I don't really know if this is serious or not because come on, it's Colbert, but it was posted on AP. Source: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hFzxF7XLwi7Il2DVEE6la0NVo--gD8SAVFE00
He'd be the hands-down winner of the election, though I'm not so sure he'd be able to handle the Office of the President of the United States.
I saw this last night on both shows. Absolutely hilarious. I wonder how far he'll go with this, because I can certainly see him winning a primary with his popularity. He'd probably bring out the largest youth vote in South Carolina history. There's a $25,000 sign-up fee to run, so he had Doritos sponsor his candidacy tonight. !
Yeah. I think America did that two years in a row with Bush . While I'm a fan of Stephen Colbert, I would be quite disappointed in voters if he...won. But I think if he actually won the whole election he would probably stand down... That summary was just hilarious though.
I think this is just a publicity stunt, albeit a funny one. Colbert is a smart man, so I expect a lot of great material to come out of this for his show. @esaul17: WOW... Bush was voted in two YEARS in a row. I thought those elections went by fast, but DAMN!
Ahh too bad it's too late! bugger the economy, I'd vote for them just 'cos they are like the opposite of Howard!