Kudos Magazine Reviews "Minutes to Midnight"

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Apr 19, 2007.

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  1. #1
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    After several glowing pre-album reviews for Minutes To Midnight, along comes a review which manages to bring confusion and a lack of clarity as to whether the album is a hit or a miss. Presented below is the text straight from Kudos Magazine's Minutes to Midnight pre album review:

    1. Wake
    To begin their long awaited album, Linkin Park choose to gently set the wheels in motion rather than forcefully kick-starting lively music which fans have come to expect. Instead, they present a slow, short intro track with a synth-heavy melody and a nice building ambiance, which gradually increases in volume. 4/5

    2. Given Up
    The smoothness is soon thrown out the window however when the scratchy turntable sound of this second track transforms into a gargantuan heavy rock riff. This is possibly the most in-your-face song on the entire record – the punk rock style drumbeats are brash, the guitars thrash and Chester Bennington sings his lungs out. When it reaches the bridge, he goes from singing to screaming the line, “You put me out of my misery” over and over again. It’s heated, emotional and enjoyable, but the track definitely feels like it’s missing a certain something. 3/5

    3. Leave Out All The Rest
    From one extreme to another, three tracks in and we’re presented with a ballad. It’s very listenable pop rock with tranquil vocals and dominant bass guitar. It seems odd to position such a slow-paced tune so early into the album but it’s radio friendly style is bound to be popular with many. The piece of music does end rather abruptly though and you may be left wanting more. 3/5

    4. Bleed It Out
    This is much more like the Linkin Park we’re used to hearing. Mike Shinoda starts off with a casual rap before trading off with Chester and some insightful lyrics, “I bring it out, bring it in deeper just to throw it away.” The song’s structure revolves around four simple chords with screaming vocals leading up to the catchy chorus. Piano adds an extra dimension to the track but overall it’s a little repetitive and flat, ending abruptly again. Saying that, we can see this being released as a successful single in the future. 4/5

    5. Shadow Of The Day
    Possibly the most listener friendly song on ‘Minutes To Midnight,’ the style is very soft yet clear with both vocals and bass taking a poppy turn. Percussion comes across clear and dominant, but overall the song remains average in terms of technicality. It seems to offer nothing more than a break-up in the record, but its dreamy nature is quite certain to be a hit with the fans. 2/5

    6. What I’ve Done
    Generally a hit from the moment it is played, ‘What I’ve Done’ soars with a catchy chorus and likeable verses, before developing into a brilliant bridge and climatic ending. A gentle guitar solo midway adds depth and versatility before another welcome chorus. The haunting piano and synthetic drums combine to create a fantastic addition to Linkin Park’s third album and a perfect choice for their first single. 5/5

    “What I’ve Done” Video
    7. Hands Held High
    The marching drumbeat and simple melody is an ideal backdrop to Shinoda’s poetic rapping and it has certainly developed in the space of two previous albums and his hip-hip focused side project Fort Minor. Again, Chester’s melodic singing comes in later but the central theme of the song does seem to be soldier’s homecoming in the aftermath of war. Maybe it was written to get those arms flailing lighters around at rock festivals. Either way, it’s still an impressive track. 4/5

    8. No More Sorrow
    Opening up with a creeping lead guitar, ‘No More Sorrow’ rocks heads with a deep double-bass drumming intro switching over to a simple paradiddle on the snare. Definitely the best chorus of the album so far, with an enigmatic riff and emotional shouting from Bennington. The tune flows naturally with a heavy bridge followed by a modulation and even higher pitched screaming. There’s no DJ elements to this song and it has to be said that some of the vocals and drumming becomes repetitive fast – even more noticeable is the fact that the band don’t seem to be stretching themselves in terms of song writing techniques. 3/5

    9. Valentine’s Day
    After a somewhat depressive two minutes of ballad-laden lyrics and slow-moving guitars, it finally kicks in with another extremely infective hook and harmonious backing vocals. “On a Valentines day” is passionately sung with interesting vocals spoken over the top, before annoyingly ending abruptly and letting the song down. 2/5

    10. In Between
    If there’s a point in the album where it’s easy to see that the songs are starting to lose their flair, this is it. Those sweetly spoken vocals are back once again alongside grainy drumbeats, but without any differences in tempo there’s nothing exciting here. It’s peaceful, but there’s no denying this is a weak ballad track amongst Linkin Park’s repertoire of excellence. 1/5

    11. In Pieces
    Thankfully, faith is restored with quite simply the highlight of the album. This is soft yet rhythmic with synthetic drumming you can’t fail to be taken in by. The stirring piano and powerful bass proves to be a winning combination for the band – with vocals at their best only boosting the song further. Another build up after a few minutes adds more magic to the piece, with sweet sounds and eventually more heavily distorted guitars, minus screaming. The song slows down and ends dramatically with a simple beat and ska-style guitar plucking. 5/5

    12. The Little Things You Give Away
    Acoustic guitar and Linkin Park in the same sentence? You better believe it. One last ballad, with those great mechanical style drums and melodic vocals from Chester rounds ‘Minutes To Midnight’ off fruitfully. When the bass cuts in, the song hits another dimension before ending a reasonably decent record. There’s not many heavy tracks – instead, Linkin Park have shifted to crafting softer, easier listening songs like this one. Despite it not being a patch on ‘Hybrid Theory, ’it still delivers and the fans will almost surely be lapping this up after its release on 14 May. 4/5

    “Minutes To Midnight” garners a preliminary 8/10 Kudos rating overall.
    From the sounds of this review it sounds like the album is a ballad heavy CD that droops in some parts and excels in others. Whether or not this will hold true to Linkin Park fans is just something we'll have to see when the album hits stores in less than a month.

    Source: http://www.kudosmagazine.com/?p=833

    Thanks to fordmoo for the news!
  2. #2

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    Like I said, it's not the best review I've ever read but it still doesn't actually have much bad to say even if three of the songs got less than 3/5. How does an overall 8/10 constitute a bad review anyway? People's expectations probably shouldn't be so high for a Linkin Park album.
  3. #3

    Mkoli2 Active Member

    Jan 11, 2007
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    These ratings aren't very good....:unsure:
  4. #4
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    In the same respect, I've seen albums I absolutely adore get trashed by reviewers (The Open Door by Evanescence was called the worst album of 2006..a few times :|) and then really bad ones get high ratings. Music reviews are hardly accurate and shouldn't be trusted anymore.

    A bad review for Minutes to Midnight could be a good thing for us fans, as LP have never been 100% praised by the media.

    Also, if he says a song or too ends abruptly it kinda means he wants to hear more (in my mind) which is a good thing.
  5. #5

    Seinfeld We are the nobodies LPA Super Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I actually thought most of this was pretty...positive...
  6. #6

    musicphreke Living Thing

    Oct 22, 2005
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    Now I'm worried. I had high hopes until I read that. Two songs rated 5/5, several 2 or 3/5...ouch. Sounds like LP went soft on us according this guys review. He may be very critical on it maybe if he's trying to compare it to their previous work. I still look at the bright side of the AOL review though, so now it's kinda neutralized altogether for me. I have to say I really am not all "uber excited" about the album like I was before, though.

    You do make a good point though, Derek. Some albums are reviewed to sound worse than they are when in fact they're a completely great album. And you know, it's usually a bit of a change in the artist's sound that is sometimes a killer on reviews, too. Very possible for this album. "LP have never been 100% praised by the media" says it all.

    Edit: Apparently he didn't take a liking to the Mike vocals on "In Between" according to his review and worst rating of the review. Says it's the worst track. Bleh. We'll see.
  7. #7

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I can't judge the album based on this poorly written review, or any review for that matter.

  8. #8

    lpcrawling Active Member

    Mar 20, 2007
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    Yeah it was mostly positive, even for the poorly rated songs they had something good to say about it. I don't really put much value into what they say if they gave what i've done a 5/5. Personally, I thought the song was good, but not great. I still have faith in the rest of the album.
  9. #9
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Honestly the review was pretty crap in terms of quality of the writing. It seems like a child wrote the article.

    I wouldn't trust it at all, especially when they act like WID is the best song on the album.
  10. #10

    arbaks Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2005
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    actually this was a veeeeeery positive review...

    i go more hyped up with this review, LP never dissaponints...

    i dont know what some were expecting, Stairway To Heaven or something???
  11. #11

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    "deep double-bass drumming"

    could it be?
  12. #12

    Diablorojo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2007
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    at least they said the word ´´´BASS´´ a few times.
  13. #13

    Arlene Oh what tangled webs we weave LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    I thought that most of this sounded pretty positive, besides a few that he said weren't good but he thinks will be a bit with the fans. So we'll have to see. And I agree with Studious Derek, you can't really trust music reviews anymore. But hey, 8/10, that sounds pretty freaking sweet to me, eh?
  14. #14

    arbaks Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2005
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    exactlly this sound very positive i dont know why are you worried...
  15. #15

    _darkstar_ Active Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    Im not going to trust what one reviewer has to say. or any reviewer for that matter. I want to listen to it myself and then make the decision as to whether or not I liked it. Im sure I wont be dissapointed though.
  16. #16

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    In general, the review seems to be very positive. However, other than describing how some of the songs sound, there's really no analysis or insight into the songs. Only a couple lyrics are mentioned, only a couple descriptions on the various sounds are mentioned...

    Very poorly done review. Meh. Best review is to listen yourself! We'll hear very soon.
  17. #17

    chaosblade Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Interesting, Yet, As Derek and several others said.. Completely useless in actually getting somewhat of a preconception of the album.

    With having that said.. As always - Listen to the album YOURSELF before you judge or decide anything.
  18. #18

    -x-ecks-x- Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Whoever wrote this is on some wonderful drug.

    WID is not by far a good LP song (really dunno why it's MtM's first single) and not a 5/5. After I read that part I stopped reading. The person mentions songs ending abruptly... a lot. Songs DO end.

    Still not hyped about this album, which for me... is for the best.
  19. #19

    general41391 Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2007
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    When this leaks, I will NOT listen to a single song! I want to be surprised. It will be hard as hell, but I will do it.

    And a 8/10 is amazing. Even 7/10 is good.

    Besides, the only review that matters is your own.

    We do know that one song is less than 3 minutes. The review stated that in Valentine's Day. that makes me a tad worried.
  20. #20
    Fleur de Lys

    Fleur de Lys Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    I am looking forward to Mike singing In Between and this guy ain't going to ruin it.

    And he rates What I've Done 5/5 wtf :ermm:
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