New LP Album Out By June 2010?

Discussion in 'News' started by Andrea, Oct 27, 2009.

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  1. Babali

    Babali Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    I don't think M2M, DBS, or Fort Minor represent what the new album is going to sound like. I think that M2M was a very safe album, while it was also very daring, but they had to play it smart. It kind of feels like it was a test. To see if they could still survive, to see how changing their sound a little bit goes, etc. They got a very definite reaction from M2M that I think they've thought very long about, and also thought very long about what the fans want to hear and what they want to play on stage.

    M2M seems like a lost Linkin Park to me. They lost their identity for a bit because after the brilliance and huge success of Hybrid Theory and Meteora, where do you go? The fans are demanding one thing, the record company is demanding another, you have many emotions and life is going on crazy as ever, if not crazier after all the stardom. We know the members have gone through many transformations from Meteora to M2M, from M2M to now, so I'm thinking this coming record is going to be unexpected and a pleasant surprise.

    I have hope it will bring back some of these fans that seem to have lost a lot of faith in them after M2M.

    We'll see. :)

    TRANSLYDE Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Well done, sir. If that means I can look forward to this album sounding radically different from the older albums but still not have it sound anything like the dreaded MTM, then I'm a happy man.
  3. Rosh

    Rosh Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2007
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    Same. MtM was very bland apart from Wake, BIO, and to a lesser extent, In Pieces. They are a lot better band than they showed on MtM, and we know they can do a lot better. I want to hear that atmosphericness they brought to the table in the first two albums that made them epic.
  4. $pvcxGhxztCasey

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Yeah, the one album they actually showed progression in evolving their sound with was very bland. But the first one, and the xerox copy follow-up, those were good albums! what. You want to hear atmospheric qualities from them "like in the first two"? "Minutes to Midnight" had the most atmosphere out of all of their albums. It wasn't just about the generic topics of trying to fit in and anger and depression, it dealt with real world issues, and the music (The Little Things Give You Away, Hands Held High, In Between, etc), those are songs I want Chester and Mike and the rest of the crew being remembered for, not some sappy whiny ballad like "Breaking the Habit". I never saw the big deal with BTH and why it was so good, either. But I digress. MTM was in alot of ways the same, but it was in alot of ways very different.

  5. Jordan

    Jordan Secret Robot

    Apr 17, 2007
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    First two albums were pretty generic nu-metal, MTM was pretty good but had a few throwaway songs. Will judge the new one when i listen to it.
  6. _cam_

    _cam_ Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2008
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    New Album this June 2010? That's Good. I'm not expecting anything so different from LP because all my expectations died already. :lol: Anyway, Im just happy for the new album and whatever it would be, I'm gonna support LP whole heartledly. Plus, this new album is an evidence that LP didn't broke up. I'm so tired of explaining to friends who are asking me if LP just broke up because of Chaz's side project. lol.

    God Speed LP =)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2009

    TRANSLYDE Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    "Generic topics of trying to fit in and anger and depression, it dealt with real world issues"

    For some of us, being involved in real world issues in our daily lives is tiring enough. When I listen to music, I look for something that is lyrically more personal and heartfelt. I'm not looking for my favorite bands to tell me what president they voted for; they have their own views, so good for them, but I listen to music to feel something.

    Also I wasn't the one who said he wanted something atmospheric. Though to that end, KRWLING and BTH are plenty atmospheric. And BTH is among my favorite songs, but that's just because it had this amazing rhythm to it.
  8. Babali

    Babali Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    Xerox copy? Whaaaaat? If you think Meteora was a xerox copy then I don't think you're a real fan of Linkin Park's art. And actually the first two, and Reanimation, had a lot more atmosphere than Minutes to Midnight. They admitted they stripped down a lot of the atmosphere for it, so I'd like to see them go back.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009

    TRANSLYDE Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    I wouldn't deign to call anything this band writes "art," though they've come close on occasion. They're a rock band; they provide entertainment, not any sort of transcendent message of life.
  10. Babali

    Babali Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    I strongly disagree. And this is not to create drama and or anything but I'm quite sure they write music to help people and not just to entertain the general population with catchy pop tunes.
  11. Dean

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    For better or for worse, most of Meteora is a xerox of the formulas they used on Hybrid Theory. Not to mention it has about as much atmosphere as Pluto.
  12. Babali

    Babali Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    I'll agree with you that a lot of the formulas were similar. But so effing what? How many bands do you follow that do verse chorus verse chorus? It's how you do it in most music, brutha. Sure they did that same formula practically all music uses, but the songs all sound very very different. Nothing on Hybrid Theory sounds like Hit The Floor, Breaking The Habit. Numb? And those songs don't have atmosphere? Nobody's Listening? Come on!
  13. Trumtram

    Trumtram Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2002
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    you have a very strange definition of atmosphere.
    every song has a different mood but most of them feel clinicly dead.
    you would do well if you stop going on everyone's nerves. we all read your opinion and most of us disagree with it so you do with ours.
    can't we put an end to this now?
  14. Babali

    Babali Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    No, I'm just discussing this with people, and in a polite manner. It's all relevant discussion for Linkin Park's upcoming album and the direction they're going. Why are you so disturbed? If you think there isn't any atmosphere in Easier to Run or Numb then I think you're deaf.

    Now, I'm not saying there wasn't any atmosphere on Minutes to Midnight. I think they've always been very cinematic and atmospheric with their music.

    btw, before replying to me about how there is no atmosphere in those songs I urge all of you to actually listen through and note all of the musical intricacies in them.

    Breaking The Habit is obviously also very atmospheric, so is Session. I think Mike Shinoda is just, in general, an atmospheric sort of artist. You can see it in his painting.

    I also wouldn't mind more songs like Leave Out All The Rest on the next album.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  15. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I've been trying to get an end to this for a few posts now, but apparentely nobody listens to the adminstrator of this board.

    And yes, I'm talking about you Babali. You've made your point several times now, we get it...but you keep starting up and getting on the defensive and thinking people are attacking you when they're not.

    We're not attacking you, we're just really sick and tired of hearing it. Can people not express a negative opinion of the album or express their OWN thoughts without you combating them on everything they say? Just because this is a fan board does not mean the fans have to blindly support everything the band does. That's why the band and LPU like us because we're brutally honest. We're not a**kissers, and I wouldn't want it to be that way.

    So again, for the third time now Babali (in this thread alone): stop feeling the need to give a rebuttal for every negative opinion towards the band in this thread and on these forums. People are allowed to be critical of the band if they want to, and just because you don't like it..doesn't mean they're wrong or that you have to prove them wrong everytime.

    Again this is not an attack, and we're not going postal on you. We're asking you to stop.
  16. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Linkin Park is going to expand on the letters of the alphabet song. It's actually going to be multiple albums, the first of which will deal with letters A-N, and the first track will be titled. And Now Some Grandiose Insanity.

    But more seriously, I hope we get at least one single before June.
  17. Babali

    Babali Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    I don't think you're getting my point at all, Derek. I never felt like anyone was specifically talking about me. I don't feel like anyone has been attacking me, although I think your post is a little unfair. I'm not allowed to share my opinion anymore because it's not negative and is a rebuttal to negative opinion? I thought this was a message board where we could discuss things and share opinions in civil manners, but it seems like those days are just about dead.

    I'm just trying to discuss the upcoming Linkin Park record with other fans. Each time I've tried to not just say the same nonsense again and make yet another relevant point. Like when people say Linkin Park isn't art, or that Meteora is a xerox copy. I'm not allowed to respond to that? So my opinion differs from theirs. I have done no a**kissing and am brutally honest. I also am no fanboy and Linkin Park are not one of my top five favorite artists. But I'm not deaf and I know that there is definite atmosphere to all of Linkin Park's music and that yes, it is art. I think I've made decent points and I have continued relevant discussion about Linkin Park's evolution.
  18. Dean

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    I think we're at the point where there's actual discussion in this thread instead of pointless arguing, more or less.
  19. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Guys..just do what you feel you need to do.

    Some take it as arguing in here, some don't. All I'm trying to do here is maintain the peace, as it seems like there is some bad blood in this thread.

    Unfortunately it feels like this is a thread that will have to die down on it's own.
  20. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I had to post based on this statement.

    I would like to know where in Nobody's Listening that you hear an atmospheric sound. Because to me, it just sounds like a badly done hip-hop sample with distorted guitars.

    Compare this to say, The Little Things Give You Away, specifically the bridge right before the guitar solo. The background gets to me every time. The end of Chester's vocals in the chorus before echoes throughout this section and has some cool stuff done to it. The guitar and drums are very artfully done and is perhaps one of my favorite parts of MTM. Easily one of my favorite moments in any Linkin Park album.
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