Source 1 Source 2 Well I for one think this is great, and being as I don't think Iowa can have anything like prop 8 for a year and a half it makes it even more great. so yeah, I wasn't really expecting this though. Especially not from a mid-eastern state..
Vermont just passed a similar law: Now if California would just get on with it already! Seriously, Iowa of all the places approved it before California did?
Wow, Vermont too? This is really awesome. And I have no idea how Iowa got it before California, it makes my head spin!
But... but... this'll just destroy the American family as we know it! We cannot allow this! I... Sorry. I think I was struck by a temporary case of illogical dipshit.
The funny thing is, Gay couples sometimes work better than Male and Female couples. It's an odd, but cool thing to see. Like a punch in the face to yester-year.
It's about time, but I doubt this is going to last. In another six months, some fascist is going to lobby to have gay marriage banned again.
Another state to add to the gay-marriage bill Maine to allow gay marriage.. ?
Actually, the correct term would be Fascist Republican, but I digress. And yeah, I heard about the Maine thing. Good for them, and I really hope it lasts, but again, it's just a matter of time until someone decides to lobby to have it banned again. It's the people that lobby to ban it that make me lose hope for the human race.
Your a fascist if your a republican, Your a Communist if your democrat. Pfft. Please. Different Ideals aren't needed to be called to the extreme. I really hope that it stays for Maine. I mean, I've lost pretty much alot of hope for the human race. Not passing this would ruin alot of it's redeeming potential.
I don't know, there's been a lot of same sex marriage tolerance lately. Iowa, Vermont, Maine.... all less than 6 months apart. Which I find pretty surprising But in about half a year it might be put to an end, sadly.
Sometimes. I thought I'd read something about how the divorce rates were really high. Right winged propaganda, no doubt.
I believe everyone should have the same rights of getting married. Whether your skin color is darker or lighter, or you are marrying someone the same sex or not, everyone should have the same opportunities. So I'm very glad Iowa passed the law allowing the marriages.
I'm thinking you dont quite have the grasp of the term "fascist" because if you did you'd know we have a fascist in the White House right now. What else would you call it when the government owns/runs private corporations and the disdain of Republicans and conservatives that is being spewed by our media on a daily basis? This country is beginning to go down a path it may never recover from when our great grandchildren inherit more than just the debt we are saddling them with right now. The scary part, no one in the general population seems to even care.
It varies really. Obama seems to have some policies in line with some implemented by fascism, but the same goes for the average conservative as it implements stuff from both ends of the spectrum. As I understand it fascism is essentially socialism with added hyper-nationalist and imperialist elements. Being anti-gay marriage on a moral level is definitely fascist in my view, because fascism puts extra emphasis on social Darwinism and traditional relationships between a man and a woman where the latter is submissive to the former, and there isn't a lot to differentiate between that and the reasons people normally give for being against it.
Same here. No, I know exactly what fascist means, and what fascism is. I'm referring not to Republicans in general, but the Republicans who consistently lobby to ban gay marriage. It sickens me, and yes, from a moral standpoint, I see them as fascists. I don't see what you're talking about with the media thing. That's been happening for ages, and it's not because of who's in office.