You can only made predictions if you've heard or three songs from the upcoming album. Please read the first post, Dan.
A lot of people don't bother reading the first post and there have already been a lot of predictions in this thread that there is no way people heard 2-3 songs from the CDs that they chose.
Keep in mind that a lot of those choices were made in 2006, when it was actually allowed. Since it's 2007 now, you can't do that. It's pretty straightforward.
No, and yes. And that's not proof enough. I haven't heard all the new fall of troy, just A man A plan A canal or whatever it's called. It wasn't bad, definitely not, but I like older fall of troy more. What I don't know is how you can have a best albums of 2007, when it's only 21 days into 07. If you were to have a best albums of 06 now, that would make sense.
I know you do it everyyear. No where in my sentence did I say, This is the first year you did it. All I said was that it would make more sense the other way.
Are you seriously trying to start a fight with me over something as stupid as this? I'm not going to have a bickering match with someone who likes the used. So you may as well stop fighting with me.
Uh oh LPA beef. And new Hot Cross is my new favorite of 07 so far. Amazing record, peep it Will when you get the chance, you'd love it. And Cameron too.
Don't insult other people's musical tastes. That's a warning. These threads are often started early in the year and just updated through the year as new albums come out. That's how it's done. Who cares about logistics?
Now because I have heard about 5 albums that are being released early this year, I think it's safe to start posting what CDs I've liked the most. 01:: Fall Out Boy - Infinity on High 02:: Saliva - Blood Stained Love Story 03:: The Good, The Bad, & The Queen - The Good, The Bad, & The Queen 04:: Bloc Party - A Weekend in the City 05:: !!! - Myth Takes
01. Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High 02. A Day To Remember - For Those Who Have Heart 03. Explosions In The Sky - All Of A Sudden, I Miss Everyone 04. Bloc Party - A Weekend In The City 05. LoveHateHero - White Lies
where did you hear these? I've looked everywhere (torrents, etc.) and even their myspace, but nothing.... did you hear them at a concert?
1.) Machine Head - The Blackening 2.) Fall Out Boy - Infinity on High 3.) No More Kings - S/T 4.) Saliva - Blood Stained, Love Story
01:: Fall Out Boy - Infinity on High 02:: Young Love - Too Young to Fight It 03:: Saliva - Blood Stained Love Story 04:: The Good, The Bad, & The Queen - The Good, The Bad, & The Queen 05:: Bloc Party - A Weekend in the City