes. If you remember back a couple of years ago, linkin park originally were against selling their songs on i-tunes, because they felt that albums should be experienced as a whole. But it's kind of like they gave into a trend when they changed their minds. I think the switch to i-tunes will just make album sales decrease overall and was a mistake on their part. Because thats just the trend these days, people are buying less and less albums and are more likely to just go for songs off of i-tunes or go for file sharing like fuse said.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2006
  12. Harlz

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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    See, the whole i-tunes era we're in. it means you cant compare album sales, all you can do is see what is the highest selling album of the year, and thats the best comparison you can make these days IMO
  13. LP_rocks

    LP_rocks New Member

    Dec 26, 2006
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    so that's what?? hu? sell the album on i- tunes?? they have turned crazy... so what?? i mean, can't they change they're mind?
  14. Glenn

    Glenn Super Member LPA Super Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    I think what happened was that most people responded when they heard about Linkin Park a lot. The media covered a lot about Linkin Park in 2003 when Meteora was released. Then when Mike Shindoa went to Fort Minor and LP did a lot of side projects, they weren't as talked about. You and I heard about it because we visit this site but the mass majority did not. When the new album is released, people will hear about them again because the media will release a lot about the new album.

    Now on to my opinion of the new album. I am very skeptical that Linkin Park will move on to different styles; I am inclined to think that the band will go with the "tried and true" sound. They claimed to have moved on to a new sound with Meteora, but people were sick of that after awhile and claimed it was trying to replicated HT. I believe the same thing will happen with the new album. If the sound is the same, I don't think I'm even going to buy it just because I'll be so disappointed from the hype.
  15. Fox

    Fox Love & Trolls LPA Super Member

    Jan 3, 2007
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    Well one of my best friends, Elisa, thinks that LP is going through what happened to Britney Spears.. she says:

    Britney was all famous and everybody was so in love with her, and everybody wanted to be her, to have her CDs, her concerts, and she was plenty much everywhere.. but now, think again, who the heck is Britney Spears??
    She's nobody but some artist that likes publicity and everybody is over her...

    But what Elisa refers with Britney Spears and LP, (she explained this to me after I was complainning with her that LP was not a band that were around making publicity or anything), is that LP was the band for everybody.
    Everybody wanted to be them, they were everywhere and now instead of being any artist, they are legend. And fans were there, but now they are probably gone or apart because LP has been out for so long.
    It all depends on how LP is going respond or answer to their old fans with this new album.. so everyone could be:
    "WOOOWWW, they are fecking backkk!! and soo much betterrr..!!"^_^
  16. P.D.

    P.D. Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    I don't think they have lost fans.......
  17. erasethepain

    erasethepain Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2003
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    We will see with new album.
  18. Crono

    Crono Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Hi everyone, I'm from Georgia (Europe). Here are LP's a lot of fans. Most of my friends realy like LP. What about me, LP & Limp Bizkit are 2 bands that I like too much. Mike Shinoda Is greatest vocalist I've ever listened to, so LP has many fans that's truth. Linkin Park was, is and will be the greatest band in the world!!!
  19. Fox

    Fox Love & Trolls LPA Super Member

    Jan 3, 2007
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    Actually, it's not even the sellings that decide how many fans any band has..
    It's the concert, since everybody download the songs and the whole album by illegal programs..

    But we'll see.. I think they still have a lot of fans it's just a matter of time for people to get to listen to them again.. It's just like any band..
    People like Linkin Park, but since the band hasn't been promoted anywhere yet, the people or fans doesn't follow them.. if you know what I mean..

    Spring 2007.! :lol:
  20. NOT Mrs. Hahn

    NOT Mrs. Hahn Banned

    May 9, 2004
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    even a few guys (at a non lp forum) said that they thought lp broke up
    its just because they didnt release an album for such a long time
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